blob: 09ba597d705c2b8fa4ae2dd983bb6fbb63ea670f [file] [log] [blame]
End of test
This tests that deleting an iframe doesn't cause the accessibility cache to be destroyed and recreated.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
AXRole: AXScrollArea
AXRole: AXWebArea
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: Before
AXRole: AXSection AXValue: <obj>
AXRole: AXGroup
AXRole: AXScrollArea
AXRole: AXWebArea
AXRole: AXGroup AXValue: <obj>
AXRole: AXButton
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: After
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: End of test
AXRole: AXScrollArea
AXRole: AXWebArea
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: Before
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: After
AXRole: AXParagraph AXValue: End of test
PASS frameBodyRole == frameBody.role is false
PASS frameGroupRole == frameGroup.role is false
PASS frameButtonRole == frameButton.role is false
PASS root.isEqual(newRoot) is true
PASS body.isEqual(newBody) is true
PASS before.isEqual(newBefore) is true
PASS after.isEqual(newAfter) is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true