blob: e1ffefd9e3aee6d3068bd865f0ff1d805b5f94b7 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Unsafe attempt to load URL http://localhost:8000/security/contentSecurityPolicy/resources/alert-fail.js from origin Domains, protocols and ports must match.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load http://localhost:8000/security/contentSecurityPolicy/resources/alert-fail.js due to access control checks.
This tests that in an isolated world that the Content Security Policy of the parent origin (this page) is bypassed and a CSP violation is not triggered when a Web Worker's script URL loads a different origin through a redirect. This test PASSED if there is no CSP violation console message and the redirect fails (since Web Workers can only load a script from the same origin).
PASS worker failed to load script URL.