| This tests that DOM keydown, keyup, and keypress events are dispatched to a non-editable <body> on iOS using a Chinese keyboard. |
| |
| type: keydown, key: a, code: KeyA, keyIdentifier: U+0041, keyCode: 65, charCode: 0, keyCode: 65, which: 65 |
| type: keypress, key: a, code: KeyA, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 97, charCode: 97, keyCode: 97, which: 97 |
| type: keyup, key: a, code: KeyA, keyIdentifier: U+0041, keyCode: 65, charCode: 0, keyCode: 65, which: 65 |
| type: keydown, key: b, code: KeyB, keyIdentifier: U+0042, keyCode: 66, charCode: 0, keyCode: 66, which: 66 |
| type: keypress, key: b, code: KeyB, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 98, charCode: 98, keyCode: 98, which: 98 |
| type: keyup, key: b, code: KeyB, keyIdentifier: U+0042, keyCode: 66, charCode: 0, keyCode: 66, which: 66 |
| type: keydown, key: c, code: KeyC, keyIdentifier: U+0043, keyCode: 67, charCode: 0, keyCode: 67, which: 67 |
| type: keypress, key: c, code: KeyC, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 99, charCode: 99, keyCode: 99, which: 99 |
| type: keyup, key: c, code: KeyC, keyIdentifier: U+0043, keyCode: 67, charCode: 0, keyCode: 67, which: 67 |
| type: keydown, key: d, code: KeyD, keyIdentifier: U+0044, keyCode: 68, charCode: 0, keyCode: 68, which: 68 |
| type: keypress, key: d, code: KeyD, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 100, charCode: 100, keyCode: 100, which: 100 |
| type: keyup, key: d, code: KeyD, keyIdentifier: U+0044, keyCode: 68, charCode: 0, keyCode: 68, which: 68 |
| type: keydown, key: e, code: KeyE, keyIdentifier: U+0045, keyCode: 69, charCode: 0, keyCode: 69, which: 69 |
| type: keypress, key: e, code: KeyE, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 101, charCode: 101, keyCode: 101, which: 101 |
| type: keyup, key: e, code: KeyE, keyIdentifier: U+0045, keyCode: 69, charCode: 0, keyCode: 69, which: 69 |
| type: keydown, key: f, code: KeyF, keyIdentifier: U+0046, keyCode: 70, charCode: 0, keyCode: 70, which: 70 |
| type: keypress, key: f, code: KeyF, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 102, charCode: 102, keyCode: 102, which: 102 |
| type: keyup, key: f, code: KeyF, keyIdentifier: U+0046, keyCode: 70, charCode: 0, keyCode: 70, which: 70 |
| type: keydown, key: g, code: KeyG, keyIdentifier: U+0047, keyCode: 71, charCode: 0, keyCode: 71, which: 71 |
| type: keypress, key: g, code: KeyG, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 103, charCode: 103, keyCode: 103, which: 103 |
| type: keyup, key: g, code: KeyG, keyIdentifier: U+0047, keyCode: 71, charCode: 0, keyCode: 71, which: 71 |
| type: keydown, key: h, code: KeyH, keyIdentifier: U+0048, keyCode: 72, charCode: 0, keyCode: 72, which: 72 |
| type: keypress, key: h, code: KeyH, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 104, charCode: 104, keyCode: 104, which: 104 |
| type: keyup, key: h, code: KeyH, keyIdentifier: U+0048, keyCode: 72, charCode: 0, keyCode: 72, which: 72 |
| type: keydown, key: i, code: KeyI, keyIdentifier: U+0049, keyCode: 73, charCode: 0, keyCode: 73, which: 73 |
| type: keypress, key: i, code: KeyI, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 105, charCode: 105, keyCode: 105, which: 105 |
| type: keyup, key: i, code: KeyI, keyIdentifier: U+0049, keyCode: 73, charCode: 0, keyCode: 73, which: 73 |
| type: keydown, key: j, code: KeyJ, keyIdentifier: U+004A, keyCode: 74, charCode: 0, keyCode: 74, which: 74 |
| type: keypress, key: j, code: KeyJ, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 106, charCode: 106, keyCode: 106, which: 106 |
| type: keyup, key: j, code: KeyJ, keyIdentifier: U+004A, keyCode: 74, charCode: 0, keyCode: 74, which: 74 |
| type: keydown, key: k, code: KeyK, keyIdentifier: U+004B, keyCode: 75, charCode: 0, keyCode: 75, which: 75 |
| type: keypress, key: k, code: KeyK, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 107, charCode: 107, keyCode: 107, which: 107 |
| type: keyup, key: k, code: KeyK, keyIdentifier: U+004B, keyCode: 75, charCode: 0, keyCode: 75, which: 75 |
| type: keydown, key: l, code: KeyL, keyIdentifier: U+004C, keyCode: 76, charCode: 0, keyCode: 76, which: 76 |
| type: keypress, key: l, code: KeyL, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 108, charCode: 108, keyCode: 108, which: 108 |
| type: keyup, key: l, code: KeyL, keyIdentifier: U+004C, keyCode: 76, charCode: 0, keyCode: 76, which: 76 |
| type: keydown, key: m, code: KeyM, keyIdentifier: U+004D, keyCode: 77, charCode: 0, keyCode: 77, which: 77 |
| type: keypress, key: m, code: KeyM, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 109, charCode: 109, keyCode: 109, which: 109 |
| type: keyup, key: m, code: KeyM, keyIdentifier: U+004D, keyCode: 77, charCode: 0, keyCode: 77, which: 77 |
| type: keydown, key: n, code: KeyN, keyIdentifier: U+004E, keyCode: 78, charCode: 0, keyCode: 78, which: 78 |
| type: keypress, key: n, code: KeyN, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 110, charCode: 110, keyCode: 110, which: 110 |
| type: keyup, key: n, code: KeyN, keyIdentifier: U+004E, keyCode: 78, charCode: 0, keyCode: 78, which: 78 |
| type: keydown, key: o, code: KeyO, keyIdentifier: U+004F, keyCode: 79, charCode: 0, keyCode: 79, which: 79 |
| type: keypress, key: o, code: KeyO, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 111, charCode: 111, keyCode: 111, which: 111 |
| type: keyup, key: o, code: KeyO, keyIdentifier: U+004F, keyCode: 79, charCode: 0, keyCode: 79, which: 79 |
| type: keydown, key: p, code: KeyP, keyIdentifier: U+0050, keyCode: 80, charCode: 0, keyCode: 80, which: 80 |
| type: keypress, key: p, code: KeyP, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 112, charCode: 112, keyCode: 112, which: 112 |
| type: keyup, key: p, code: KeyP, keyIdentifier: U+0050, keyCode: 80, charCode: 0, keyCode: 80, which: 80 |
| type: keydown, key: q, code: KeyQ, keyIdentifier: U+0051, keyCode: 81, charCode: 0, keyCode: 81, which: 81 |
| type: keypress, key: q, code: KeyQ, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 113, charCode: 113, keyCode: 113, which: 113 |
| type: keyup, key: q, code: KeyQ, keyIdentifier: U+0051, keyCode: 81, charCode: 0, keyCode: 81, which: 81 |
| type: keydown, key: r, code: KeyR, keyIdentifier: U+0052, keyCode: 82, charCode: 0, keyCode: 82, which: 82 |
| type: keypress, key: r, code: KeyR, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 114, charCode: 114, keyCode: 114, which: 114 |
| type: keyup, key: r, code: KeyR, keyIdentifier: U+0052, keyCode: 82, charCode: 0, keyCode: 82, which: 82 |
| type: keydown, key: s, code: KeyS, keyIdentifier: U+0053, keyCode: 83, charCode: 0, keyCode: 83, which: 83 |
| type: keypress, key: s, code: KeyS, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 115, charCode: 115, keyCode: 115, which: 115 |
| type: keyup, key: s, code: KeyS, keyIdentifier: U+0053, keyCode: 83, charCode: 0, keyCode: 83, which: 83 |
| type: keydown, key: t, code: KeyT, keyIdentifier: U+0054, keyCode: 84, charCode: 0, keyCode: 84, which: 84 |
| type: keypress, key: t, code: KeyT, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 116, charCode: 116, keyCode: 116, which: 116 |
| type: keyup, key: t, code: KeyT, keyIdentifier: U+0054, keyCode: 84, charCode: 0, keyCode: 84, which: 84 |
| type: keydown, key: u, code: KeyU, keyIdentifier: U+0055, keyCode: 85, charCode: 0, keyCode: 85, which: 85 |
| type: keypress, key: u, code: KeyU, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 117, charCode: 117, keyCode: 117, which: 117 |
| type: keyup, key: u, code: KeyU, keyIdentifier: U+0055, keyCode: 85, charCode: 0, keyCode: 85, which: 85 |
| type: keydown, key: v, code: KeyV, keyIdentifier: U+0056, keyCode: 86, charCode: 0, keyCode: 86, which: 86 |
| type: keypress, key: v, code: KeyV, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 118, charCode: 118, keyCode: 118, which: 118 |
| type: keyup, key: v, code: KeyV, keyIdentifier: U+0056, keyCode: 86, charCode: 0, keyCode: 86, which: 86 |
| type: keydown, key: w, code: KeyW, keyIdentifier: U+0057, keyCode: 87, charCode: 0, keyCode: 87, which: 87 |
| type: keypress, key: w, code: KeyW, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 119, charCode: 119, keyCode: 119, which: 119 |
| type: keyup, key: w, code: KeyW, keyIdentifier: U+0057, keyCode: 87, charCode: 0, keyCode: 87, which: 87 |
| type: keydown, key: x, code: KeyX, keyIdentifier: U+0058, keyCode: 88, charCode: 0, keyCode: 88, which: 88 |
| type: keypress, key: x, code: KeyX, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 120, charCode: 120, keyCode: 120, which: 120 |
| type: keyup, key: x, code: KeyX, keyIdentifier: U+0058, keyCode: 88, charCode: 0, keyCode: 88, which: 88 |
| type: keydown, key: y, code: KeyY, keyIdentifier: U+0059, keyCode: 89, charCode: 0, keyCode: 89, which: 89 |
| type: keypress, key: y, code: KeyY, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 121, charCode: 121, keyCode: 121, which: 121 |
| type: keyup, key: y, code: KeyY, keyIdentifier: U+0059, keyCode: 89, charCode: 0, keyCode: 89, which: 89 |
| type: keydown, key: z, code: KeyZ, keyIdentifier: U+005A, keyCode: 90, charCode: 0, keyCode: 90, which: 90 |
| type: keypress, key: z, code: KeyZ, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 122, charCode: 122, keyCode: 122, which: 122 |
| type: keyup, key: z, code: KeyZ, keyIdentifier: U+005A, keyCode: 90, charCode: 0, keyCode: 90, which: 90 |
| type: keydown, key: 0, code: Digit0, keyIdentifier: U+0030, keyCode: 48, charCode: 0, keyCode: 48, which: 48 |
| type: keypress, key: 0, code: Digit0, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 48, charCode: 48, keyCode: 48, which: 48 |
| type: keyup, key: 0, code: Digit0, keyIdentifier: U+0030, keyCode: 48, charCode: 0, keyCode: 48, which: 48 |
| type: keydown, key: 1, code: Digit1, keyIdentifier: U+0031, keyCode: 49, charCode: 0, keyCode: 49, which: 49 |
| type: keypress, key: 1, code: Digit1, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 49, charCode: 49, keyCode: 49, which: 49 |
| type: keyup, key: 1, code: Digit1, keyIdentifier: U+0031, keyCode: 49, charCode: 0, keyCode: 49, which: 49 |
| type: keydown, key: 2, code: Digit2, keyIdentifier: U+0032, keyCode: 50, charCode: 0, keyCode: 50, which: 50 |
| type: keypress, key: 2, code: Digit2, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 50, charCode: 50, keyCode: 50, which: 50 |
| type: keyup, key: 2, code: Digit2, keyIdentifier: U+0032, keyCode: 50, charCode: 0, keyCode: 50, which: 50 |
| type: keydown, key: 3, code: Digit3, keyIdentifier: U+0033, keyCode: 51, charCode: 0, keyCode: 51, which: 51 |
| type: keypress, key: 3, code: Digit3, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 51, charCode: 51, keyCode: 51, which: 51 |
| type: keyup, key: 3, code: Digit3, keyIdentifier: U+0033, keyCode: 51, charCode: 0, keyCode: 51, which: 51 |
| type: keydown, key: 4, code: Digit4, keyIdentifier: U+0034, keyCode: 52, charCode: 0, keyCode: 52, which: 52 |
| type: keypress, key: 4, code: Digit4, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 52, charCode: 52, keyCode: 52, which: 52 |
| type: keyup, key: 4, code: Digit4, keyIdentifier: U+0034, keyCode: 52, charCode: 0, keyCode: 52, which: 52 |
| type: keydown, key: 5, code: Digit5, keyIdentifier: U+0035, keyCode: 53, charCode: 0, keyCode: 53, which: 53 |
| type: keypress, key: 5, code: Digit5, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 53, charCode: 53, keyCode: 53, which: 53 |
| type: keyup, key: 5, code: Digit5, keyIdentifier: U+0035, keyCode: 53, charCode: 0, keyCode: 53, which: 53 |
| type: keydown, key: 6, code: Digit6, keyIdentifier: U+0036, keyCode: 54, charCode: 0, keyCode: 54, which: 54 |
| type: keypress, key: 6, code: Digit6, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 54, charCode: 54, keyCode: 54, which: 54 |
| type: keyup, key: 6, code: Digit6, keyIdentifier: U+0036, keyCode: 54, charCode: 0, keyCode: 54, which: 54 |
| type: keydown, key: 7, code: Digit7, keyIdentifier: U+0037, keyCode: 55, charCode: 0, keyCode: 55, which: 55 |
| type: keypress, key: 7, code: Digit7, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 55, charCode: 55, keyCode: 55, which: 55 |
| type: keyup, key: 7, code: Digit7, keyIdentifier: U+0037, keyCode: 55, charCode: 0, keyCode: 55, which: 55 |
| type: keydown, key: 8, code: Digit8, keyIdentifier: U+0038, keyCode: 56, charCode: 0, keyCode: 56, which: 56 |
| type: keypress, key: 8, code: Digit8, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 56, charCode: 56, keyCode: 56, which: 56 |
| type: keyup, key: 8, code: Digit8, keyIdentifier: U+0038, keyCode: 56, charCode: 0, keyCode: 56, which: 56 |
| type: keydown, key: 9, code: Digit9, keyIdentifier: U+0039, keyCode: 57, charCode: 0, keyCode: 57, which: 57 |
| type: keypress, key: 9, code: Digit9, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 57, charCode: 57, keyCode: 57, which: 57 |
| type: keyup, key: 9, code: Digit9, keyIdentifier: U+0039, keyCode: 57, charCode: 0, keyCode: 57, which: 57 |
| type: keydown, key: -, code: Minus, keyIdentifier: U+002D, keyCode: 189, charCode: 0, keyCode: 189, which: 189 |
| type: keypress, key: -, code: Minus, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 45, charCode: 45, keyCode: 45, which: 45 |
| type: keyup, key: -, code: Minus, keyIdentifier: U+002D, keyCode: 189, charCode: 0, keyCode: 189, which: 189 |
| type: keydown, key: =, code: Equal, keyIdentifier: U+003D, keyCode: 187, charCode: 0, keyCode: 187, which: 187 |
| type: keypress, key: =, code: Equal, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 61, charCode: 61, keyCode: 61, which: 61 |
| type: keyup, key: =, code: Equal, keyIdentifier: U+003D, keyCode: 187, charCode: 0, keyCode: 187, which: 187 |
| type: keydown, key: 【, code: BracketLeft, keyIdentifier: U+005B, keyCode: 219, charCode: 0, keyCode: 219, which: 219 |
| type: keypress, key: 【, code: BracketLeft, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 12304, charCode: 12304, keyCode: 12304, which: 12304 |
| type: keyup, key: 【, code: BracketLeft, keyIdentifier: U+005B, keyCode: 219, charCode: 0, keyCode: 219, which: 219 |
| type: keydown, key: 】, code: BracketRight, keyIdentifier: U+005D, keyCode: 221, charCode: 0, keyCode: 221, which: 221 |
| type: keypress, key: 】, code: BracketRight, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 12305, charCode: 12305, keyCode: 12305, which: 12305 |
| type: keyup, key: 】, code: BracketRight, keyIdentifier: U+005D, keyCode: 221, charCode: 0, keyCode: 221, which: 221 |
| type: keydown, key: ;, code: Semicolon, keyIdentifier: U+003B, keyCode: 186, charCode: 0, keyCode: 186, which: 186 |
| type: keypress, key: ;, code: Semicolon, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 65307, charCode: 65307, keyCode: 65307, which: 65307 |
| type: keyup, key: ;, code: Semicolon, keyIdentifier: U+003B, keyCode: 186, charCode: 0, keyCode: 186, which: 186 |
| type: keydown, key: ', code: Quote, keyIdentifier: U+0027, keyCode: 222, charCode: 0, keyCode: 222, which: 222 |
| type: keypress, key: ', code: Quote, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 39, charCode: 39, keyCode: 39, which: 39 |
| type: keyup, key: ', code: Quote, keyIdentifier: U+0027, keyCode: 222, charCode: 0, keyCode: 222, which: 222 |
| type: keydown, key: ,, code: Comma, keyIdentifier: U+002C, keyCode: 188, charCode: 0, keyCode: 188, which: 188 |
| type: keypress, key: ,, code: Comma, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 65292, charCode: 65292, keyCode: 65292, which: 65292 |
| type: keyup, key: ,, code: Comma, keyIdentifier: U+002C, keyCode: 188, charCode: 0, keyCode: 188, which: 188 |
| type: keydown, key: 。, code: Period, keyIdentifier: U+002E, keyCode: 190, charCode: 0, keyCode: 190, which: 190 |
| type: keypress, key: 。, code: Period, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 12290, charCode: 12290, keyCode: 12290, which: 12290 |
| type: keyup, key: 。, code: Period, keyIdentifier: U+002E, keyCode: 190, charCode: 0, keyCode: 190, which: 190 |
| type: keydown, key: /, code: Slash, keyIdentifier: U+002F, keyCode: 191, charCode: 0, keyCode: 191, which: 191 |
| type: keypress, key: /, code: Slash, keyIdentifier: , keyCode: 47, charCode: 47, keyCode: 47, which: 47 |
| type: keyup, key: /, code: Slash, keyIdentifier: U+002F, keyCode: 191, charCode: 0, keyCode: 191, which: 191 |
| |