blob: f7852105f770b1bbffb65de5b495e8002ec445dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
unittests_gypi = exec_script("//build/",
[ "angle_unittests.gypi" ])
declare_args() {
# Don't build dEQP by default.
build_angle_deqp_tests = false
if (build_with_chromium) {
googletest_deps = [
} else {
googletest_deps = [
config("angle_internal_gtest_config") {
include_dirs = [
static_library("angle_internal_gtest") {
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":angle_internal_gtest_config" ]
config("angle_internal_gmock_config") {
include_dirs = [
static_library("angle_internal_gmock") {
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":angle_internal_gmock_config" ]
group("all") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (build_angle_deqp_tests) {
deps += [
test("angle_unittests") {
include_dirs = [ "$angle_root/src" ]
sources = rebase_path(unittests_gypi.angle_unittests_sources, ".", "../..")
if (angle_enable_hlsl) {
sources +=
rebase_path(unittests_gypi.angle_unittests_hlsl_sources, ".", "../..")
defines = [ "ANGLE_ENABLE_HLSL" ]
if (build_with_chromium) {
sources += [ "//gpu/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "angle_unittests_main.cpp" ]
deps = googletest_deps + [
angle_root + ":libANGLE",
angle_root + ":preprocessor",
angle_root + ":translator",
if (is_win || is_linux || is_mac || is_android) {
end2end_gypi = exec_script("//build/",
[ "angle_end2end_tests.gypi" ])
test("angle_end2end_tests") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_android) {
use_native_activity = true
sources =
rebase_path(end2end_gypi.angle_end2end_tests_sources, ".", "../..")
if (is_win) {
sources += rebase_path(end2end_gypi.angle_end2end_tests_win_sources,
if (use_x11) {
sources += rebase_path(end2end_gypi.angle_end2end_tests_x11_sources,
if (build_with_chromium) {
sources += [ "//gpu/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "angle_end2end_tests_main.cpp" ]
configs += [
angle_root + ":internal_config",
angle_root + ":libANGLE_config",
if (is_linux && !is_component_build) {
# Set rpath to find and even in a non-component build.
configs += [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ]
deps = googletest_deps + [
angle_root + ":angle_image_util",
angle_root + ":angle_util",
angle_root + ":libEGL",
angle_root + ":libGLESv2",
angle_root + ":preprocessor",
angle_root + ":translator",
white_box_gypi = exec_script("//build/",
[ "angle_white_box_tests.gypi" ])
test("angle_white_box_tests") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_android) {
use_native_activity = true
sources =
rebase_path(white_box_gypi.angle_white_box_tests_sources, ".", "../..")
if (is_win) {
sources += rebase_path(white_box_gypi.angle_white_box_tests_win_sources,
# Share the same main file as end2end_tests.
# TODO(jmadill): Probably should rename this if we're sharing.
if (build_with_chromium) {
sources += [ "//gpu/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "angle_end2end_tests_main.cpp" ]
configs += [
angle_root + ":internal_config",
angle_root + ":libANGLE_config",
deps = googletest_deps + [
angle_root + ":angle_util_static",
angle_root + ":libANGLE",
angle_root + ":libEGL_static",
angle_root + ":libGLESv2_static",
angle_root + ":preprocessor",
angle_root + ":translator",
if (is_win || is_linux || is_android || is_mac) {
perftests_gypi = exec_script("//build/",
[ "angle_perftests.gypi" ])
test("angle_perftests") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_android) {
use_native_activity = true
configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni" ]
sources = rebase_path(perftests_gypi.angle_perf_tests_sources, ".", "../..")
if (is_win) {
sources +=
rebase_path(perftests_gypi.angle_perf_tests_win_sources, ".", "../..")
if (build_with_chromium) {
sources += [ "//gpu/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "angle_perftests_main.cpp" ]
configs += [
angle_root + ":internal_config",
angle_root + ":libANGLE_config",
deps = googletest_deps + [
angle_root + ":angle_util_static",
angle_root + ":libANGLE",
angle_root + ":libEGL_static",
angle_root + ":libGLESv2_static",
### dEQP tests
# TODO(jmadill): Other platforms.
if (build_angle_deqp_tests) {
deqp_gypi = exec_script("//build/",
[ "deqp.gypi" ])
config("angle_deqp_support") {
include_dirs = rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_include_dirs, ".", "../..")
if (is_win && !is_clang) {
include_dirs += [ "../deqp/src/framework/platform/win32" ]
cflags = deqp_gypi.deqp_win_cflags
if (is_android) {
include_dirs += [ "../../../deqp/src/framework/platform/android" ]
defines = deqp_gypi.deqp_defines
defines += [ "_MBCS" ]
if (is_clang) {
# TODO(jmadill): Remove this once we fix dEQP.
cflags_c = [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedef" ]
cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-unused-local-typedef" ]
# Ask the system headers to expose all the regular function otherwise
# dEQP doesn't compile and produces warnings about implicitly defined
# functions.
if (is_linux) {
# This has to be GNU_SOURCE as on Linux dEQP uses syscall()
defines += [ "_GNU_SOURCE" ]
if (is_android || is_mac) {
# _XOPEN_SOURCE=600 is what is used in deqp/src/
defines += [ "_XOPEN_SOURCE=600" ]
deqp_undefine_configs = [
if (is_win) {
deqp_undefine_configs += [
static_library("angle_deqp_decpp") {
configs -= deqp_undefine_configs
public_configs = [
angle_root + ":internal_config",
sources = rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_libtester_decpp_sources, ".", "../..")
config("angle_deqp_libtester_config") {
if (is_clang) {
# TODO(jmadill): Remove this once we fix dEQP.
cflags_cc = [
static_library("angle_deqp_libtester") {
public_deps = [
angle_root + ":angle_common",
angle_root + ":angle_util",
angle_root + ":libEGL",
configs -= deqp_undefine_configs
public_configs = [ ":angle_deqp_libtester_config" ]
sources = rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_libtester_sources, ".", "../..")
if (is_win) {
sources += rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_libtester_sources_win, ".", "../..")
if (is_linux || is_android || is_mac) {
sources +=
rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_libtester_sources_unix, ".", "../..")
if (is_android) {
sources +=
rebase_path(deqp_gypi.deqp_libtester_sources_android, ".", "../..")
libs = [ "log" ]
config("angle_deqp_gtest_support_config") {
include_dirs = [ "third_party/gpu_test_expectations" ]
source_set("angle_deqp_gtest_support") {
testonly = true
public_deps = googletest_deps + [
angle_root + ":angle_common",
angle_root + ":angle_util",
public_configs = [ ":angle_deqp_gtest_support_config" ]
sources = deqp_gypi.deqp_gpu_test_expectations_sources
if (is_mac) {
sources += deqp_gypi.deqp_gpu_test_expectations_sources_mac
libs = [ "Cocoa.framework" ]
if (build_with_chromium) {
sources += [ "//gpu/" ]
} else {
sources += [ "deqp_support/angle_deqp_gtest_main.cpp" ]
if (!is_android) {
public_deps += [ angle_root + ":angle_gpu_info_util" ]
api_names = [
target_defines = [
target_sources = [
]) {
api_name = api_names[index]
config_name = "angle_deqp_lib${api_name}_config"
config(config_name) {
defines = [ target_defines[index] ]
shared_library_name = "angle_deqp_lib${api_name}"
shared_library(shared_library_name) {
deps = [
angle_root + ":angle_util",
configs -= deqp_undefine_configs
if (is_android) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni_onload" ]
public_configs = [ ":${config_name}" ]
sources = rebase_path(target_sources[index], ".", "../..")
sources += [
if (!build_with_chromium) {
executable("angle_deqp_${api_name}_no_gtest") {
sources = [
deps = [
test_name = "angle_deqp_${api_name}_tests"
test(test_name) {
deps = [
# Must be included outside of the source set for the define
sources = [
data = [
if (is_linux && !is_component_build) {
# Set rpath to find *.so files even in a non-component build.
configs += [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ]
if (is_android) {
use_native_activity = true