blob: 2ef9ba42a15f04a11159563f16f2ebcb68c43b2a [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for getting the content of XHR requests.
== Running test suite: Network.getResponseBody.XHR
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.Text
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'text/plain'.
PASS: Text content should match data.txt.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.HTML
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'text/html'.
PASS: Text content should match data.html.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.JSON
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'application/octet-stream'.
PASS: JSON content should match data.json.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.JSON2
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'application/json'.
PASS: JSON content should match specified content.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.JSON3
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'application/vnd.api+json'.
PASS: JSON content should match specified content.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.SVG
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'image/svg+xml'.
PASS: SVG content should be text.
-- Running test case: Network.getResponseBody.XHR.PNG
PASS: Resource should be XHR type.
PASS: MIMEType should be 'image/png'.
PASS: Image content should be text.