blob: bae5385d1d96d4431408ebf679ddcd3b5a541e2b [file] [log] [blame]
Makes sure transactions stop on navigation to a new page.
If the previous page's transaction is blindly charging forward, this test will probably timeout.
If the previous page's connection/transactions did not clean up properly, the delete request in this test will incorrectly be blocked.
If every thing is peachy keen, the delete request in this test will correctly succeed.
<div id="logger"></div>
function log(msg)
document.getElementById("logger").innerHTML += msg + "";
function done()
if (window.testRunner)
// Calling "deleteDatabase" while there are already open connections causes those connections to first receive a versionChange event.
// If the transaction/connection from the previous page is still active, then deleting the database will timeout because the previous connection will never be able to respond to the version change event.
// Deleting the database should immediately succeed.
var request = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase('transactions-stop-on-navigation.html');
request.onsuccess = deleteSuccess;
request.onblocked = deleteBlocked;
function deleteSuccess()
log("Delete request was successful.");
function deleteBlocked()
log("Delete request was blocked - it should not have been.");