blob: ceb44bba32145b9e92d7bf320e44a29e242c5041 [file] [log] [blame]
Test that cues are rendered when only the track mode is changed
Add 'Arabic' text track with one cue
Add 'English' text track with one cue
Set the mode of the 'Arabic' track to showing
Set the mode of the 'English' track to hidden
** Both cues should be active **
EXPECTED (testTrackEnglish.activeCues.length == '1') OK
EXPECTED (testTrackEnglish.activeCues[0].text == 'English') OK
EXPECTED (testTrackArabic.activeCues.length == '1') OK
EXPECTED (testTrackArabic.activeCues[0].text == 'Arabic') OK
** Only one cue should be visible **
EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'Arabic') OK
EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.nextSibling == 'null') OK
Set the mode of the 'English' track to showing
** Both cues shold be visible. **
EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'Arabic') OK
EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'English') OK