blob: e12b038c6671647fcd87eaaf2c6085cc796815c8 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL showModal() should center in the viewport assert_equals: expected 290 but got -500
FAIL The dialog is a positioned element, so the top and bottom should not have style auto. assert_not_equals: got disallowed value "auto"
FAIL Dialog should be recentered if showModal() is called after close() assert_equals: expected 290 but got -1000
PASS Dialog should not recenter on relayout.
FAIL A tall dialog should be positioned at the top of the viewport. assert_equals: expected 0 but got -500
FAIL The dialog should be centered regardless of the presence of a horizontal scrollbar. assert_equals: expected -9700 but got -500
FAIL Centering should work when dialog is inside positioned containers. assert_equals: expected -9700 but got 330
PASS A centered dialog's position should survive becoming display:none temporarily.
FAIL Dialog should lose centering when removed from the document. assert_not_equals: got disallowed value 320
PASS Dialog's specified position should survive after close() and showModal().
FAIL Dialog should be recentered if showModal() is called after removing 'open'. assert_equals: expected -9700 but got -1000
FAIL Dialog should not be centered if showModal() was called when an ancestor had display 'none'. assert_equals: expected 9500 but got 330
FAIL A dialog with specified 'top' should be positioned as usual assert_equals: expected 50 but got 0
FAIL A dialog with specified 'bottom' should be positioned as usual assert_equals: expected 550 but got 20000