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| <title>Canvas test: 2d.pattern.repeat.case</title> |
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| <h1><a href="index.2d.html">2d</a>.<a href="index.2d.pattern.html">pattern</a>.<a href="index.2d.pattern.repeat.html">repeat</a>.case</h1> |
| <p class="desc"></p> |
| <div class="refs">References: |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="spec.html#testrefs.2d.pattern.exact">2d.pattern.exact</a> |
| |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
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| <p class="output">Actual output:</p> |
| <canvas id="c" class="output" width="100" height="50"><p class="fallback">FAIL (fallback content)</p></canvas> |
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| <ul id="d"></ul> |
| <script> |
| _addTest(function(canvas, ctx) { |
| |
| try { var _thrown = false; |
| ctx.createPattern(canvas, "Repeat"); |
| } catch (e) { if (e.code != DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR) _fail("Failed assertion: expected exception of type SYNTAX_ERR, got: "+e.message); _thrown = true; } finally { _assert(_thrown, "should throw exception of type SYNTAX_ERR: ctx.createPattern(canvas, \"Repeat\")"); } |
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| }); |
| </script> |
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