| Test that cues are rendered when only the track mode is changed |
| Add 'Arabic' text track with one cue |
| Add 'English' text track with one cue |
| Set the mode of the 'Arabic' track to showing |
| Set the mode of the 'English' track to hidden |
| ** Both cues should be active ** |
| EXPECTED (testTrackEnglish.activeCues.length == '1') OK |
| EXPECTED (testTrackEnglish.activeCues[0].text == 'English') OK |
| EXPECTED (testTrackArabic.activeCues.length == '1') OK |
| EXPECTED (testTrackArabic.activeCues[0].text == 'Arabic') OK |
| ** Only one cue should be visible ** |
| EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'Arabic') OK |
| EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.nextSibling == 'null') OK |
| Set the mode of the 'English' track to showing |
| ** Both cues shold be visible. ** |
| EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'Arabic') OK |
| EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'English') OK |