| Tests the behavior of .min and .max of HTMLInputElement. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS input.max is "qwerty" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("min") is "foo" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("max") is "bar" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("min") is "" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("max") is "" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("min") is null |
| PASS input.getAttribute("max") is null |
| Setting undefined to min: |
| PASS input.min is "undefined" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("min") is "undefined" |
| PASS input.min is "undefined" |
| Setting undefined to max: |
| PASS input.max is "undefined" |
| PASS input.getAttribute("max") is "undefined" |
| PASS input.max is "undefined" |
| Setting non-string to min: |
| PASS input.getAttribute("min") is "256" |
| Setting non-string to max: |
| PASS input.getAttribute("max") is "256" |
| Check implicit min/max of type=range: |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |