| indexedDB.deleteDatabase('testDB') |
| indexedDB.open('testDB', 1) |
| openRequest.result.createObjectStore('testObjectStore', {keyPath: 'id'}) |
| tx = openRequest.result.transaction('testObjectStore', 'readwrite') |
| store = tx.objectStore('testObjectStore') |
| store.put({id: 1, array:[1,2,3], arrayBuffer: new ArrayBuffer(3), set: new Set([1,2,3]), map: new Map([[1, 'one']]), object: { name: 'test' }}) |
| store.get(1) |
| PASS result.array instanceof Array is true |
| PASS result.arrayBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer is true |
| PASS result.set instanceof Set is true |
| PASS result.map instanceof Map is true |
| PASS result.object instanceof Object is true |
| PASS result.array instanceof window.top.Array is true |
| PASS result.arrayBuffer instanceof window.top.ArrayBuffer is true |
| PASS result.set instanceof window.top.Set is true |
| PASS result.map instanceof window.top.Map is true |
| PASS result.object instanceof window.top.Object is true |
| indexedDB.open('testDB', 1) |
| tx = openRequest.result.transaction('testObjectStore', 'readwrite') |
| store = tx.objectStore('testObjectStore') |
| store.get(1) |
| PASS result.array instanceof Array equals to true. |
| PASS result.arrayBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer equals to true. |
| PASS result.set instanceof Set equals to true. |
| PASS result.map instanceof Map equals to true. |
| PASS result.object instanceof Object equals to true. |
| PASS result.array instanceof window.top.Array equals to false. |
| PASS result.arrayBuffer instanceof window.top.ArrayBuffer equals to false. |
| PASS result.set instanceof window.top.Set equals to false. |
| PASS result.map instanceof window.top.Map equals to false. |
| PASS result.object instanceof window.top.Object equals to false. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |