| // Generated by gen_spirv_builder_and_parser.py using data from spirv.core.grammar.json. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // spirv_instruction_builder_autogen.h: |
| // Functions to generate SPIR-V binary for each instruction. |
| |
| |
| #include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp> |
| |
| #include "spirv_types.h" |
| |
| namespace angle |
| { |
| namespace spirv |
| { |
| |
| void WriteSpirvHeader(std::vector<uint32_t> *blob, uint32_t idCount); |
| void WriteNop(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteUndef(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteSourceContinued(Blob *blob, LiteralString continuedSource); |
| void WriteSource(Blob *blob, |
| spv::SourceLanguage sourceLanguage, |
| LiteralInteger version, |
| const IdRef *file, |
| const LiteralString *source); |
| void WriteSourceExtension(Blob *blob, LiteralString extension); |
| void WriteName(Blob *blob, IdRef target, LiteralString name); |
| void WriteMemberName(Blob *blob, IdRef type, LiteralInteger member, LiteralString name); |
| void WriteString(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, LiteralString string); |
| void WriteLine(Blob *blob, IdRef file, LiteralInteger line, LiteralInteger column); |
| void WriteExtension(Blob *blob, LiteralString name); |
| void WriteExtInstImport(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, LiteralString name); |
| void WriteExtInst(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef set, |
| LiteralExtInstInteger instruction, |
| const IdRefList &operandList); |
| void WriteMemoryModel(Blob *blob, |
| spv::AddressingModel addressingModel, |
| spv::MemoryModel memoryModel); |
| void WriteEntryPoint(Blob *blob, |
| spv::ExecutionModel executionModel, |
| IdRef entryPoint, |
| LiteralString name, |
| const IdRefList &interfaceList); |
| void WriteExecutionMode(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef entryPoint, |
| spv::ExecutionMode mode, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &operandsList); |
| void WriteCapability(Blob *blob, spv::Capability capability); |
| void WriteTypeVoid(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteTypeBool(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteTypeInt(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, LiteralInteger width, LiteralInteger signedness); |
| void WriteTypeFloat(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, LiteralInteger width); |
| void WriteTypeVector(Blob *blob, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef componentType, |
| LiteralInteger componentCount); |
| void WriteTypeMatrix(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, IdRef columnType, LiteralInteger columnCount); |
| void WriteTypeImage(Blob *blob, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledType, |
| spv::Dim dim, |
| LiteralInteger depth, |
| LiteralInteger arrayed, |
| LiteralInteger mS, |
| LiteralInteger sampled, |
| spv::ImageFormat imageFormat, |
| const spv::AccessQualifier *accessQualifier); |
| void WriteTypeSampler(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteTypeSampledImage(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, IdRef imageType); |
| void WriteTypeArray(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, IdRef elementType, IdRef length); |
| void WriteTypeRuntimeArray(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, IdRef elementType); |
| void WriteTypeStruct(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, const IdRefList &memberList); |
| void WriteTypePointer(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult, spv::StorageClass storageClass, IdRef type); |
| void WriteTypeFunction(Blob *blob, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef returnType, |
| const IdRefList ¶meterList); |
| void WriteConstantTrue(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteConstantFalse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteConstant(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| LiteralContextDependentNumber value); |
| void WriteConstantComposite(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| const IdRefList &constituentsList); |
| void WriteConstantNull(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteSpecConstantTrue(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteSpecConstantFalse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteSpecConstant(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| LiteralContextDependentNumber value); |
| void WriteSpecConstantComposite(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| const IdRefList &constituentsList); |
| void WriteFunction(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| spv::FunctionControlMask functionControl, |
| IdRef functionType); |
| void WriteFunctionParameter(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteFunctionEnd(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteFunctionCall(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef function, |
| const IdRefList &argumentList); |
| void WriteVariable(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| spv::StorageClass storageClass, |
| const IdRef *initializer); |
| void WriteImageTexelPointer(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef sample); |
| void WriteLoad(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| const spv::MemoryAccessMask *memoryAccess); |
| void WriteStore(Blob *blob, IdRef pointer, IdRef object, const spv::MemoryAccessMask *memoryAccess); |
| void WriteCopyMemory(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef target, |
| IdRef source, |
| const spv::MemoryAccessMask *memoryAccess); |
| void WriteAccessChain(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| const IdRefList &indexesList); |
| void WriteInBoundsAccessChain(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| const IdRefList &indexesList); |
| void WriteArrayLength(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef structure, |
| LiteralInteger arraymember); |
| void WriteDecorate(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef target, |
| spv::Decoration decoration, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &valuesList); |
| void WriteMemberDecorate(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef structureType, |
| LiteralInteger member, |
| spv::Decoration decoration, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &valuesList); |
| void WriteDecorationGroup(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteGroupDecorate(Blob *blob, IdRef decorationGroup, const IdRefList &targetsList); |
| void WriteGroupMemberDecorate(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef decorationGroup, |
| const PairIdRefLiteralIntegerList &targetsPairList); |
| void WriteVectorExtractDynamic(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector, |
| IdRef index); |
| void WriteVectorInsertDynamic(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector, |
| IdRef component, |
| IdRef index); |
| void WriteVectorShuffle(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector1, |
| IdRef vector2, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &componentsList); |
| void WriteCompositeConstruct(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| const IdRefList &constituentsList); |
| void WriteCompositeExtract(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef composite, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &indexesList); |
| void WriteCompositeInsert(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef object, |
| IdRef composite, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &indexesList); |
| void WriteCopyObject(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteTranspose(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef matrix); |
| void WriteSampledImage(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef sampler); |
| void WriteImageSampleImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleProjImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleProjExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageFetch(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageGather(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef component, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageDrefGather(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageRead(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageWrite(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef texel, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImage(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef sampledImage); |
| void WriteImageQuerySizeLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef levelofDetail); |
| void WriteImageQuerySize(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef image); |
| void WriteImageQueryLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate); |
| void WriteImageQueryLevels(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef image); |
| void WriteImageQuerySamples(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef image); |
| void WriteConvertFToU(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef floatValue); |
| void WriteConvertFToS(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef floatValue); |
| void WriteConvertSToF(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef signedValue); |
| void WriteConvertUToF(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef unsignedValue); |
| void WriteUConvert(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef unsignedValue); |
| void WriteSConvert(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef signedValue); |
| void WriteFConvert(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef floatValue); |
| void WriteQuantizeToF16(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef value); |
| void WriteBitcast(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteSNegate(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteFNegate(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteIAdd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFAdd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteISub(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFSub(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteIMul(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFMul(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteUDiv(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSDiv(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFDiv(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteUMod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSRem(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSMod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFRem(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFMod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteVectorTimesScalar(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector, |
| IdRef scalar); |
| void WriteMatrixTimesScalar(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef matrix, |
| IdRef scalar); |
| void WriteVectorTimesMatrix(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector, |
| IdRef matrix); |
| void WriteMatrixTimesVector(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef matrix, |
| IdRef vector); |
| void WriteMatrixTimesMatrix(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef leftMatrix, |
| IdRef rightMatrix); |
| void WriteOuterProduct(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector1, |
| IdRef vector2); |
| void WriteDot(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef vector1, |
| IdRef vector2); |
| void WriteIAddCarry(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteISubBorrow(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteUMulExtended(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSMulExtended(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteAny(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef vector); |
| void WriteAll(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef vector); |
| void WriteIsNan(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef x); |
| void WriteIsInf(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef x); |
| void WriteLogicalEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteLogicalNotEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteLogicalOr(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteLogicalAnd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteLogicalNot(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteSelect(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef condition, |
| IdRef object1, |
| IdRef object2); |
| void WriteIEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteINotEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteUGreaterThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSGreaterThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteUGreaterThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSGreaterThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteULessThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSLessThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteULessThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteSLessThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdNotEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordNotEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdLessThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordLessThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdGreaterThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordGreaterThan(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdLessThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordLessThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFOrdGreaterThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteFUnordGreaterThanEqual(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteShiftRightLogical(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef shift); |
| void WriteShiftRightArithmetic(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef shift); |
| void WriteShiftLeftLogical(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef shift); |
| void WriteBitwiseOr(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteBitwiseXor(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteBitwiseAnd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef operand1, |
| IdRef operand2); |
| void WriteNot(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef operand); |
| void WriteBitFieldInsert(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef insert, |
| IdRef offset, |
| IdRef count); |
| void WriteBitFieldSExtract(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef offset, |
| IdRef count); |
| void WriteBitFieldUExtract(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef base, |
| IdRef offset, |
| IdRef count); |
| void WriteBitReverse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef base); |
| void WriteBitCount(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef base); |
| void WriteDPdx(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteDPdy(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteFwidth(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteDPdxFine(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteDPdyFine(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteFwidthFine(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteDPdxCoarse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteDPdyCoarse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteFwidthCoarse(Blob *blob, IdResultType idResultType, IdResult idResult, IdRef p); |
| void WriteEmitVertex(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteEndPrimitive(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteEmitStreamVertex(Blob *blob, IdRef stream); |
| void WriteEndStreamPrimitive(Blob *blob, IdRef stream); |
| void WriteControlBarrier(Blob *blob, |
| IdScope execution, |
| IdScope memory, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics); |
| void WriteMemoryBarrier(Blob *blob, IdScope memory, IdMemorySemantics semantics); |
| void WriteAtomicLoad(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics); |
| void WriteAtomicStore(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicExchange(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicCompareExchange(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics equal, |
| IdMemorySemantics unequal, |
| IdRef value, |
| IdRef comparator); |
| void WriteAtomicIIncrement(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics); |
| void WriteAtomicIDecrement(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics); |
| void WriteAtomicIAdd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicISub(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicSMin(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicUMin(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicSMax(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicUMax(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicAnd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicOr(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WriteAtomicXor(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef pointer, |
| IdScope scope, |
| IdMemorySemantics semantics, |
| IdRef value); |
| void WritePhi(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| const PairIdRefIdRefList &variableParentPairList); |
| void WriteLoopMerge(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef mergeBlock, |
| IdRef continueTarget, |
| spv::LoopControlMask loopControl); |
| void WriteSelectionMerge(Blob *blob, IdRef mergeBlock, spv::SelectionControlMask selectionControl); |
| void WriteLabel(Blob *blob, IdResult idResult); |
| void WriteBranch(Blob *blob, IdRef targetLabel); |
| void WriteBranchConditional(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef condition, |
| IdRef trueLabel, |
| IdRef falseLabel, |
| const LiteralIntegerList &branchweightsList); |
| void WriteSwitch(Blob *blob, |
| IdRef selector, |
| IdRef default_, |
| const PairLiteralIntegerIdRefList &targetPairList); |
| void WriteKill(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteReturn(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteReturnValue(Blob *blob, IdRef value); |
| void WriteUnreachable(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteGroupAll(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| IdRef predicate); |
| void WriteGroupAny(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| IdRef predicate); |
| void WriteGroupBroadcast(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| IdRef value, |
| IdRef localId); |
| void WriteGroupIAdd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFAdd(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFMin(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupUMin(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupSMin(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFMax(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupUMax(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupSMax(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| spv::ImageOperandsMask imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseFetch(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseGather(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef component, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseDrefGather(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef sampledImage, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| IdRef dref, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteImageSparseTexelsResident(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef residentCode); |
| void WriteNoLine(Blob *blob); |
| void WriteImageSparseRead(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdRef image, |
| IdRef coordinate, |
| const spv::ImageOperandsMask *imageOperands, |
| const IdRefList &imageOperandIdsList); |
| void WriteGroupIAddNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFAddNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFMinNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupUMinNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupSMinNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| void WriteGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD(Blob *blob, |
| IdResultType idResultType, |
| IdResult idResult, |
| IdScope execution, |
| spv::GroupOperation operation, |
| IdRef x); |
| |
| } // namespace spirv |
| } // namespace angle |
| |