blob: ccf173254329a6b0fbc7237e9feb135255576977 [file] [log] [blame]
$title="WebKit Scripts";
<h2>WebKit Scripts</h2>
<p>The WebKit project maintains several scripts to assist with things
like building and testing code, checking style, and preparing patches.<p>
<p>The <tt>Tools/Scripts</tt>
<a href="">folder</a>
of the WebKit source tree contains these scripts.
In fact, unless otherwise mentioned, all of the scripts mentioned
on this site are located in this folder.</p>
<h3>Running a script</h3>
<p>To run the <tt>build-webkit</tt> script, for example, type the
following from the command line:</p>
<p class="code">WebKit/Tools/Scripts/build-webkit</p>
<p>Similarly, to run the <tt>build-webkit</tt> script with the
<tt>--help</tt> option, type the following:<p>
<p class="code">WebKit/Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --help</p>
<h3>Adding to your path</h3>
<p>It is convenient to add <tt>WebKit/Tools/Scripts</tt> to your
shell path so you can run WebKit scripts without typing the full path.<p>
<p>For example, this will allow you to type the following for the two
examples above:</p>
<p class="code">build-webkit</p>
<p class="code">build-webkit --help</p>
<p>The instructions throughout this site assume you have added
<tt>WebKit/Tools/Scripts</tt> to your shell path.
If you do not add this directory to your shell path, simply always include
the full path as in the first examples above.</p>