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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>&lt;model> load and error events</title>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/model-element-test-utils.js"></script>
'use strict';
const model_load_test = (expectedEvent, executor, description) => {
promise_test(t => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const [model, source] = createModelAndSource(t);
const handleEvent = event => {
if (event.type === "load")
assert_true(model.complete, `model.complete is true upon receiving the "load" event.`);
else if (event.type === "error")
assert_false(model.complete, `model.complete is false upon receiving the "error" event.`);
if (event.type === expectedEvent)
reject(`received unexpected event: ${event.type}`);
assert_false(model.complete, "model.complete is false before the load is initiated.");
model.addEventListener("load", handleEvent);
model.addEventListener("error", handleEvent);
}, description);
model_load_test("error", source => {
source.src = "resources/heart.usdz";
}, `<model> dispatches an "error" event when its resource load is aborted before completion.`);
model_load_test("error", source => {
source.src = "resources/does-not-exist.usdz";
}, `<model> dispatches an "error" event when its specified resource does not exist.`);
model_load_test("load", source => {
source.src = "resources/cube.usdz";
}, `<model> dispatches a "load" event when its resource is successfully loaded.`);