blob: 09fad4fca3786fde1e8885f4ea61525669c65181 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Check if the output element is a labelable element
PASS Check if the output element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the progress element is a labelable element
PASS Check if the progress element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the select element is a labelable element
PASS Check if the select element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the textarea element is a labelable form-element
PASS Check if the textarea element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the button element is a labelable element
PASS Check if the button element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the hidden input element is not a labelable element.
PASS Check if the hidden input element has null 'labels'
PASS Check if the input element in radio state is a labelable element
PASS Check if the input element in radio state can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the keygen element is not a labelable element
PASS Check if the keygen element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the meter element is a labelable element
PASS Check if the meter element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the fieldset element is not a labelable element
PASS Check if the fieldset element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the label element is not a labelable element
PASS Check if the label element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the object element is not a labelable element
PASS Check if the object element can access 'labels'
PASS Check if the img element is not a labelable element
PASS Check if the img element can access 'labels'