blob: f94a82586f0b1e1540db97ce033537f94a85ddf2 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="resources/profiler-test-JS-resources.js"></script>
if (window.testRunner)
if (window.internals)
var j = 0;
function test(len) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
function test2(len) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
function startTest()
var script = "console.profile('Test');\n";
script += "test(1000);\n";
script += "console.profileEnd('Test');\n";
script += "test2(1000);\n";
<body onload="startTest()">
This page has an anonymous JavaScript function that calls built-in functions.
To run this test manually, load it in the browser then load the WebInspector and look at
the profile. There should be two nodes in the profile, a "(program)" node with one child that is "test".
<div id="output"></div>