blob: 03aeea6b9c1a79238a7bbf36c3d75a249a300d1c [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks that const declarations in JavaScript work and are readonly.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
FAIL const redef='a'; const redef='a'; should throw an exception. Was undefined.
PASS a is 1
PASS one is 1
PASS a is 1
PASS one is 1
PASS a is 2
PASS one is 1
PASS a is 0
PASS one is 1
PASS a is 3
PASS one is 1
PASS a is 2
PASS one is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; one++; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const oneString = '1'; return oneString++; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return one++; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; one--; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const oneString = '1'; return oneString--; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return one--; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; ++one; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return ++one; } f(); is 2
PASS function f() { const one = 1; --one; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return --one; } f(); is 0
PASS function f() { const one = 1; one += 2; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return one += 2; } f(); is 3
PASS function f() { const one = 1; one = 2; return one; } f(); is 1
PASS function f() { const one = 1; return one = 2; } f(); is 2
PASS one++ is 1
PASS one is 1
PASS one-- is 1
PASS one is 1
PASS ++one is 2
PASS one is 1
PASS --one is 0
PASS one is 1
PASS one += 1 is 2
PASS one is 1
PASS one = 2 is 2
PASS one is 1
PASS object.inWith1 is 'RIGHT'
PASS inWith2 is 'RIGHT'
PASS (function(){ one = 2; return one; })() is 1
PASS f() is f
PASS const a; is undefined
PASS bodyId is document.getElementById('bodyId')
PASS ranConstInitialiser is true
PASS tryCatch1Result is 5
PASS tryCatch2Result is 5
PASS with1Result is 5
PASS with2Result is 5
PASS successfullyParsed is true