blob: c75c72ed72366b3ecb5c45aa8e719824b1fb5aae [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the CSS implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef CSSStyleSelector_h
#define CSSStyleSelector_h
#include "DeprecatedString.h"
#include "RenderStyle.h"
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace WebCore {
class CSSMutableStyleDeclaration;
class CSSPrimitiveValue;
class CSSProperty;
class CSSRuleData;
class CSSRuleDataList;
class CSSRuleList;
class CSSRuleSet;
class CSSSelector;
class CSSStyleRule;
class CSSStyleSheet;
class CSSValue;
class Document;
class Element;
class Frame;
class FrameView;
class KURL;
class MediaQueryEvaluator;
class Node;
class Settings;
class StyleSheet;
class StyleSheetList;
class StyledElement;
* this class selects a RenderStyle for a given Element based on the
* collection of styleshets it contains. This is just a vrtual base class
* for specific implementations of the Selector. At the moment only CSSStyleSelector
* exists, but someone may wish to implement XSL.
class StyleSelector
enum State {
None = 0x00,
Hover = 0x01,
Focus = 0x02,
Active = 0x04,
Drag = 0x08
* the StyleSelector implementation for CSS.
class CSSStyleSelector : public StyleSelector
* creates a new StyleSelector for a Document.
* goes through all StyleSheets defined in the document and
* creates a list of rules it needs to apply to objects
CSSStyleSelector(Document*, const String& userStyleSheet, StyleSheetList *styleSheets, bool strictParsing);
* same as above but for a single stylesheet.
CSSStyleSelector(CSSStyleSheet *sheet);
static void loadDefaultStyle();
void initElementAndPseudoState(Element* e);
void initForStyleResolve(Element* e, RenderStyle* parentStyle);
RenderStyle *styleForElement(Element*, RenderStyle* parentStyle=0, bool allowSharing=true, bool resolveForRootDefault=false);
RenderStyle* pseudoStyleForElement(RenderStyle::PseudoId, Element*, RenderStyle* parentStyle=0);
RenderStyle* locateSharedStyle();
Node* locateCousinList(Element* parent, unsigned depth = 1);
bool canShareStyleWithElement(Node* n);
// These methods will give back the set of rules that matched for a given element (or a pseudo-element).
RefPtr<CSSRuleList> styleRulesForElement(Element* e, bool authorOnly);
RefPtr<CSSRuleList> pseudoStyleRulesForElement(Element* e, StringImpl* pseudoStyle, bool authorOnly);
bool strictParsing;
struct Encodedurl {
DeprecatedString host; //also contains protocol
DeprecatedString path;
DeprecatedString file;
} encodedurl;
void setEncodedURL(const KURL& url);
// Given a CSS keyword in the range (xx-small to -webkit-xxx-large), this function will return
// the correct font size scaled relative to the user's default (medium).
float fontSizeForKeyword(int keyword, bool quirksMode, bool monospace) const;
// When the CSS keyword "larger" is used, this function will attempt to match within the keyword
// table, and failing that, will simply multiply by 1.2.
float largerFontSize(float size, bool quirksMode) const;
// Like the previous function, but for the keyword "smaller".
float smallerFontSize(float size, bool quirksMode) const;
void setFontSize(FontDescription& FontDescription, float size);
float getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(bool isAbsoluteSize, float specifiedSize);
Color getColorFromPrimitiveValue(CSSPrimitiveValue* primitiveValue);
bool hasSelectorForAttribute(const AtomicString &attrname);
/* checks if a compound selector (which can consist of multiple simple selectors)
matches the given Element */
bool checkSelector(CSSSelector* selector, Element *e);
/* checks if the selector matches the given Element */
bool checkOneSelector(CSSSelector*, Element*, bool isSubSelector = false);
/* This function fixes up the default font size if it detects that the
current generic font family has changed. -dwh */
void checkForGenericFamilyChange(RenderStyle* aStyle, RenderStyle* aParentStyle);
void checkForTextSizeAdjust();
void adjustRenderStyle(RenderStyle* style, Element *e);
void addMatchedRule(CSSRuleData* rule) { m_matchedRules.append(rule); }
void addMatchedDeclaration(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* decl) { m_matchedDecls.append(decl); }
void matchRules(CSSRuleSet* rules, int& firstRuleIndex, int& lastRuleIndex);
void matchRulesForList(CSSRuleDataList* rules, int& firstRuleIndex, int& lastRuleIndex);
void sortMatchedRules(unsigned start, unsigned end);
void applyDeclarations(bool firstPass, bool important, int startIndex, int endIndex);
static CSSStyleSheet* defaultSheet;
static CSSStyleSheet* quirksSheet;
static CSSStyleSheet* viewSourceSheet;
static CSSStyleSheet* svgSheet;
static CSSRuleSet* defaultStyle;
static CSSRuleSet* defaultQuirksStyle;
static CSSRuleSet* defaultPrintStyle;
static CSSRuleSet* defaultViewSourceStyle;
CSSRuleSet* m_authorStyle;
CSSRuleSet* m_userStyle;
RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> m_userSheet;
bool m_hasUAAppearance;
BorderData m_borderData;
BackgroundLayer m_backgroundData;
Color m_backgroundColor;
static RenderStyle* styleNotYetAvailable;
void init();
void matchUARules(int& firstUARule, int& lastUARule);
void updateFont();
void cacheBorderAndBackground();
void mapBackgroundAttachment(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundClip(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundComposite(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundOrigin(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundImage(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundRepeat(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundSize(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundXPosition(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
void mapBackgroundYPosition(BackgroundLayer* layer, CSSValue* value);
// We collect the set of decls that match in |m_matchedDecls|. We then walk the
// set of matched decls four times, once for those properties that others depend on (like font-size),
// and then a second time for all the remaining properties. We then do the same two passes
// for any !important rules.
Vector<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration*> m_matchedDecls;
// A buffer used to hold the set of matched rules for an element, and a temporary buffer used for
// merge sorting.
Vector<CSSRuleData*> m_matchedRules;
CSSRuleList* m_ruleList;
bool m_collectRulesOnly;
MediaQueryEvaluator* m_medium;
RenderStyle* m_rootDefaultStyle;
RenderStyle::PseudoId dynamicPseudo;
Document* m_document; // back pointer to owner document
RenderStyle *style;
RenderStyle *parentStyle;
Element *element;
StyledElement *styledElement;
Node *parentNode;
RenderStyle::PseudoId pseudoStyle;
CSSValue* m_lineHeightValue;
bool fontDirty;
bool isXMLDoc;
HashSet<AtomicStringImpl *> m_selectorAttrs;
void applyProperty(int id, CSSValue *value);
void applySVGProperty(int id, CSSValue *value);
class CSSRuleData {
CSSRuleData(unsigned pos, CSSStyleRule* r, CSSSelector* sel, CSSRuleData* prev = 0)
:m_position(pos), m_rule(r), m_selector(sel), m_next(0) { if (prev) prev->m_next = this; }
~CSSRuleData() { delete m_next; }
unsigned position() { return m_position; }
CSSStyleRule* rule() { return m_rule; }
CSSSelector* selector() { return m_selector; }
CSSRuleData* next() { return m_next; }
unsigned m_position;
CSSStyleRule* m_rule;
CSSSelector* m_selector;
CSSRuleData* m_next;
class CSSRuleDataList {
CSSRuleDataList(unsigned pos, CSSStyleRule* rule, CSSSelector* sel)
{ m_first = m_last = new CSSRuleData(pos, rule, sel); }
~CSSRuleDataList() { delete m_first; }
CSSRuleData* first() { return m_first; }
CSSRuleData* last() { return m_last; }
void append(unsigned pos, CSSStyleRule* rule, CSSSelector* sel) {
m_last = new CSSRuleData(pos, rule, sel, m_last);
CSSRuleData* m_first;
CSSRuleData* m_last;
} // WebCore
#endif // CSSStyleSelector_h