blob: 395849215baec6208a9dda9fd52e194b21d7c238 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "ClipPathOperation.h"
#include "CounterDirectives.h"
#include "DataRef.h"
#include "FillLayer.h"
#include "GapLength.h"
#include "LengthPoint.h"
#include "LineClampValue.h"
#include "NinePieceImage.h"
#include "ShapeValue.h"
#include "StyleContentAlignmentData.h"
#include "StyleSelfAlignmentData.h"
#include "WillChangeData.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace WebCore {
class AnimationList;
class ContentData;
class ShadowData;
class StyleCustomPropertyData;
class StyleDeprecatedFlexibleBoxData;
class StyleFilterData;
class StyleFlexibleBoxData;
class StyleGridData;
class StyleGridItemData;
class StyleMarqueeData;
class StyleMultiColData;
class StyleReflection;
class StyleResolver;
class StyleScrollSnapArea;
class StyleScrollSnapPort;
class StyleTransformData;
struct LengthSize;
struct StyleDashboardRegion;
// Page size type.
// StyleRareNonInheritedData::pageSize is meaningful only when
// StyleRareNonInheritedData::pageSizeType is PAGE_SIZE_RESOLVED.
enum PageSizeType {
PAGE_SIZE_AUTO, // size: auto
PAGE_SIZE_AUTO_LANDSCAPE, // size: landscape
PAGE_SIZE_AUTO_PORTRAIT, // size: portrait
PAGE_SIZE_RESOLVED // Size is fully resolved.
// This struct is for rarely used non-inherited CSS3, CSS2, and WebKit-specific properties.
// By grouping them together, we save space, and only allocate this object when someone
// actually uses one of these properties.
class StyleRareNonInheritedData : public RefCounted<StyleRareNonInheritedData> {
static Ref<StyleRareNonInheritedData> create() { return adoptRef(*new StyleRareNonInheritedData); }
Ref<StyleRareNonInheritedData> copy() const;
bool operator==(const StyleRareNonInheritedData&) const;
bool operator!=(const StyleRareNonInheritedData& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool contentDataEquivalent(const StyleRareNonInheritedData&) const;
bool hasFilters() const;
bool hasBackdropFilters() const;
bool hasOpacity() const { return opacity < 1; }
float opacity;
float aspectRatioDenominator;
float aspectRatioNumerator;
float perspective;
Length perspectiveOriginX;
Length perspectiveOriginY;
LineClampValue lineClamp; // An Apple extension.
IntSize initialLetter;
Vector<StyleDashboardRegion> dashboardRegions;
DataRef<StyleDeprecatedFlexibleBoxData> deprecatedFlexibleBox; // Flexible box properties
DataRef<StyleFlexibleBoxData> flexibleBox;
DataRef<StyleMarqueeData> marquee; // Marquee properties
DataRef<StyleMultiColData> multiCol; // CSS3 multicol properties
DataRef<StyleTransformData> transform; // Transform properties (rotate, scale, skew, etc.)
DataRef<StyleFilterData> filter; // Filter operations (url, sepia, blur, etc.)
DataRef<StyleFilterData> backdropFilter; // Filter operations (url, sepia, blur, etc.)
DataRef<StyleGridData> grid;
DataRef<StyleGridItemData> gridItem;
DataRef<StyleScrollSnapPort> scrollSnapPort;
DataRef<StyleScrollSnapArea> scrollSnapArea;
std::unique_ptr<ContentData> content;
std::unique_ptr<CounterDirectiveMap> counterDirectives;
String altText;
std::unique_ptr<ShadowData> boxShadow; // For box-shadow decorations.
RefPtr<WillChangeData> willChange; // Null indicates 'auto'.
RefPtr<StyleReflection> boxReflect;
std::unique_ptr<AnimationList> animations;
std::unique_ptr<AnimationList> transitions;
FillLayer mask;
NinePieceImage maskBoxImage;
LengthSize pageSize;
LengthPoint objectPosition;
RefPtr<ShapeValue> shapeOutside;
Length shapeMargin;
float shapeImageThreshold;
RefPtr<ClipPathOperation> clipPath;
Color textDecorationColor;
Color visitedLinkTextDecorationColor;
Color visitedLinkBackgroundColor;
Color visitedLinkOutlineColor;
Color visitedLinkBorderLeftColor;
Color visitedLinkBorderRightColor;
Color visitedLinkBorderTopColor;
Color visitedLinkBorderBottomColor;
int order;
StyleContentAlignmentData alignContent;
StyleSelfAlignmentData alignItems;
StyleSelfAlignmentData alignSelf;
StyleContentAlignmentData justifyContent;
StyleSelfAlignmentData justifyItems;
StyleSelfAlignmentData justifySelf;
DataRef<StyleCustomPropertyData> customProperties;
std::unique_ptr<HashSet<String>> customPaintWatchedProperties;
unsigned touchActions : 6; // TouchAction
unsigned pageSizeType : 2; // PageSizeType
unsigned transformStyle3D : 1; // TransformStyle3D
unsigned backfaceVisibility : 1; // BackfaceVisibility
unsigned userDrag : 2; // UserDrag
unsigned textOverflow : 1; // Whether or not lines that spill out should be truncated with "..."
unsigned marginBeforeCollapse : 2; // MarginCollapse
unsigned marginAfterCollapse : 2; // MarginCollapse
unsigned appearance : 6; // EAppearance
unsigned borderFit : 1; // BorderFit
unsigned textCombine : 1; // CSS3 text-combine properties
unsigned textDecorationStyle : 3; // TextDecorationStyle
unsigned aspectRatioType : 2;
unsigned effectiveBlendMode: 5; // EBlendMode
unsigned isolation : 1; // Isolation
unsigned applePayButtonStyle : 2;
unsigned applePayButtonType : 3;
unsigned objectFit : 3; // ObjectFit
unsigned breakBefore : 4; // BreakBetween
unsigned breakAfter : 4;
unsigned breakInside : 3; // BreakInside
unsigned resize : 2; // Resize
unsigned hasAttrContent : 1;
unsigned isNotFinal : 1;
GapLength columnGap;
GapLength rowGap;
StyleRareNonInheritedData(const StyleRareNonInheritedData&);
} // namespace WebCore