| background-color: lightblue; |
| -webkit-mask-image:url('resources/masks.svg'); |
| <p><a href="https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=129682">Bug 129682</a> - On success, you should see a 4-rectangle green image painted tiled and no red.</p> |
| <p>This test references an external SVG without specifying a fragment id and paints using multiple tiles.</p> |
| <svg id="redSvg" width="400px" height="500px"> |
| <rect x="5px" y="45px" width="140px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="155px" y="45px" width="140px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="305px" y="45px" width="95px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="155px" y="215px" width="140px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="305px" y="215px" width="95px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="5px" y="215px" width="140px" height="140px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="5px" y="445px" width="140px" height="55px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="155px" y="445px" width="140px" height="55px" fill="red"/> |
| <rect x="305px" y="445px" width="95px" height="55px" fill="red"/> |
| <div id="maskedElement"></div> |