blob: 53f5e6d9df071ff73816888a7af6e041f0eb6c15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Framebuffer.h: Defines the gl::Framebuffer class. Implements GL framebuffer
// objects and related functionality. [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 105.
#include <vector>
#include "common/FixedVector.h"
#include "common/Optional.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "libANGLE/Constants.h"
#include "libANGLE/Debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
#include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h"
#include "libANGLE/Observer.h"
#include "libANGLE/RefCountObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/State.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
namespace rx
class GLImplFactory;
class FramebufferImpl;
class RenderbufferImpl;
class SurfaceImpl;
} // namespace rx
namespace egl
class Display;
class Surface;
} // namespace egl
namespace gl
struct Caps;
class Context;
struct Extensions;
class Framebuffer;
class ImageIndex;
class Renderbuffer;
class TextureCapsMap;
struct FramebufferStatus
bool isComplete() const;
static FramebufferStatus Complete();
static FramebufferStatus Incomplete(GLenum status, const char *reason);
const char *reason = nullptr;
class FramebufferState final : angle::NonCopyable
explicit FramebufferState(rx::Serial serial);
FramebufferState(const Caps &caps, FramebufferID id, rx::Serial serial);
const std::string &getLabel() const;
uint32_t getReadIndex() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getAttachment(const Context *context, GLenum attachment) const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getReadAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getFirstNonNullAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getFirstColorAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthOrStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getStencilOrDepthStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getColorAttachment(size_t colorAttachment) const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getReadPixelsAttachment(GLenum readFormat) const;
const std::vector<GLenum> &getDrawBufferStates() const { return mDrawBufferStates; }
DrawBufferMask getEnabledDrawBuffers() const { return mEnabledDrawBuffers; }
GLenum getReadBufferState() const { return mReadBufferState; }
const std::vector<FramebufferAttachment> &getColorAttachments() const
return mColorAttachments;
const DrawBufferMask getColorAttachmentsMask() const { return mColorAttachmentsMask; }
const Extents getAttachmentExtentsIntersection() const;
bool attachmentsHaveSameDimensions() const;
bool hasSeparateDepthAndStencilAttachments() const;
bool colorAttachmentsAreUniqueImages() const;
Box getDimensions() const;
Extents getExtents() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDrawBuffer(size_t drawBufferIdx) const;
size_t getDrawBufferCount() const;
GLint getDefaultWidth() const { return mDefaultWidth; }
GLint getDefaultHeight() const { return mDefaultHeight; }
GLint getDefaultSamples() const { return mDefaultSamples; }
bool getDefaultFixedSampleLocations() const { return mDefaultFixedSampleLocations; }
GLint getDefaultLayers() const { return mDefaultLayers; }
bool getFlipY() const { return mFlipY; }
bool hasDepth() const;
bool hasStencil() const;
bool hasExternalTextureAttachment() const;
bool hasYUVAttachment() const;
bool isMultiview() const;
ANGLE_INLINE GLsizei getNumViews() const
const FramebufferAttachment *attachment = getFirstNonNullAttachment();
if (attachment == nullptr)
return FramebufferAttachment::kDefaultNumViews;
return attachment->getNumViews();
GLint getBaseViewIndex() const;
SrgbWriteControlMode getWriteControlMode() const { return mSrgbWriteControlMode; }
FramebufferID id() const { return mId; }
bool isDefault() const;
const Offset &getSurfaceTextureOffset() const { return mSurfaceTextureOffset; }
rx::Serial getFramebufferSerial() const { return mFramebufferSerial; }
bool isBoundAsDrawFramebuffer(const Context *context) const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getWebGLDepthStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getWebGLDepthAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getWebGLStencilAttachment() const;
friend class Framebuffer;
// The Framebuffer ID is unique to a Context.
// The Framebuffer Serial is unique to a Share Group.
FramebufferID mId;
rx::Serial mFramebufferSerial;
std::string mLabel;
std::vector<FramebufferAttachment> mColorAttachments;
FramebufferAttachment mDepthAttachment;
FramebufferAttachment mStencilAttachment;
// Tracks all the color buffers attached to this FramebufferDesc
DrawBufferMask mColorAttachmentsMask;
std::vector<GLenum> mDrawBufferStates;
GLenum mReadBufferState;
DrawBufferMask mEnabledDrawBuffers;
ComponentTypeMask mDrawBufferTypeMask;
GLint mDefaultWidth;
GLint mDefaultHeight;
GLint mDefaultSamples;
bool mDefaultFixedSampleLocations;
GLint mDefaultLayers;
bool mFlipY;
// It's necessary to store all this extra state so we can restore attachments
// when DEPTH_STENCIL/DEPTH/STENCIL is unbound in WebGL 1.
FramebufferAttachment mWebGLDepthStencilAttachment;
FramebufferAttachment mWebGLDepthAttachment;
FramebufferAttachment mWebGLStencilAttachment;
bool mWebGLDepthStencilConsistent;
// Tracks if we need to initialize the resources for each attachment.
bool mDefaultFramebufferReadAttachmentInitialized;
FramebufferAttachment mDefaultFramebufferReadAttachment;
// EXT_sRGB_write_control
SrgbWriteControlMode mSrgbWriteControlMode;
Offset mSurfaceTextureOffset;
class Framebuffer final : public angle::ObserverInterface,
public LabeledObject,
public angle::Subject
// Constructor to build application-defined framebuffers
Framebuffer(const Caps &caps,
rx::GLImplFactory *factory,
FramebufferID id,
egl::ShareGroup *shareGroup);
// Constructor to build default framebuffers for a surface and context pair
Framebuffer(const Context *context, egl::Surface *surface, egl::Surface *readSurface);
// Constructor to build a fake default framebuffer when surfaceless
Framebuffer(const Context *context, rx::GLImplFactory *factory, egl::Surface *readSurface);
~Framebuffer() override;
void onDestroy(const Context *context);
void setReadSurface(const Context *context, egl::Surface *readSurface);
void setLabel(const Context *context, const std::string &label) override;
const std::string &getLabel() const override;
rx::FramebufferImpl *getImplementation() const { return mImpl; }
FramebufferID id() const { return mState.mId; }
void setAttachment(const Context *context,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource);
void setAttachmentMultisample(const Context *context,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource,
GLsizei samples);
void setAttachmentMultiview(const Context *context,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource,
GLsizei numViews,
GLint baseViewIndex);
void resetAttachment(const Context *context, GLenum binding);
bool detachTexture(const Context *context, TextureID texture);
bool detachRenderbuffer(const Context *context, RenderbufferID renderbuffer);
const FramebufferAttachment *getColorAttachment(size_t colorAttachment) const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getDepthOrStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getStencilOrDepthStencilAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getReadColorAttachment() const;
GLenum getReadColorAttachmentType() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getFirstColorAttachment() const;
const FramebufferAttachment *getFirstNonNullAttachment() const;
const std::vector<FramebufferAttachment> &getColorAttachments() const
return mState.mColorAttachments;
const FramebufferState &getState() const { return mState; }
const FramebufferAttachment *getAttachment(const Context *context, GLenum attachment) const;
bool isMultiview() const;
bool readDisallowedByMultiview() const;
GLsizei getNumViews() const;
GLint getBaseViewIndex() const;
Extents getExtents() const;
size_t getDrawbufferStateCount() const;
GLenum getDrawBufferState(size_t drawBuffer) const;
const std::vector<GLenum> &getDrawBufferStates() const;
void setDrawBuffers(size_t count, const GLenum *buffers);
const FramebufferAttachment *getDrawBuffer(size_t drawBuffer) const;
ComponentType getDrawbufferWriteType(size_t drawBuffer) const;
ComponentTypeMask getDrawBufferTypeMask() const;
DrawBufferMask getDrawBufferMask() const;
bool hasEnabledDrawBuffer() const;
GLenum getReadBufferState() const;
void setReadBuffer(GLenum buffer);
size_t getNumColorAttachments() const;
bool hasDepth() const;
bool hasStencil() const;
bool hasExternalTextureAttachment() const;
bool hasYUVAttachment() const;
bool usingExtendedDrawBuffers() const;
// This method calls checkStatus.
int getSamples(const Context *context) const;
int getReadBufferResourceSamples(const Context *context) const;
angle::Result getSamplePosition(const Context *context, size_t index, GLfloat *xy) const;
GLint getDefaultWidth() const;
GLint getDefaultHeight() const;
GLint getDefaultSamples() const;
bool getDefaultFixedSampleLocations() const;
GLint getDefaultLayers() const;
bool getFlipY() const;
void setDefaultWidth(const Context *context, GLint defaultWidth);
void setDefaultHeight(const Context *context, GLint defaultHeight);
void setDefaultSamples(const Context *context, GLint defaultSamples);
void setDefaultFixedSampleLocations(const Context *context, bool defaultFixedSampleLocations);
void setDefaultLayers(GLint defaultLayers);
void setFlipY(bool flipY);
void invalidateCompletenessCache();
ANGLE_INLINE bool cachedStatusValid() { return mCachedStatus.valid(); }
ANGLE_INLINE const FramebufferStatus &checkStatus(const Context *context) const
// The default framebuffer is always complete except when it is surfaceless in which
// case it is always unsupported.
ASSERT(!isDefault() || mCachedStatus.valid());
if (isDefault() || (!hasAnyDirtyBit() && mCachedStatus.valid()))
return mCachedStatus.value();
return checkStatusImpl(context);
// Helper for checkStatus == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE.
ANGLE_INLINE bool isComplete(const Context *context) const
return checkStatus(context).isComplete();
bool hasValidDepthStencil() const;
// Returns the offset into the texture backing the default framebuffer's surface if any. Returns
// zero offset otherwise. The renderer will apply the offset to scissor and viewport rects used
// for draws, clears, and blits.
const Offset &getSurfaceTextureOffset() const;
angle::Result discard(const Context *context, size_t count, const GLenum *attachments);
angle::Result invalidate(const Context *context, size_t count, const GLenum *attachments);
angle::Result invalidateSub(const Context *context,
size_t count,
const GLenum *attachments,
const Rectangle &area);
angle::Result clear(const Context *context, GLbitfield mask);
angle::Result clearBufferfv(const Context *context,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLfloat *values);
angle::Result clearBufferuiv(const Context *context,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLuint *values);
angle::Result clearBufferiv(const Context *context,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
const GLint *values);
angle::Result clearBufferfi(const Context *context,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer,
GLfloat depth,
GLint stencil);
GLenum getImplementationColorReadFormat(const Context *context);
GLenum getImplementationColorReadType(const Context *context);
angle::Result readPixels(const Context *context,
const Rectangle &area,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const PixelPackState &pack,
Buffer *packBuffer,
void *pixels);
angle::Result blit(const Context *context,
const Rectangle &sourceArea,
const Rectangle &destArea,
GLbitfield mask,
GLenum filter);
bool isDefault() const { return mState.isDefault(); }
enum DirtyBitType : size_t
using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX>;
bool hasAnyDirtyBit() const { return mDirtyBits.any(); }
DrawBufferMask getActiveFloat32ColorAttachmentDrawBufferMask() const
return mFloat32ColorAttachmentBits & getDrawBufferMask();
bool hasResourceThatNeedsInit() const { return mState.mResourceNeedsInit.any(); }
angle::Result syncState(const Context *context,
GLenum framebufferBinding,
Command command) const;
void setWriteControlMode(SrgbWriteControlMode srgbWriteControlMode);
// Observer implementation
void onSubjectStateChange(angle::SubjectIndex index, angle::SubjectMessage message) override;
bool formsRenderingFeedbackLoopWith(const Context *context) const;
bool formsCopyingFeedbackLoopWith(TextureID copyTextureID,
GLint copyTextureLevel,
GLint copyTextureLayer) const;
angle::Result ensureClearAttachmentsInitialized(const Context *context, GLbitfield mask);
angle::Result ensureClearBufferAttachmentsInitialized(const Context *context,
GLenum buffer,
GLint drawbuffer);
angle::Result ensureDrawAttachmentsInitialized(const Context *context);
// Conservatively initializes both read color and depth. Blit can access the depth buffer.
angle::Result ensureReadAttachmentsInitialized(const Context *context);
Box getDimensions() const;
static const FramebufferID kDefaultDrawFramebufferHandle;
bool detachResourceById(const Context *context, GLenum resourceType, GLuint resourceId);
bool detachMatchingAttachment(const Context *context,
FramebufferAttachment *attachment,
GLenum matchType,
GLuint matchId);
FramebufferStatus checkStatusWithGLFrontEnd(const Context *context) const;
const FramebufferStatus &checkStatusImpl(const Context *context) const;
void setAttachment(const Context *context,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource,
GLsizei numViews,
GLuint baseViewIndex,
bool isMultiview,
GLsizei samplesIn);
void commitWebGL1DepthStencilIfConsistent(const Context *context,
GLsizei numViews,
GLuint baseViewIndex,
bool isMultiview,
GLsizei samples);
void setAttachmentImpl(const Context *context,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource,
GLsizei numViews,
GLuint baseViewIndex,
bool isMultiview,
GLsizei samples);
void updateAttachment(const Context *context,
FramebufferAttachment *attachment,
size_t dirtyBit,
angle::ObserverBinding *onDirtyBinding,
GLenum type,
GLenum binding,
const ImageIndex &textureIndex,
FramebufferAttachmentObject *resource,
GLsizei numViews,
GLuint baseViewIndex,
bool isMultiview,
GLsizei samples);
void markDrawAttachmentsInitialized(bool color, bool depth, bool stencil);
void markBufferInitialized(GLenum bufferType, GLint bufferIndex);
angle::Result ensureBufferInitialized(const Context *context,
GLenum bufferType,
GLint bufferIndex);
// Checks that we have a partially masked clear:
// * some color channels are masked out
// * some stencil values are masked out
// * scissor test partially overlaps the framebuffer
bool partialClearNeedsInit(const Context *context, bool color, bool depth, bool stencil);
bool partialBufferClearNeedsInit(const Context *context, GLenum bufferType);
FramebufferAttachment *getAttachmentFromSubjectIndex(angle::SubjectIndex index);
ANGLE_INLINE void updateFloat32ColorAttachmentBits(size_t index, const InternalFormat *format)
mFloat32ColorAttachmentBits.set(index, format->type == GL_FLOAT);
FramebufferState mState;
rx::FramebufferImpl *mImpl;
mutable Optional<FramebufferStatus> mCachedStatus;
std::vector<angle::ObserverBinding> mDirtyColorAttachmentBindings;
angle::ObserverBinding mDirtyDepthAttachmentBinding;
angle::ObserverBinding mDirtyStencilAttachmentBinding;
mutable DirtyBits mDirtyBits;
DrawBufferMask mFloat32ColorAttachmentBits;
// The dirty bits guard is checked when we get a dependent state change message. We verify that
// we don't set a dirty bit that isn't already set, when inside the dirty bits syncState.
mutable Optional<DirtyBits> mDirtyBitsGuard;
using UniqueFramebufferPointer = angle::UniqueObjectPointer<Framebuffer, Context>;
} // namespace gl