| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header ACCEPT-CHARSET |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header ACCEPT-ENCODING |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header CONTENT-LENGTH |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header EXPECT |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header DATE |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header HOST |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header KEEP-ALIVE |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header REFERER |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header TE |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header TRAILER |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header TRANSFER-ENCODING |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header UPGRADE |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: Refused to set unsafe header VIA |
| Test that setRequestHeader cannot be used to alter security-sensitive headers. |