blob: 53048a115bfd0f86c601aa764fb5a4ad76b18733 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that select elements cap their size to the size attribute and to 4 when no size is specified.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS clientHeight('select2') is clientHeight('select1')
PASS getElemById('select2').setAttribute('size', '4'); clientHeight('select2') == clientHeight('select1') is true
PASS getElemById('select2').setAttribute('size', '5'); clientHeight('select2') > clientHeight('select1') is true
PASS getElemById('select2').setAttribute('size', '8'); clientHeight('select2') == multipleOfElement('select1', 2) is true
PASS getElemById('select2').setAttribute('size', '12'); clientHeight('select2') == multipleOfElement('select1', 3) is true
PASS getElemById('select2').setAttribute('size', '16'); clientHeight('select2') == multipleOfElement('select1', 4) is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true