blob: e02fa044a0e11da4445e65363481f36616b6c0ba [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL dialog element: showModal() assert_equals: expected Element node <button id="b1">OK</button> but got Element node <body><div id="log"></div>
<button id="b0">OK</button>
PASS showModal() on a <dialog> that already has an open attribute throws an InvalidStateError exception
PASS showModal() on a <dialog> after initial showModal() and removing the open attribute
PASS showModal() on a <dialog> not in a Document throws an InvalidStateError exception
PASS when opening multiple dialogs, only the newest one is non-inert
FAIL opening dialog without focusable children assert_equals: expected Element node <dialog id="d6" open=""></dialog> but got Element node <body><div id="log"></div>
<button id="b0">OK</button>
FAIL opening dialog with multiple focusable children assert_equals: expected Element node <input id="i71" value="foobar"></input> but got Element node <body><div id="log"></div>
<button id="b0">OK</button>
FAIL opening dialog with multiple focusable children, one having the autofocus attribute assert_equals: expected Element node <input id="i82" value="foobar" autofocus=""></input> but got Element node <body><div id="log"></div>
<button id="b0">OK</button>
FAIL when opening multiple dialogs, the most recently opened is rendered on top assert_equals: expected Element node <dialog id="d11" open=""></dialog> but got Element node <html><head><meta charset="utf-8">
<title>dialog element:...