blob: cb386f64836a174d6db4becae7be49c422c4b77d [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../../resources/webgl_test_files/deqp/functional/gles3/vertexarrays/multiple_attributes.count.html
[ 1: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.2: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 2: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.3: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 3: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.4: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 4: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.5: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 5: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.6: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 6: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.7: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 7: FAIL ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.8: Could not map pixel format:[object Object]
[ 8: PASS ] vertex_arrays.multiple_attributes.attribute_count.8: successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 7 failures reported