blob: c824eef10a3b7d6845d55fdc9c8339e89cf645bb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Code generation for OpenGL uniform type info tables.
from datetime import date
import sys
all_uniform_types = [
# Uniform texture types. Be wary of substrings finding the wrong types.
# e.g. with 2D_MULTISAMPLE/2D_ARRAY and 2D.
texture_types = {
"2D": "2D",
"2D_RECT_ANGLE": "2D",
"2D_SHADOW": "2D",
"3D": "3D",
template_cpp = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Uniform type info table:
// Metadata about a particular uniform format, indexed by GL type.
#include <array>
#include "common/utilities.h"
using namespace angle;
namespace gl
constexpr std::array<UniformTypeInfo, {total_count}> kInfoTable =
size_t GetTypeInfoIndex(GLenum uniformType)
switch (uniformType)
return 0;
}} // anonymous namespace
const UniformTypeInfo &GetUniformTypeInfo(GLenum uniformType)
ASSERT(kInfoTable[GetTypeInfoIndex(uniformType)].type == uniformType);
return kInfoTable[GetTypeInfoIndex(uniformType)];
}} // namespace gl
type_info_data_template = """{{{type}, {component_type}, {texture_type}, {transposed_type}, {bool_type}, {rows}, {columns}, {components}, {component_size}, {internal_size}, {external_size}, {is_sampler}, {is_matrix}, {is_image} }}"""
type_index_case_template = """case {enum_value}: return {index_value};"""
def cpp_bool(value):
return "true" if value else "false"
def get_component_type(uniform_type):
if uniform_type.find("GL_BOOL") == 0:
return "GL_BOOL"
elif uniform_type.find("GL_FLOAT") == 0:
return "GL_FLOAT"
elif uniform_type.find("GL_INT") == 0:
return "GL_INT"
elif uniform_type.find("GL_UNSIGNED_INT") == 0:
elif uniform_type == "GL_NONE":
return "GL_NONE"
return "GL_INT"
def get_texture_type(uniform_type):
for sampler_type, tex_type in texture_types.items():
if uniform_type.endswith(sampler_type):
return "GL_TEXTURE_" + tex_type
return "GL_NONE"
def get_transposed_type(uniform_type):
if "_MAT" in uniform_type:
if "x" in uniform_type:
return "GL_FLOAT_MAT" + uniform_type[-1] + "x" + uniform_type[uniform_type.find("_MAT")+4]
return uniform_type
return "GL_NONE"
def get_bool_type(uniform_type):
if uniform_type == "GL_INT" or uniform_type == "GL_UNSIGNED_INT" or uniform_type == "GL_FLOAT":
return "GL_BOOL"
elif "_VEC" in uniform_type:
return "GL_BOOL_VEC" + uniform_type[-1]
return "GL_NONE"
def get_rows(uniform_type):
if uniform_type == "GL_NONE":
return "0"
elif "_MAT" in uniform_type:
return uniform_type[-1]
return "1"
def get_columns(uniform_type):
if uniform_type == "GL_NONE":
return "0"
elif "_VEC" in uniform_type:
return uniform_type[-1]
elif "_MAT" in uniform_type:
return uniform_type[uniform_type.find("_MAT") + 4]
return "1"
def get_components(uniform_type):
return str(int(get_rows(uniform_type)) * int(get_columns(uniform_type)))
def get_component_size(uniform_type):
component_type = get_component_type(uniform_type)
if (component_type) == "GL_BOOL":
return "sizeof(GLint)"
elif (component_type) == "GL_FLOAT":
return "sizeof(GLfloat)"
elif (component_type) == "GL_INT":
return "sizeof(GLint)"
elif (component_type) == "GL_UNSIGNED_INT":
return "sizeof(GLuint)"
elif (component_type) == "GL_NONE":
return "0"
raise "Invalid component type: " + component_type
def get_internal_size(uniform_type):
return get_component_size(uniform_type) + " * " + str(int(get_rows(uniform_type)) * 4)
def get_external_size(uniform_type):
return get_component_size(uniform_type) + " * " + get_components(uniform_type)
def get_is_sampler(uniform_type):
return cpp_bool("_SAMPLER_" in uniform_type)
def get_is_matrix(uniform_type):
return cpp_bool("_MAT" in uniform_type)
def get_is_image(uniform_type):
return cpp_bool("_IMAGE_" in uniform_type)
def gen_type_info(uniform_type):
return type_info_data_template.format(
type = uniform_type,
component_type = get_component_type(uniform_type),
texture_type = get_texture_type(uniform_type),
transposed_type = get_transposed_type(uniform_type),
bool_type = get_bool_type(uniform_type),
rows = get_rows(uniform_type),
columns = get_columns(uniform_type),
components = get_components(uniform_type),
component_size = get_component_size(uniform_type),
internal_size = get_internal_size(uniform_type),
external_size = get_external_size(uniform_type),
is_sampler = get_is_sampler(uniform_type),
is_matrix = get_is_matrix(uniform_type),
is_image = get_is_image(uniform_type))
def gen_type_index_case(index, uniform_type):
return "case " + uniform_type + ": return " + str(index) + ";"
uniform_type_info_data = ",\n".join([gen_type_info(uniform_type) for uniform_type in all_uniform_types])
uniform_type_index_cases = "\n".join([gen_type_index_case(index, uniform_type) for index, uniform_type in enumerate(all_uniform_types)])
with open('uniform_type_info_autogen.cpp', 'wt') as out_file:
output_cpp = template_cpp.format(
script_name = sys.argv[0],
copyright_year =,
total_count = len(all_uniform_types),
uniform_type_info_data = uniform_type_info_data,
uniform_type_index_cases = uniform_type_index_cases)