blob: 3ff9e400b5e7ed2dcb07603dfd39cb42cf4f87dd [file] [log] [blame]
Test that CanvasAgent is able to send context attributes.
== Running test suite: Canvas.contextAttributes
-- Running test case: Create2DCanvasContext
Added canvas.
PASS: Canvas context should be "2D".
-- Running test case: CreateBitmapRendererCanvasContext
Added canvas.
PASS: Canvas context should be "Bitmap Renderer".
"alpha": true
-- Running test case: CreateBitmapRendererCanvasContextWithAttributes
Added canvas.
PASS: Canvas context should be "Bitmap Renderer".
"alpha": false
PASS: Canvas context should have attribute "alpha" with value "false".
-- Running test case: CreateWebGLCanvasContext
Added canvas.
PASS: Canvas context should be "WebGL".
"alpha": true,
"depth": true,
"stencil": false,
"antialias": true,
"premultipliedAlpha": true,
"preserveDrawingBuffer": false,
"powerPreference": "<filtered>",
"failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat": false
-- Running test case: CreateWebGLCanvasContextWithAttributes
Added canvas.
PASS: Canvas context should be "WebGL".
"alpha": false,
"depth": true,
"stencil": false,
"antialias": true,
"premultipliedAlpha": true,
"preserveDrawingBuffer": false,
"powerPreference": "<filtered>",
"failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat": false
PASS: Canvas context should have attribute "alpha" with value "false".