blob: af739b89700452f1fe882f3c475b9779c1d7cba0 [file] [log] [blame]
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text run at (0,0) width 457: "This test can only be run with DRT and not manually from the browser. "
text run at (457,0) width 325: "This test makes sure that we don't make the mistake"
text run at (0,18) width 738: "of adding new m_containerElements to the DeletionUI over and over again. A successful run of the test will not have"
text run at (0,36) width 450: "multiple instances of deletion UI render objects at the same coordinates:"
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text run at (1,1) width 743: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas odio. Morbi sed tortor id nisl bibendum commodo."
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text run at (1,19) width 739: "Donec pede. Praesent accumsan dui vitae mauris. Mauris non dui at neque lacinia pulvinar. Quisque nibh. Nulla vitae"
text run at (740,19) width 4: " "
text run at (1,37) width 715: "lectus. Pellentesque enim. Mauris hendrerit molestie dui. Etiam pretium ligula a pede. Fusce consectetuer purus sit"
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text run at (1,55) width 353: "amet sem. Morbi tincidunt mollis libero. Maecenas mole"
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