blob: 0130abcf94cae1cd70e27bb14b548ffeea0227ce [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Tests that an inline script is allowed to execute only if its nonce appears in all policies. This test PASSED if there are two console warnings and a JavaScript alert with message PASS. Otherwise, it FAILED.