blob: 6def7e0bb344de32d6d55c782a98f2163099f87d [file] [log] [blame]
Test that cross domain navigation results in the following sequence of events in Target domain:
1. Target.targetCreated for provisional page.
2. Target.didCommitProvisionalTarget when provisional load is committed.
3. Target.targetDestroyed for the old target after the navigation request is committed.
== Running test suite: Target.PSON
-- Running test case: ProvisionalPageTarget
PASS: Should receive targetCreated event.
PASS: Target should be provisional.
PASS: Should receive didCommitProvisionalTarget event.
PASS: Previous target should be the current one.
PASS: Committed target should match provisional target.
PASS: Should receive targetDestroyed event.
PASS: Destroyed target should be previous target.