| // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // entry_points_gles_ext_autogen.h: |
| // Defines the GLES extension entry points. |
| |
| |
| #include <GLES/gl.h> |
| #include <GLES/glext.h> |
| #include <GLES2/gl2.h> |
| #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h> |
| #include <GLES3/gl32.h> |
| #include <export.h> |
| |
| extern "C" { |
| |
| // GL_AMD_performance_monitor |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BeginPerfMonitorAMD(GLuint monitor); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeletePerfMonitorsAMD(GLsizei n, GLuint *monitors); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EndPerfMonitorAMD(GLuint monitor); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenPerfMonitorsAMD(GLsizei n, GLuint *monitors); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(GLuint monitor, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei dataSize, |
| GLuint *data, |
| GLint *bytesWritten); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(GLuint group, |
| GLuint counter, |
| GLenum pname, |
| void *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD(GLuint group, |
| GLuint counter, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *counterString); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(GLuint group, |
| GLint *numCounters, |
| GLint *maxActiveCounters, |
| GLsizei counterSize, |
| GLuint *counters); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD(GLuint group, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *groupString); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD(GLint *numGroups, |
| GLsizei groupsSize, |
| GLuint *groups); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(GLuint monitor, |
| GLboolean enable, |
| GLuint group, |
| GLint numCounters, |
| GLuint *counterList); |
| |
| // GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_base_vertex_base_instance |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei instanceCount, |
| GLuint baseInstance); |
| GL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const GLvoid *indices, |
| GLsizei instanceCount, |
| GLint baseVertex, |
| GLuint baseInstance); |
| GL_MultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLint *firsts, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| const GLsizei *instanceCounts, |
| const GLuint *baseInstances, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| GL_MultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| GLenum type, |
| const GLvoid *const *indices, |
| const GLsizei *instanceCounts, |
| const GLint *baseVertices, |
| const GLuint *baseInstances, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_copy_texture_3d |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTexture3DANGLE(GLuint sourceId, |
| GLint sourceLevel, |
| GLenum destTarget, |
| GLuint destId, |
| GLint destLevel, |
| GLint internalFormat, |
| GLenum destType, |
| GLboolean unpackFlipY, |
| GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha, |
| GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopySubTexture3DANGLE(GLuint sourceId, |
| GLint sourceLevel, |
| GLenum destTarget, |
| GLuint destId, |
| GLint destLevel, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height, |
| GLint depth, |
| GLboolean unpackFlipY, |
| GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha, |
| GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_depth_texture |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlitFramebufferANGLE(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_RenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_get_image |
| GL_GetTexImageANGLE(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetCompressedTexImageANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetRenderbufferImageANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| void *pixels); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_get_tex_level_parameter |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexLevelParameterivANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexLevelParameterfvANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint index, GLuint divisor); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMemFlags2DANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset, |
| GLbitfield createFlags, |
| GLbitfield usageFlags, |
| const void *imageCreateInfoPNext); |
| GL_TexStorageMemFlags2DMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLboolean fixedSampleLocations, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset, |
| GLbitfield createFlags, |
| GLbitfield usageFlags, |
| const void *imageCreateInfoPNext); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMemFlags3DANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset, |
| GLbitfield createFlags, |
| GLbitfield usageFlags, |
| const void *imageCreateInfoPNext); |
| GL_TexStorageMemFlags3DMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLboolean fixedSampleLocations, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset, |
| GLbitfield createFlags, |
| GLbitfield usageFlags, |
| const void *imageCreateInfoPNext); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_memory_object_fuchsia |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ImportMemoryZirconHandleANGLE(GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 size, |
| GLenum handleType, |
| GLuint handle); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_multi_draw |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawArraysANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLint *firsts, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLint *firsts, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| const GLsizei *instanceCounts, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| GLenum type, |
| const GLvoid *const *indices, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, |
| const GLsizei *counts, |
| GLenum type, |
| const GLvoid *const *indices, |
| const GLsizei *instanceCounts, |
| GLsizei drawcount); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_program_binary |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_provoking_vertex |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProvokingVertexANGLE(GLenum mode); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_request_extension |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_RequestExtensionANGLE(const GLchar *name); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DisableExtensionANGLE(const GLchar *name); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_robust_client_memory |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBooleanvRobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLboolean *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBufferParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFloatvRobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetIntegervRobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetRenderbufferParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetShaderivRobustANGLE(GLuint shader, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterfvRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUniformfvRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUniformivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribfvRobustANGLE(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribivRobustANGLE(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribPointervRobustANGLE(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| void **pointer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ReadPixelsRobustANGLE(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLsizei *columns, |
| GLsizei *rows, |
| void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexImage2DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterfvRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexImage2DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| GLsizei dataSize, |
| const GLvoid *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei xoffset, |
| GLsizei yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| GLsizei dataSize, |
| const GLvoid *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| GLsizei dataSize, |
| const GLvoid *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexSubImage3DRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| GLsizei dataSize, |
| const GLvoid *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectuivRobustANGLE(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBufferPointervRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| void **params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetIntegeri_vRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetInternalformativRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribIivRobustANGLE(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetVertexAttribIuivRobustANGLE(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUniformuivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetActiveUniformBlockivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetInteger64vRobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint64 *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetInteger64i_vRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint64 *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBufferParameteri64vRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLuint pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLfloat *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterfvRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFramebufferParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramInterfaceivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLenum programInterface, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBooleani_vRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLboolean *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetMultisamplefvRobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *val); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexLevelParameterivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexLevelParameterfvRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPointervRobustANGLERobustANGLE(GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| void **params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ReadnPixelsRobustANGLE(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLsizei *columns, |
| GLsizei *rows, |
| void *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformfvRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformuivRobustANGLE(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIuivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIuivRobustANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| const GLuint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIuivRobustANGLE(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectivRobustANGLE(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjecti64vRobustANGLE(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectui64vRobustANGLE(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLuint64 *params); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_robust_resource_initialization |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_semaphore_fuchsia |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ImportSemaphoreZirconHandleANGLE(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLenum handleType, |
| GLuint handle); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_texture_external_update |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexImage2DExternalANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InvalidateTextureANGLE(GLenum target); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_texture_multisample |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage2DMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLboolean fixedsamplelocations); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetMultisamplefvANGLE(GLenum pname, GLuint index, GLfloat *val); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SampleMaskiANGLE(GLuint maskNumber, GLbitfield mask); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_texture_usage |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *source); |
| |
| // GL_ANGLE_vulkan_image |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_AcquireTexturesANGLE(GLuint numTextures, |
| const GLuint *textures, |
| const GLenum *layouts); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ReleaseTexturesANGLE(GLuint numTextures, |
| const GLuint *textures, |
| GLenum *layouts); |
| |
| // GL_APPLE_clip_distance |
| |
| // GL_ARB_sync |
| |
| // GL_CHROMIUM_bind_uniform_location |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| |
| // GL_CHROMIUM_copy_compressed_texture |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedCopyTextureCHROMIUM(GLuint sourceId, GLuint destId); |
| |
| // GL_CHROMIUM_copy_texture |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTextureCHROMIUM(GLuint sourceId, |
| GLint sourceLevel, |
| GLenum destTarget, |
| GLuint destId, |
| GLint destLevel, |
| GLint internalFormat, |
| GLenum destType, |
| GLboolean unpackFlipY, |
| GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha, |
| GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopySubTextureCHROMIUM(GLuint sourceId, |
| GLint sourceLevel, |
| GLenum destTarget, |
| GLuint destId, |
| GLint destLevel, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height, |
| GLboolean unpackFlipY, |
| GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha, |
| GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha); |
| |
| // GL_CHROMIUM_framebuffer_mixed_samples |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CoverageModulationCHROMIUM(GLenum components); |
| |
| // GL_CHROMIUM_lose_context |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_LoseContextCHROMIUM(GLenum current, GLenum other); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_EGL_image_array |
| |
| // GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EGLImageTargetTexStorageEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image, |
| const GLint *attrib_list); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EGLImageTargetTextureStorageEXT(GLuint texture, |
| GLeglImageOES image, |
| const GLint *attrib_list); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_YUV_target |
| |
| // GL_EXT_blend_func_extended |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindFragDataLocationEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLuint color, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLuint colorNumber, |
| GLuint index, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFragDataIndexEXT(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramResourceLocationIndexEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLenum programInterface, |
| const GLchar *name); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_blend_minmax |
| |
| // GL_EXT_buffer_storage |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BufferStorageEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void *data, |
| GLbitfield flags); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_clip_control |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ClipControlEXT(GLenum origin, GLenum depth); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance |
| |
| // GL_EXT_color_buffer_float |
| |
| // GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float |
| |
| // GL_EXT_copy_image |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyImageSubDataEXT(GLuint srcName, |
| GLenum srcTarget, |
| GLint srcLevel, |
| GLint srcX, |
| GLint srcY, |
| GLint srcZ, |
| GLuint dstName, |
| GLenum dstTarget, |
| GLint dstLevel, |
| GLint dstX, |
| GLint dstY, |
| GLint dstZ, |
| GLsizei srcWidth, |
| GLsizei srcHeight, |
| GLsizei srcDepth); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_debug_label |
| GL_GetObjectLabelEXT(GLenum type, GLuint object, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *label); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_LabelObjectEXT(GLenum type, |
| GLuint object, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar *label); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_debug_marker |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_InsertEventMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PushGroupMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const GLchar *marker); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum *attachments); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BeginQueryEXT(GLenum target, GLuint id); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteQueriesEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EndQueryEXT(GLenum target); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenQueriesEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetInteger64vEXT(GLenum pname, GLint64 *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjecti64vEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectivEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectui64vEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryObjectuivEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetQueryivEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsQueryEXT(GLuint id); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_QueryCounterEXT(GLuint id, GLenum target); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_draw_buffers |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawBuffersEXT(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendEquationSeparateiEXT(GLuint buf, |
| GLenum modeRGB, |
| GLenum modeAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendEquationiEXT(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendFuncSeparateiEXT(GLuint buf, |
| GLenum srcRGB, |
| GLenum dstRGB, |
| GLenum srcAlpha, |
| GLenum dstAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendFunciEXT(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); |
| GL_ColorMaskiEXT(GLuint index, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DisableiEXT(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EnableiEXT(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsEnablediEXT(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsBaseVertexEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei instancecount, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLuint start, |
| GLuint end, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT(GLenum mode, |
| const GLsizei *count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *const *indices, |
| GLsizei primcount, |
| const GLint *basevertex); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_external_buffer |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BufferStorageExternalEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer, |
| GLbitfield flags); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_NamedBufferStorageExternalEXT(GLuint buffer, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| GLeglClientBufferEXT clientBuffer, |
| GLbitfield flags); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_float_blend |
| |
| // GL_EXT_geometry_shader |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTextureEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_instanced_arrays |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawArraysInstancedEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLint start, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_VertexAttribDivisorEXT(GLuint index, GLuint divisor); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_map_buffer_range |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void *GL_APIENTRY GL_MapBufferRangeEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length, |
| GLbitfield access); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_memory_object |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BufferStorageMemEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateMemoryObjectsEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint *memoryObjects); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteMemoryObjectsEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint *memoryObjects); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(GLuint memoryObject, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUnsignedBytevEXT(GLenum pname, GLubyte *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLubyte *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsMemoryObjectEXT(GLuint memoryObject); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MemoryObjectParameterivEXT(GLuint memoryObject, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMem2DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMem2DMultisampleEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLboolean fixedSampleLocations, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMem3DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorageMem3DMultisampleEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalFormat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLboolean fixedSampleLocations, |
| GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 offset); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_memory_object_fd |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ImportMemoryFdEXT(GLuint memory, |
| GLuint64 size, |
| GLenum handleType, |
| GLint fd); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_multi_draw_indirect |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawArraysIndirectEXT(GLenum mode, |
| const void *indirect, |
| GLsizei drawcount, |
| GLsizei stride); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MultiDrawElementsIndirectEXT(GLenum mode, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indirect, |
| GLsizei drawcount, |
| GLsizei stride); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei samples); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean |
| |
| // GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PrimitiveBoundingBoxEXT(GLfloat minX, |
| GLfloat minY, |
| GLfloat minZ, |
| GLfloat minW, |
| GLfloat maxX, |
| GLfloat maxY, |
| GLfloat maxZ, |
| GLfloat maxW); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_protected_textures |
| |
| // GL_EXT_pvrtc_sRGB |
| |
| // GL_EXT_read_format_bgra |
| |
| // GL_EXT_robustness |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLenum GL_APIENTRY GL_GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformfvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetnUniformivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| void *data); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_sRGB |
| |
| // GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control |
| |
| // GL_EXT_semaphore |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteSemaphoresEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint *semaphores); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenSemaphoresEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint *semaphores); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsSemaphoreEXT(GLuint semaphore); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SemaphoreParameterui64vEXT(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLuint64 *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SignalSemaphoreEXT(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLuint numBufferBarriers, |
| const GLuint *buffers, |
| GLuint numTextureBarriers, |
| const GLuint *textures, |
| const GLenum *dstLayouts); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_WaitSemaphoreEXT(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLuint numBufferBarriers, |
| const GLuint *buffers, |
| GLuint numTextureBarriers, |
| const GLuint *textures, |
| const GLenum *srcLayouts); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_semaphore_fd |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ImportSemaphoreFdEXT(GLuint semaphore, |
| GLenum handleType, |
| GLint fd); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ActiveShaderProgramEXT(GLuint pipeline, GLuint program); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindProgramPipelineEXT(GLuint pipeline); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLuint GL_APIENTRY GL_CreateShaderProgramvEXT(GLenum type, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLchar **strings); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteProgramPipelinesEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint *pipelines); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenProgramPipelinesEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint *pipelines); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT(GLuint pipeline, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *infoLog); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramPipelineivEXT(GLuint pipeline, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsProgramPipelineEXT(GLuint pipeline); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramParameteriEXT(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1fEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat v0); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1iEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint v0); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1ivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1uiEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint v0); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform1uivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2fEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLfloat v0, |
| GLfloat v1); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2iEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLint v0, |
| GLint v1); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2ivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2uiEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform2uivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint *value); |
| GL_ProgramUniform3fEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform3fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| GL_ProgramUniform3iEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform3ivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| GL_ProgramUniform3uiEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform3uivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4fEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLfloat v0, |
| GLfloat v1, |
| GLfloat v2, |
| GLfloat v3); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| GL_ProgramUniform4iEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4ivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint *value); |
| GL_ProgramUniform4uiEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniform4uivEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat *value); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_UseProgramStagesEXT(GLuint pipeline, |
| GLbitfield stages, |
| GLuint program); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ValidateProgramPipelineEXT(GLuint pipeline); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferFetchBarrierEXT(); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod |
| |
| // GL_EXT_shadow_samplers |
| |
| // GL_EXT_tessellation_shader |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PatchParameteriEXT(GLenum pname, GLint value); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIivEXT(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIuivEXT(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIivEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIuivEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIivEXT(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIuivEXT(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLuint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIivEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIuivEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLuint *params); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_buffer |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexBufferEXT(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLuint buffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexBufferRangeEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLuint buffer, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_format_sRGB_override |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_norm16 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_rg |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_storage |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage1DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage2DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage3DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth); |
| |
| // GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV |
| |
| // GL_EXT_unpack_subimage |
| |
| // GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc |
| |
| // GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 |
| |
| // GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced |
| |
| // GL_KHR_debug |
| const void *userParam); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DebugMessageControlKHR(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint *ids, |
| GLboolean enabled); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DebugMessageInsertKHR(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar *buf); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLuint GL_APIENTRY GL_GetDebugMessageLogKHR(GLuint count, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLenum *sources, |
| GLenum *types, |
| GLuint *ids, |
| GLenum *severities, |
| GLsizei *lengths, |
| GLchar *messageLog); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetObjectLabelKHR(GLenum identifier, |
| GLuint name, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *label); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetObjectPtrLabelKHR(const void *ptr, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLchar *label); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetPointervKHR(GLenum pname, void **params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ObjectLabelKHR(GLenum identifier, |
| GLuint name, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar *label); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ObjectPtrLabelKHR(const void *ptr, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar *label); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PushDebugGroupKHR(GLenum source, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar *message); |
| |
| // GL_KHR_no_error |
| |
| // GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(GLuint count); |
| |
| // GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior |
| |
| // GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr |
| |
| // GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr |
| |
| // GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d |
| |
| // GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferParameteriMESA(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFramebufferParameterivMESA(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| |
| // GL_NV_fence |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteFencesNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint *fences); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FinishFenceNV(GLuint fence); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenFencesNV(GLsizei n, GLuint *fences); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFenceivNV(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsFenceNV(GLuint fence); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SetFenceNV(GLuint fence, GLenum condition); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_TestFenceNV(GLuint fence); |
| |
| // GL_NV_framebuffer_blit |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlitFramebufferNV(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter); |
| |
| // GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object |
| |
| // GL_NV_read_depth |
| |
| // GL_NV_read_stencil |
| |
| // GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge |
| |
| // GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation |
| |
| // GL_OES_EGL_image |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image); |
| |
| // GL_OES_EGL_image_external |
| |
| // GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 |
| |
| // GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture |
| |
| // GL_OES_copy_image |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyImageSubDataOES(GLuint srcName, |
| GLenum srcTarget, |
| GLint srcLevel, |
| GLint srcX, |
| GLint srcY, |
| GLint srcZ, |
| GLuint dstName, |
| GLenum dstTarget, |
| GLint dstLevel, |
| GLint dstX, |
| GLint dstY, |
| GLint dstZ, |
| GLsizei srcWidth, |
| GLsizei srcHeight, |
| GLsizei srcDepth); |
| |
| // GL_OES_depth24 |
| |
| // GL_OES_depth32 |
| |
| // GL_OES_depth_texture |
| |
| // GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendEquationSeparateiOES(GLuint buf, |
| GLenum modeRGB, |
| GLenum modeAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendEquationiOES(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendFuncSeparateiOES(GLuint buf, |
| GLenum srcRGB, |
| GLenum dstRGB, |
| GLenum srcAlpha, |
| GLenum dstAlpha); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BlendFunciOES(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); |
| GL_ColorMaskiOES(GLuint index, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DisableiOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_EnableiOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsEnablediOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); |
| |
| // GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsBaseVertexOES(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLsizei instancecount, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES(GLenum mode, |
| GLuint start, |
| GLuint end, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *indices, |
| GLint basevertex); |
| |
| // GL_OES_draw_texture |
| GL_DrawTexfOES(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTexfvOES(const GLfloat *coords); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTexiOES(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTexivOES(const GLint *coords); |
| GL_DrawTexsOES(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTexsvOES(const GLshort *coords); |
| GL_DrawTexxOES(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DrawTexxvOES(const GLfixed *coords); |
| |
| // GL_OES_element_index_uint |
| |
| // GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap |
| |
| // GL_OES_framebuffer_object |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindFramebufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLenum GL_APIENTRY GL_CheckFramebufferStatusOES(GLenum target); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum renderbuffertarget, |
| GLuint renderbuffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTexture2DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenerateMipmapOES(GLenum target); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetRenderbufferParameterivOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsFramebufferOES(GLuint framebuffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsRenderbufferOES(GLuint renderbuffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_RenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| |
| // GL_OES_geometry_shader |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTextureOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level); |
| |
| // GL_OES_get_program_binary |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei *length, |
| GLenum *binaryFormat, |
| void *binary); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, |
| GLenum binaryFormat, |
| const void *binary, |
| GLint length); |
| |
| // GL_OES_mapbuffer |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetBufferPointervOES(GLenum target, GLenum pname, void **params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void *GL_APIENTRY GL_MapBufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum access); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_UnmapBufferOES(GLenum target); |
| |
| // GL_OES_matrix_palette |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CurrentPaletteMatrixOES(GLuint matrixpaletteindex); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES(); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MatrixIndexPointerOES(GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void *pointer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_WeightPointerOES(GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void *pointer); |
| |
| // GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil |
| |
| // GL_OES_point_size_array |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PointSizePointerOES(GLenum type, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void *pointer); |
| |
| // GL_OES_point_sprite |
| |
| // GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_PrimitiveBoundingBoxOES(GLfloat minX, |
| GLfloat minY, |
| GLfloat minZ, |
| GLfloat minW, |
| GLfloat maxX, |
| GLfloat maxY, |
| GLfloat maxZ, |
| GLfloat maxW); |
| |
| // GL_OES_query_matrix |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLbitfield GL_APIENTRY GL_QueryMatrixxOES(GLfixed *mantissa, GLint *exponent); |
| |
| // GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 |
| |
| // GL_OES_sample_shading |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_MinSampleShadingOES(GLfloat value); |
| |
| // GL_OES_sample_variables |
| |
| // GL_OES_shader_image_atomic |
| |
| // GL_OES_shader_io_blocks |
| |
| // GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation |
| |
| // GL_OES_standard_derivatives |
| |
| // GL_OES_surfaceless_context |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_3D |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexImage3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CompressedTexSubImage3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void *data); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_CopyTexSubImage3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTexture3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint zoffset); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexImage3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *pixels); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexSubImage3DOES(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void *pixels); |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_border_clamp |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIivOES(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetSamplerParameterIuivOES(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIivOES(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexParameterIuivOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIivOES(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_SamplerParameterIuivOES(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLuint *param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIivOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexParameterIuivOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLuint *params); |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_buffer |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexBufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLuint buffer); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexBufferRangeOES(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLuint buffer, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size); |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_compression_astc |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_cube_map |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexGenfvOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexGenivOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GetTexGenxvOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGenfOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGenfvOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGeniOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGenivOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGenxOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexGenxvOES(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_float |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_float_linear |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_half_float |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_npot |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_stencil8 |
| |
| // GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_TexStorage3DMultisampleOES(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLboolean fixedsamplelocations); |
| |
| // GL_OES_vertex_array_object |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_BindVertexArrayOES(GLuint array); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_DeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_GenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays); |
| ANGLE_EXPORT GLboolean GL_APIENTRY GL_IsVertexArrayOES(GLuint array); |
| |
| // GL_OES_vertex_half_float |
| |
| // GL_OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 |
| |
| // GL_OVR_multiview |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_FramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint baseViewIndex, |
| GLsizei numViews); |
| |
| // GL_OVR_multiview2 |
| |
| // GL_QCOM_shading_rate |
| ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY GL_ShadingRateQCOM(GLenum rate); |
| } // extern "C" |
| |