blob: 55306a21fe59f4f652f2b634d480f103f544914b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// VaryingPacking_unittest.cpp:
// Tests for ANGLE's internal varying packing algorithm.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
// 'None' is defined as 'struct None {};' in
// third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h.
// But 'None' is also define as a numberic constant 0L in <X11/X.h>.
// So we need to include gtest first to avoid such conflict.
#include "libANGLE/VaryingPacking.h"
using namespace gl;
class VaryingPackingTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<GLuint>
VaryingPackingTest() {}
bool testVaryingPacking(const std::vector<sh::Varying> &shVaryings,
VaryingPacking *varyingPacking)
std::vector<PackedVarying> packedVaryings;
for (const auto &shVarying : shVaryings)
packedVaryings.push_back(PackedVarying(shVarying, shVarying.interpolation));
InfoLog infoLog;
std::vector<std::string> transformFeedbackVaryings;
return varyingPacking->packUserVaryings(infoLog, packedVaryings, transformFeedbackVaryings);
// Uses the "relaxed" ANGLE packing mode.
bool packVaryings(GLuint maxVaryings, const std::vector<sh::Varying> &shVaryings)
VaryingPacking varyingPacking(maxVaryings, PackMode::ANGLE_RELAXED);
return testVaryingPacking(shVaryings, &varyingPacking);
// Uses the stricter WebGL style packing rules.
bool packVaryingsStrict(GLuint maxVaryings, const std::vector<sh::Varying> &shVaryings)
VaryingPacking varyingPacking(maxVaryings, PackMode::WEBGL_STRICT);
return testVaryingPacking(shVaryings, &varyingPacking);
const int kMaxVaryings = GetParam();
std::vector<sh::Varying> MakeVaryings(GLenum type, size_t count, size_t arraySize)
std::vector<sh::Varying> varyings;
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index)
std::stringstream strstr;
strstr << type << index;
sh::Varying varying;
varying.type = type;
varying.precision = GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT; = strstr.str();
varying.mappedName = strstr.str();
if (arraySize > 0)
varying.arraySizes.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(arraySize));
varying.staticUse = true;
varying.interpolation = sh::INTERPOLATION_FLAT;
varying.isInvariant = false;
return varyings;
void AddVaryings(std::vector<sh::Varying> *varyings, GLenum type, size_t count, size_t arraySize)
const auto &newVaryings = MakeVaryings(type, count, arraySize);
varyings->insert(varyings->end(), newVaryings.begin(), newVaryings.end());
// Test that a single varying can't overflow the packing.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, OneVaryingLargerThanMax)
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(1, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_MAT4, 1, 0)));
// This will overflow the available varying space.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec3)
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC3, kMaxVaryings + 1, 0)));
// This will overflow the available varying space.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec3Array)
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC3, kMaxVaryings / 2 + 1, 2)));
// This will overflow the available varying space.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxVaryingVec3AndOneVec2)
std::vector<sh::Varying> varyings = MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC3, kMaxVaryings, 0);
AddVaryings(&varyings, GL_FLOAT_VEC2, 1, 0);
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, varyings));
// This should work since two vec2s are packed in a single register.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec2)
ASSERT_TRUE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC2, kMaxVaryings + 1, 0)));
// Same for this one as above.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, TwiceMaxVaryingVec2)
ASSERT_TRUE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC2, kMaxVaryings * 2, 0)));
// This should not work since it overflows available varying space.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, TooManyVaryingVec2)
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC2, kMaxVaryings * 2 + 1, 0)));
// This should work according to the example GL packing rules - the float varyings are slotted
// into the end of the vec3 varying arrays.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxVaryingVec3ArrayAndFloatArrays)
std::vector<sh::Varying> varyings = MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC3, kMaxVaryings / 2, 2);
AddVaryings(&varyings, GL_FLOAT, kMaxVaryings / 2, 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, varyings));
// This should not work - it has one too many float arrays.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxVaryingVec3ArrayAndMaxPlusOneFloatArray)
std::vector<sh::Varying> varyings = MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_VEC3, kMaxVaryings / 2, 2);
AddVaryings(&varyings, GL_FLOAT, kMaxVaryings / 2 + 1, 2);
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryings(kMaxVaryings, varyings));
// WebGL should fail to pack max+1 vec2 arrays, unlike our more relaxed packing.
TEST_P(VaryingPackingTest, MaxPlusOneMat2VaryingsFailsWebGL)
auto varyings = MakeVaryings(GL_FLOAT_MAT2, kMaxVaryings / 2 + 1, 0);
ASSERT_FALSE(packVaryingsStrict(kMaxVaryings, varyings));
// Makes separate tests for different values of kMaxVaryings.
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, VaryingPackingTest, ::testing::Values(1, 4, 8));
} // anonymous namespace