| # From WebKit svn r66165 (WebCore/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in) |
| abbr |
| accept |
| accept_charset |
| accesskey |
| action |
| align |
| alink |
| alt |
| archive |
| aria-activedescendant |
| aria-atomic |
| aria-busy |
| aria-checked |
| aria-controls |
| aria-describedby |
| aria-disabled |
| aria-dropeffect |
| aria-expanded |
| aria-flowto |
| aria-grabbed |
| aria-haspopup |
| aria-help |
| aria-hidden |
| aria-label |
| aria-labeledby |
| aria-labelledby |
| aria-level |
| aria-live |
| aria-multiselectable |
| aria-orientation |
| aria-owns |
| aria-pressed |
| aria-readonly |
| aria-relevant |
| aria-required |
| aria-selected |
| aria-valuemax |
| aria-valuemin |
| aria-valuenow |
| aria-valuetext |
| async |
| autocomplete |
| autofocus |
| autoplay |
| autosave |
| axis |
| background |
| behavior |
| bgcolor |
| bgproperties |
| border |
| bordercolor |
| cellborder |
| cellpadding |
| cellspacing |
| challenge |
| char |
| charoff |
| charset |
| checked |
| cite |
| class |
| classid |
| clear |
| code |
| codebase |
| codetype |
| color |
| cols |
| colspan |
| compact |
| composite |
| content |
| contenteditable |
| controls |
| coords |
| data |
| datetime |
| declare |
| defer |
| dir |
| direction |
| disabled |
| draggable |
| enctype |
| end |
| event |
| expanded |
| face |
| focused |
| for |
| formnovalidate |
| frame |
| frameborder |
| headers |
| height |
| hidden |
| high |
| href |
| hreflang |
| hspace |
| http_equiv |
| id |
| incremental |
| indeterminate |
| ismap |
| keytype |
| label |
| lang |
| language |
| leftmargin |
| link |
| list |
| longdesc |
| loop |
| loopend |
| loopstart |
| low |
| lowsrc |
| manifest |
| marginheight |
| marginwidth |
| max |
| maxlength |
| mayscript |
| media |
| method |
| min |
| multiple |
| name |
| nohref |
| noresize |
| noshade |
| novalidate |
| nowrap |
| object |
| onabort |
| onbeforecopy |
| onbeforecut |
| onbeforeload |
| onbeforepaste |
| onbeforeprocess |
| onbeforeunload |
| onblur |
| oncanplay |
| oncanplaythrough |
| onchange |
| onclick |
| oncontextmenu |
| oncopy |
| oncut |
| ondblclick |
| ondrag |
| ondragend |
| ondragenter |
| ondragleave |
| ondragover |
| ondragstart |
| ondrop |
| ondurationchange |
| onemptied |
| onended |
| onerror |
| onfocus |
| onfocusin |
| onfocusout |
| onhashchange |
| oninput |
| oninvalid |
| onkeydown |
| onkeypress |
| onkeyup |
| onload |
| onloadeddata |
| onloadedmetadata |
| onloadstart |
| onmousedown |
| onmousemove |
| onmouseout |
| onmouseover |
| onmouseup |
| onmousewheel |
| onoffline |
| ononline |
| onorientationchange |
| onpagehide |
| onpageshow |
| onpaste |
| onpause |
| onplay |
| onplaying |
| onpopstate |
| onprogress |
| onratechange |
| onreset |
| onresize |
| onscroll |
| onsearch |
| onseeked |
| onseeking |
| onselect |
| onselectstart |
| onstalled |
| onstorage |
| onsubmit |
| onsuspend |
| ontimeupdate |
| ontouchcancel |
| ontouchend |
| ontouchmove |
| ontouchstart |
| onunload |
| onvolumechange |
| onwaiting |
| onwebkitanimationend |
| onwebkitanimationiteration |
| onwebkitanimationstart |
| onwebkitbeginfullscreen |
| onwebkitendfullscreen |
| onwebkittransitionend |
| optimum |
| pattern |
| placeholder |
| playcount |
| pluginurl |
| poster |
| precision |
| preload |
| primary |
| profile |
| progress |
| prompt |
| readonly |
| rel |
| required |
| results |
| rev |
| role |
| rows |
| rowspan |
| rules |
| sandbox |
| scheme |
| scope |
| scrollamount |
| scrolldelay |
| scrolling |
| selected |
| shape |
| size |
| sortable |
| sortdirection |
| span |
| speech |
| spellcheck |
| src |
| standby |
| start |
| step |
| style |
| summary |
| tabindex |
| tableborder |
| target |
| text |
| title |
| top |
| topmargin |
| truespeed |
| type |
| usemap |
| valign |
| value |
| valuetype |
| version |
| viewsource |
| vlink |
| vspace |
| webkitdirectory |
| width |
| wrap |
| |
| # Removed from WebKit between r53119 and r56558 |
| autobuffer |
| |
| # Removed from WebKit between r14011 and r53119 |
| left |
| pagex |
| pagey |
| plain |
| pluginpage |
| pluginspage |
| |
| # was in khtml in 2004, but is no longer in WebCore |
| accept-charset |
| html |
| http-equiv |
| nosave |
| oversrc |
| unknown |
| visibility |
| z-index |
| |
| # From Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/layout/style/xbl-marquee) |
| bounce |
| finish |
| onbounce |
| onfinish |
| onstart |
| |
| |
| # IE specific, from msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties |
| acceptcharset |
| allowtransparency |
| balance |
| choff |
| datafld |
| dataformatas |
| datapagesize |
| datasrc |
| dynsrc |
| framespacing |
| galleryimg |
| hidefocus |
| methods |
| scroll |
| units |
| urn |
| volume |
| |
| # From Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h) |
| # To get these, I used: |
| # ggrep -r "Get.*Attr" * | perl -ne 'if (/nsHTMLAtoms::(\w+)/) { \ |
| # system("grep \\($1, content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h"); }' \ |
| # | cut -d\" -f2 | sort -u |
| autocheck |
| base |
| bottommargin |
| event |
| font-weight |
| handler |
| layout |
| observer |
| ping |
| point-size |
| rightmargin |
| variable |
| |
| # events from Mozilla CVS 2006-04-15 (mozilla/content/base/src/nsGkAtomList.h) |
| # cat nsGkAtomList.h | grep GK_ATOM | cut -d\" -f2 | egrep "^on[a-z]+" |
| onzoom |
| onunderflow |
| ontext |
| onset |
| onpopupshown |
| onpopupshowing |
| onpopuphiding |
| onpopuphidden |
| onpaint |
| onpageshow |
| onpagehide |
| onoverflowchanged |
| onoverflow |
| onget |
| ondraggesture |
| ondragexit |
| ondragdrop |
| oncompositionstart |
| oncompositionend |
| oncommandupdate |
| oncommand |
| onclose |