| Test for validationMessage DOM property. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| input patternMismatch: Match the requested format |
| input valueMissing: Fill out this field |
| textarea valueMissing: Fill out this field |
| select valueMissing: Select an item in the list |
| input typeMismatch: Enter an email address |
| input badInput: Enter a number |
| badInput and valueMissing: |
| PASS numberInput.validationMessage is nonRequiredBadInputMessage |
| PASS but.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS anoninput.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS happyFieldset.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS happySelect.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS happyOutput.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS happyObject.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS happyKeygen.validationMessage is '' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |