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| text run at (0,0) width 161: "BODY {font-size: 12px;}" |
| text run at (161,0) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,16) width 322: ".one {font: italic small-caps 13pt Helvetica;}" |
| text run at (322,16) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,32) width 203: ".two {font: 150%/150% serif;}" |
| text run at (203,32) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,48) width 252: ".three {font: 150%/150% sans-serif;}" |
| text run at (252,48) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,64) width 231: ".four {font: small/200% cursive;}" |
| text run at (231,64) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,80) width 399: ".five {font: italic small-caps 900 150%/150% sans-serif;}" |
| text run at (399,80) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,96) width 392: ".six {font: italic small-caps 100 150%/300% sans-serif;}" |
| text run at (392,96) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,112) width 392: ".seven {font: italic small-caps 900 150%/2em monospace;}" |
| text run at (392,112) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,128) width 399: ".eight {font: italic small-caps 500 150%/1in sans-serif;}" |
| text run at (399,128) width 0: " " |
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| text run at (378,144) width 0: " " |
| text run at (0,160) width 301: ".ten {font: normal 400 80%/2.5 sans-serif;}" |
| text run at (301,160) width 0: " " |
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| text run at (0,0) width 474: "This element is unstyled, and should inherit a font-size of 12px from the BODY element. " |
| text run at (474,0) width 285: "This is the \"base font size\" referred to in the following" |
| text run at (0,17) width 28: "tests." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,298) size 784x23 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 497x23 |
| text run at (0,0) width 497: "This element should be 13pt. Helvetica which is in small-cap italics." |
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| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 754x80 |
| text run at (0,0) width 297: "This element should be in a serif font. " |
| text run at (297,0) width 457: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-" |
| text run at (0,27) width 497: "height should 150% of that value (18px and 27px, respectively). " |
| text run at (497,27) width 223: "Extra text is included for the" |
| text run at (0,54) width 311: "purposes of testing this more effectively." |
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| text run at (0,1) width 348: "This element should be in a sans-serif font. " |
| text run at (348,1) width 435: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its" |
| text run at (0,28) width 545: "line-height should 150% of that value (18px and 27px, respectively). " |
| text run at (545,28) width 222: "Extra text is included for the" |
| text run at (0,55) width 321: "purposes of testing this more effectively." |
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| text run at (0,3) width 548: "This element should be in a cursive font, 'small' in size, with a line-height 200% the height of the text's actual size. " |
| text run at (548,3) width 167: "For example, if the font-size value " |
| RenderInline {CODE} at (0,0) size 35x14 |
| RenderText {#text} at (715,4) size 35x14 |
| text run at (715,4) width 35: "small" |
| RenderText {#text} at (750,3) size 764x60 |
| text run at (750,3) width 11: " is" |
| text run at (0,25) width 268: "calculated at 10px, then the line-height should be 20px. " |
| text run at (268,25) width 245: "The actual value of the font-size is UA-dependent. " |
| text run at (513,25) width 251: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this" |
| text run at (0,47) width 80: "more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,621) size 784x108 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,1) size 750x106 |
| text run at (0,1) width 728: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight of 900. " |
| text run at (728,1) width 22: "Its" |
| text run at (0,28) width 748: "font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should be 150% of that value" |
| text run at (0,55) width 246: "(18px and 27px, respectively). " |
| text run at (246,55) width 480: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more" |
| text run at (0,82) width 95: "effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,747) size 784x216 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,14) size 745x187 |
| text run at (0,14) width 723: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight of 100. " |
| text run at (723,14) width 22: "Its" |
| text run at (0,68) width 744: "font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should be 300% of that value" |
| text run at (0,122) width 245: "(18px and 54px, respectively). " |
| text run at (245,122) width 479: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more" |
| text run at (0,176) width 94: "effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,981) size 784x144 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,5) size 750x133 |
| text run at (0,5) width 750: "This element should be in a monospace font, italicized and small caps, with a weight of" |
| text run at (0,41) width 55: "900. " |
| text run at (55,41) width 687: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should be" |
| text run at (0,77) width 618: "2em, or twice the element's font size (18px and 36px, respectively). " |
| text run at (618,77) width 113: "Extra text is" |
| text run at (0,113) width 499: "included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,1143) size 784x288 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,35) size 779x217 |
| text run at (0,35) width 723: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight of 500. " |
| text run at (723,35) width 22: "Its" |
| text run at (0,131) width 693: "font-size should be 150% the base font size, or 18px, and its line-height should be 1in. " |
| text run at (693,131) width 86: "Extra text" |
| text run at (0,227) width 487: "is included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,1449) size 784x108 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,5) size 774x97 |
| text run at (0,5) width 752: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, oblique and not small-caps, with a weight of" |
| text run at (0,41) width 40: "700. " |
| text run at (40,41) width 665: "Its font-size should be 18 pixels, and its line-height should be 36px (200% this" |
| text run at (0,77) width 176: "element's font size). " |
| text run at (176,77) width 598: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (0,1575) size 784x50 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,5) size 781x39 |
| text run at (0,5) width 301: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, with a weight of 400. " |
| text run at (301,5) width 456: "Its font-size should be 80% of 12px, or 9.6px, and its line-height shoud be 2.5 times that, or 24px. " |
| text run at (757,5) width 24: "Extra" |
| text run at (0,30) width 291: "text is included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
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| RenderText {#text} at (0,14) size 761x241 |
| text run at (0,14) width 723: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight of 100. " |
| text run at (723,14) width 22: "Its" |
| text run at (0,68) width 744: "font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should be 300% of that value" |
| text run at (0,122) width 761: "(18px and 54px, respectively). The text should have a silver background. The background color" |
| text run at (0,176) width 737: "has been set on an inline element and should therefore only cover the text, not the interline" |
| text run at (0,230) width 64: "spacing." |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 |
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| text run at (4,4) width 159: "TABLE Testing Section" |
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| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 725x38 |
| text run at (0,0) width 558: "This element is unstyled, and should inherit a font-size of 12px from the BODY element. " |
| text run at (558,0) width 167: "This is the \"base font size\"" |
| text run at (0,19) width 203: "referred to in the following tests." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,59) size 762x23 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 497x23 |
| text run at (0,0) width 497: "This element should be 13pt. Helvetica which is in small-cap italics." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,103) size 762x93 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 759x92 |
| text run at (0,0) width 342: "This element should be in a serif font. " |
| text run at (342,0) width 417: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size," |
| text run at (0,31) width 687: "and its line-height should 150% of that value (18px and 27px, respectively). " |
| text run at (687,31) width 52: "Extra" |
| text run at (0,62) width 566: "text is included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,217) size 762x124 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,1) size 732x121 |
| text run at (0,1) width 419: "This element should be in a sans-serif font. " |
| text run at (419,1) width 308: "Its font-size should be 150% the" |
| text run at (0,32) width 732: "base font size, and its line-height should 150% of that value (18px and 27px," |
| text run at (0,63) width 134: "respectively). " |
| text run at (134,63) width 551: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more" |
| text run at (0,94) width 103: "effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,362) size 762x66 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,3) size 715x16 |
| text run at (0,3) width 548: "This element should be in a cursive font, 'small' in size, with a line-height 200% the height of the text's actual size. " |
| text run at (548,3) width 167: "For example, if the font-size value " |
| RenderInline {CODE} at (0,0) size 35x14 |
| RenderText {#text} at (715,4) size 35x14 |
| text run at (715,4) width 35: "small" |
| RenderText {#text} at (750,3) size 761x60 |
| text run at (750,3) width 11: " is" |
| text run at (0,25) width 268: "calculated at 10px, then the line-height should be 20px. " |
| text run at (268,25) width 245: "The actual value of the font-size is UA-dependent. " |
| text run at (513,25) width 231: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing" |
| text run at (0,47) width 100: "this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,449) size 762x124 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,1) size 759x122 |
| text run at (0,1) width 703: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a" |
| text run at (0,32) width 141: "weight of 900. " |
| text run at (141,32) width 618: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height" |
| text run at (0,63) width 573: "should be 150% of that value (18px and 27px, respectively). " |
| text run at (573,63) width 119: "Extra text is" |
| text run at (0,94) width 545: "included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,594) size 762x252 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,17) size 756x217 |
| text run at (0,17) width 756: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight" |
| text run at (0,80) width 75: "of 100. " |
| text run at (75,80) width 681: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should" |
| text run at (0,143) width 497: "be 300% of that value (18px and 54px, respectively). " |
| text run at (497,143) width 239: "Extra text is included for" |
| text run at (0,206) width 422: "the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,867) size 762x210 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,6) size 757x197 |
| text run at (0,6) width 757: "This element should be in a monospace font, italicized and small caps, with a" |
| text run at (0,48) width 163: "weight of 900. " |
| text run at (163,48) width 572: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its" |
| text run at (0,90) width 693: "line-height should be 2em, or twice the element's font size (18px and" |
| text run at (0,132) width 217: "36px, respectively). " |
| text run at (217,132) width 535: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this" |
| text run at (0,174) width 161: "more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,1098) size 762x384 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,34) size 756x316 |
| text run at (0,34) width 756: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight" |
| text run at (0,130) width 75: "of 500. " |
| text run at (75,130) width 640: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, or 18px, and its line-" |
| text run at (0,226) width 197: "height should be 1in. " |
| text run at (197,226) width 555: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more" |
| text run at (0,322) width 106: "effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,1503) size 762x144 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,5) size 752x133 |
| text run at (0,5) width 752: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, oblique and not small-caps, with a weight of" |
| text run at (0,41) width 40: "700. " |
| text run at (40,41) width 665: "Its font-size should be 18 pixels, and its line-height should be 36px (200% this" |
| text run at (0,77) width 176: "element's font size). " |
| text run at (176,77) width 500: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more" |
| text run at (0,113) width 93: "effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,1665) size 762x54 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,5) size 751x43 |
| text run at (0,5) width 312: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, with a weight of 400. " |
| text run at (312,5) width 439: "Its font-size should be 80% of 12px, or 9.6px, and its line-height shoud be 2.5 times that, or" |
| text run at (0,32) width 30: "24px. " |
| text run at (30,32) width 334: "Extra text is included for the purposes of testing this more effectively." |
| RenderBlock {P} at (4,1740) size 762x315 |
| RenderInline {SPAN} at (0,0) size 756x280 [bgcolor=#C0C0C0] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,17) size 756x280 |
| text run at (0,17) width 756: "This element should be in a sans-serif font, italicized and small caps, with a weight" |
| text run at (0,80) width 75: "of 100. " |
| text run at (75,80) width 681: "Its font-size should be 150% the base font size, and its line-height should" |
| text run at (0,143) width 707: "be 300% of that value (18px and 54px, respectively). The text should have a" |
| text run at (0,206) width 733: "silver background. The background color has been set on an inline element and" |
| text run at (0,269) width 593: "should therefore only cover the text, not the interline spacing." |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 0x0 |