| This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL. |
| |
| Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance2/misc/instanceof-test.html |
| [ 1: PASS ] gl instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext is true |
| [ 2: PASS ] gl.createBuffer() instanceof WebGLBuffer is true |
| [ 3: PASS ] gl.createFramebuffer() instanceof WebGLFramebuffer is true |
| [ 4: PASS ] gl.createProgram() instanceof WebGLProgram is true |
| [ 5: PASS ] gl.createRenderbuffer() instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer is true |
| [ 6: PASS ] gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER) instanceof WebGLShader is true |
| [ 7: PASS ] gl.createTexture() instanceof WebGLTexture is true |
| [ 8: FAIL ] gl.createQuery() instanceof WebGLQuery should be true. Was false. |
| [ 9: FAIL ] gl.createSampler() instanceof WebGLSampler should be true. Was false. |
| [ 10: FAIL ] gl.createTransformFeedback() instanceof WebGLTransformFeedback should be true. Was false. |
| [ 11: PASS ] gl.createVertexArray() instanceof WebGLVertexArrayObject is true |
| [ 12: PASS ] gl.getUniformLocation(program, "color") instanceof WebGLUniformLocation is true |
| [ 13: PASS ] gl.getActiveAttrib(program, 0) instanceof WebGLActiveInfo is true |
| [ 14: PASS ] gl.getActiveUniform(program, 0) instanceof WebGLActiveInfo is true |
| [ 15: PASS ] new WebGLRenderingContext threw an error |
| [ 16: PASS ] new WebGLActiveInfo threw an error |
| [ 17: PASS ] new WebGLBuffer threw an error |
| [ 18: PASS ] new WebGLFramebuffer threw an error |
| [ 19: PASS ] new WebGLProgram threw an error |
| [ 20: PASS ] new WebGLRenderbuffer threw an error |
| [ 21: PASS ] new WebGLShader threw an error |
| [ 22: PASS ] new WebGLTexture threw an error |
| [ 23: PASS ] new WebGLUniformLocation threw an error |
| [ 24: PASS ] new WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat threw an error |
| [ 25: PASS ] new WebGLQuery threw an error |
| [ 26: PASS ] new WebGLSampler threw an error |
| [ 27: PASS ] new WebGLSync threw an error |
| [ 28: PASS ] new WebGLTransformFeedback threw an error |
| [ 29: PASS ] new WebGLVertexArrayObject threw an error |
| [ 30: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true |
| [ FAIL ] 3 failures reported |
| |