| testRunner.waitUntilDone(); |
| // Not dumping as text since the DumpRenderTree does not dump the text content of child frames. |
| var button = document.getElementById('blankButton'); |
| function subframeLoaded() |
| if (document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentDocument.URL == "about:blank") |
| <body onload="runTest()"> |
| <form action="resources/success.txt" method="GET" target="blankFrame"> |
| <input type="submit" value="form" id="blankButton"> |
| <div>This tests Targetted frame submission works. If the test is successful, the text "SUCCESS" should be shown in the iframe below.</div> |
| <iframe src="about:blank" name="blankFrame" onload="subframeLoaded()"></iframe> |