blob: a06bbe4767f481cbcd2c268824c41303d8ae37e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShaderValidation_test.cpp:
// Tests that malformed shaders fail compilation, and that correct shaders pass compilation.
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tests/test_utils/ShaderCompileTreeTest.h"
using namespace sh;
// Tests that don't target a specific version of the API spec (sometimes there are minor
// differences). They choose the shader spec version with version directives.
class FragmentShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
FragmentShaderValidationTest() {}
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_GLES3_1_SPEC; }
// Tests that don't target a specific version of the API spec (sometimes there are minor
// differences). They choose the shader spec version with version directives.
class VertexShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
VertexShaderValidationTest() {}
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_VERTEX_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_GLES3_1_SPEC; }
class WebGL2FragmentShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
WebGL2FragmentShaderValidationTest() {}
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_WEBGL2_SPEC; }
class WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest() {}
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_WEBGL_SPEC; }
class ComputeShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
ComputeShaderValidationTest() {}
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_COMPUTE_SHADER; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_GLES3_1_SPEC; }
class ComputeShaderEnforcePackingValidationTest : public ComputeShaderValidationTest
ComputeShaderEnforcePackingValidationTest() {}
void initResources(ShBuiltInResources *resources) override
resources->MaxComputeUniformComponents = kMaxComputeUniformComponents;
// We need both MaxFragmentUniformVectors and MaxFragmentUniformVectors smaller than
// MaxComputeUniformComponents / 4.
resources->MaxVertexUniformVectors = 16;
resources->MaxFragmentUniformVectors = 16;
void SetUp() override
// It is unnecessary to use a very large MaxComputeUniformComponents in this test.
static constexpr GLint kMaxComputeUniformComponents = 128;
class GeometryShaderValidationTest : public ShaderCompileTreeTest
GeometryShaderValidationTest() {}
void initResources(ShBuiltInResources *resources) override
resources->EXT_geometry_shader = 1;
::GLenum getShaderType() const override { return GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_EXT; }
ShShaderSpec getShaderSpec() const override { return SH_GLES3_1_SPEC; }
class FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest : public FragmentShaderValidationTest
FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest() {}
void initResources(ShBuiltInResources *resources) override
resources->EXT_geometry_shader = 1;
// This is a test for a bug that used to exist in ANGLE:
// Calling a function with all parameters missing should not succeed.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FunctionParameterMismatch)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float fun(float a) {\n"
" return a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float ff = fun();\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(ff);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Functions can't be redeclared as variables in the same scope (ESSL 1.00 section 4.2.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedeclaringFunctionAsVariable)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float fun(float a) {\n"
" return a * 2.0;\n"
"float fun;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Functions can't be redeclared as structs in the same scope (ESSL 1.00 section 4.2.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedeclaringFunctionAsStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float fun(float a) {\n"
" return a * 2.0;\n"
"struct fun { float a; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Functions can't be redeclared with different qualifiers (ESSL 1.00 section 6.1.0)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedeclaringFunctionWithDifferentQualifiers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float fun(out float a);\n"
"float fun(float a) {\n"
" return a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Assignment and equality are undefined for structures containing arrays (ESSL 1.00 section 5.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CompareStructsContainingArrays)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct s { float a[3]; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" s a;\n"
" s b;\n"
" bool c = (a == b);\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(c ? 1.0 : 0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Assignment and equality are undefined for structures containing arrays (ESSL 1.00 section 5.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignStructsContainingArrays)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct s { float a[3]; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" s a;\n"
" s b;\n"
" b.a[0] = 0.0;\n"
" a = b;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(a.a[0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Assignment and equality are undefined for structures containing samplers (ESSL 1.00 sections 5.7
// and 5.9)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CompareStructsContainingSamplers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct s { sampler2D foo; };\n"
"uniform s a;\n"
"uniform s b;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" bool c = (a == b);\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(c ? 1.0 : 0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Samplers are not allowed as l-values (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.7), our interpretation is that this
// extends to structs containing samplers. ESSL 1.00 spec is clearer about this.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignStructsContainingSamplers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct s { sampler2D foo; };\n"
"uniform s a;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" s b;\n"
" b = a;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// This is a regression test for a particular bug that was in ANGLE.
// It also verifies that ESSL3 functionality doesn't leak to ESSL1.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArrayWithNoSizeInInitializerList)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float a[2], b[];\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Const variables need an initializer.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ConstVarNotInitialized)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" const float a;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Const variables need an initializer. In ESSL1 const structs containing
// arrays are not allowed at all since it's impossible to initialize them.
// Even though this test is for ESSL3 the only thing that's critical for
// ESSL1 is the non-initialization check that's used for both language versions.
// Whether ESSL1 compilation generates the most helpful error messages is a
// secondary concern.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ConstStructNotInitialized)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct S {\n"
" float a[3];\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" const S b;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Const variables need an initializer. In ESSL1 const arrays are not allowed
// at all since it's impossible to initialize them.
// Even though this test is for ESSL3 the only thing that's critical for
// ESSL1 is the non-initialization check that's used for both language versions.
// Whether ESSL1 compilation generates the most helpful error messages is a
// secondary concern.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ConstArrayNotInitialized)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" const float a[3];\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Block layout qualifiers can't be used on non-block uniforms (ESSL 3.00 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, BlockLayoutQualifierOnRegularUniform)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(packed) uniform mat2 x;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Block layout qualifiers can't be used on non-block uniforms (ESSL 3.00 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, BlockLayoutQualifierOnUniformWithEmptyDecl)
// Yes, the comma in the declaration below is not a typo.
// Empty declarations are allowed in GLSL.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(packed) uniform mat2, x;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Arrays of arrays are not allowed (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.9)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArraysOfArrays1)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[5] a[3];\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Arrays of arrays are not allowed (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.9)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArraysOfArrays2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[2] a, b[3];\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Arrays of arrays are not allowed (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.9). Test this in a struct.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArraysOfArraysInStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"struct S {\n"
" float[2] foo[3];\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test invalid dimensionality of implicitly sized array constructor arguments.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[][] a = float[][](float[1][1](float[1](1.0)), float[1][1](float[1](2.0)));\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(a[0][0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test invalid dimensionality of implicitly sized array constructor arguments.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[][][] a = float[][][](float[2](1.0, 2.0), float[2](3.0, 4.0));\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(a[0][0][0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Implicitly sized arrays need to be initialized (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.9)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UninitializedImplicitArraySize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[] a;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// An operator can only form a constant expression if all the operands are constant expressions
// - even operands of ternary operator that are never evaluated. (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.3)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TernaryOperatorNotConstantExpression)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform bool u;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" const bool a = true ? true : u;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Ternary operator can't operate on arrays (ESSL 3.00 section 5.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TernaryOperatorOnArrays)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float[1] a = float[1](0.0);\n"
" float[1] b = float[1](1.0);\n"
" float[1] c = true ? a : b;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Ternary operator can't operate on structs (ESSL 3.00 section 5.7)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TernaryOperatorOnStructs)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"struct S { float foo; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" S a = S(0.0);\n"
" S b = S(1.0);\n"
" S c = true ? a : b;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Array length() returns a constant signed integral expression (ESSL 3.00 section 4.1.9)
// Assigning it to unsigned should result in an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignArrayLengthToUnsigned)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" int[1] arr;\n"
" uint l = arr.length();\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(float(l));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with a varying should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignVaryingToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"varying float a;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an uniform should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignUniformToGlobalESSL3)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float a;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an uniform used to generate a warning on ESSL 1.00 because of legacy
// compatibility, but that causes dEQP to fail (which expects an error)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignUniformToGlobalESSL1)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float a;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an user-defined function call should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignFunctionCallToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float foo() { return 1.0; }\n"
"float b = foo();\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an assignment to another global should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignAssignmentToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float c = 1.0;\n"
"float b = (c = 0.0);\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with incrementing another global should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignIncrementToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float c = 1.0;\n"
"float b = (c++);\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with a texture lookup function call should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignTexture2DToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform mediump sampler2D s;\n"
"float b = texture2D(s, vec2(0.5, 0.5)).x;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with a non-constant global should be an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignNonConstGlobalToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float a = 1.0;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with a constant global should be fine.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignConstGlobalToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"const float a = 1.0;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Statically assigning to both gl_FragData and gl_FragColor is forbidden (ESSL 1.00 section 7.2)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, WriteBothFragDataAndFragColor)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void foo() {\n"
" gl_FragData[0].a++;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor.x += 0.0;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Version directive must be on the first line (ESSL 3.00 section 3.3)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, VersionOnSecondLine)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Layout qualifier can only appear in global scope (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.8)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LayoutQualifierInCondition)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" int i = 0;\n"
" for (int j = 0; layout(location = 0) bool b = false; ++j) {\n"
" ++i;\n"
" }\n"
" my_FragColor = u;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Layout qualifier can only appear where specified (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.8)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LayoutQualifierInFunctionReturnType)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"layout(location = 0) vec4 foo() {\n"
" return u;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = foo();\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// If there is more than one output, the location must be specified for all outputs.
// (ESSL 3.00.04 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TwoOutputsNoLayoutQualifiers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"out vec4 my_SecondaryFragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
" my_SecondaryFragColor = vec4(0.5);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// (ESSL 3.00.04 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TwoOutputsFirstLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"out vec4 my_SecondaryFragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
" my_SecondaryFragColor = vec4(0.5);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// (ESSL 3.00.04 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TwoOutputsSecondLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4 u;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out vec4 my_SecondaryFragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);\n"
" my_SecondaryFragColor = vec4(0.5);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Uniforms can be arrays (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.5)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UniformArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform vec4[2] u;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = u[0];\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Fragment shader input variables cannot be arrays of structs (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.4)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FragmentInputArrayOfStructs)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct S {\n"
" vec4 foo;\n"
"in S i[2];\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = i[0].foo;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Vertex shader inputs can't be arrays (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.4)
// This test is testing the case where the array brackets are after the variable name, so
// the arrayness isn't known when the type and qualifiers are initially parsed.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, VertexShaderInputArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 i[2];\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_Position = i[0];\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Vertex shader inputs can't be arrays (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.4)
// This test is testing the case where the array brackets are after the type.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, VertexShaderInputArrayType)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4[2] i;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_Position = i[0];\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Fragment shader inputs can't contain booleans (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.4)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FragmentShaderInputStructWithBool)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct S {\n"
" bool foo;\n"
"in S s;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Fragment shader inputs without a flat qualifier can't contain integers (ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.4)
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FragmentShaderInputStructWithInt)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct S {\n"
" int foo;\n"
"in S s;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Selecting a field of a vector that's the result of dynamic indexing a constant array should work.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ShaderSelectingFieldOfVectorIndexedFromArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform int i;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" float f = vec2[1](vec2(0.0, 0.1))[i].x;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an array into a function and then passing a value from that array into another function
// should work. This is a regression test for a bug where the mangled name of a TType was not
// properly updated when determining the type resulting from array indexing.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArrayValueFromFunctionParameterAsParameter)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"float foo(float f) {\n"
" return f * 2.0;\n"
"float bar(float[2] f) {\n"
" return foo(f[0]);\n"
"void main()\n"
" float arr[2];\n"
" arr[0] = u;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(bar(arr));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that out-of-range integer literal generates an error in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, OutOfRangeIntegerLiteral)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision highp int;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0x100000000);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that vector field selection from a value taken from an array constructor is accepted as a
// constant expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FieldSelectionFromVectorArrayConstructorIsConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = vec2[1](vec2(0.0, 1.0))[0].x;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that structure field selection from a value taken from an array constructor is accepted as a
// constant expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FieldSelectionFromStructArrayConstructorIsConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"struct S { float member; };\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = S[1](S(0.0))[0].member;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a reference to a const array is accepted as a constant expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArraySymbolIsConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float[2] arr = float[2](0.0, 1.0);\n"
" const float f = arr[0];\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array constructor in a parameter to a built-in function is accepted as a
// constant expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, BuiltInFunctionAppliedToArrayConstructorIsConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = sin(float[2](0.0, 1.0)[0]);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array constructor in a parameter to a built-in function is accepted as a
// constant expression.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = pow(1.0, float[2](0.0, 1.0)[0]);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array constructor in a parameter to a constructor is accepted as a constant
// expression.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const vec2 f = vec2(1.0, float[2](0.0, 1.0)[0]);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f.x);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array constructor in an operand of the ternary selection operator is accepted
// as a constant expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TernaryOperatorAppliedToArrayConstructorIsConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = true ? float[2](0.0, 1.0)[0] : 1.0;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a ternary operator with one unevaluated non-constant operand is not a constant
// expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TernaryOperatorNonConstantOperand)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const float f = true ? 1.0 : u;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(f);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a sampler can't be used in constructor argument list
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerInConstructorArguments)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler2D s;\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 v = vec2(0.0, s);\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(v, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that void can't be used in constructor argument list
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, VoidInConstructorArguments)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void foo() {}\n"
"void main()\n"
" vec2 v = vec2(0.0, foo());\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(v, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader passing a struct into a constructor of array of structs with 1 element works.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SingleStructArrayConstructor)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"struct S { float member; };\n"
"void main()\n"
" S[1] sarr = S[1](S(u));\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(sarr[0].member);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader with empty constructor parameter list is not accepted.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, EmptyArrayConstructor)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"const float[] f = f[]();\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing fragment outputs with a non-constant expression is forbidden, even if ANGLE
// is able to constant fold the index expression. ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.6.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicallyIndexedFragmentOutput)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform int a;\n"
"out vec4[2] my_FragData;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragData[true ? 0 : a] = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing a uniform buffer array with a non-constant expression is forbidden, even if
// ANGLE is able to constant fold the index expression. ESSL 3.00 section 4.3.7.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicallyIndexedUniformBuffer)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int a;
uniform B
vec4 f;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = blocks[true ? 0 : a].f;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing a storage buffer array with a non-constant expression is forbidden, even if
// ANGLE is able to constant fold the index expression. ESSL 3.10 section 4.3.9.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicallyIndexedStorageBuffer)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int a;
layout(std140) buffer B
vec4 f;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = blocks[true ? 0 : a].f;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing a sampler array with a non-constant expression is forbidden, even if ANGLE is
// able to constant fold the index expression. ESSL 3.00 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicallyIndexedSampler)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int a;
uniform sampler2D s[2];
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = texture(s[true ? 0 : a], vec2(0));
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing an image array with a non-constant expression is forbidden, even if ANGLE is
// able to constant fold the index expression. ESSL 3.10 section
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicallyIndexedImage)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int a;
layout(rgba32f) uniform highp readonly image2D image[2];
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = imageLoad(image[true ? 0 : a], ivec2(0));
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader that uses a struct definition in place of a struct constructor does not
// compile. See GLSL ES 1.00 section 5.4.3.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructConstructorWithStructDefinition)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main()\n"
" struct s { float f; } (0.0);\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that indexing gl_FragData with a non-constant expression is forbidden in WebGL 2.0, even
// when ANGLE is able to constant fold the index.
// WebGL 2.0 spec section 'GLSL ES 1.00 Fragment Shader Output'
TEST_F(WebGL2FragmentShaderValidationTest, IndexFragDataWithNonConstant)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main()\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {\n"
" gl_FragData[true ? 0 : i] = vec4(0.0);\n"
" }\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an uniform should generate a warning
// (we don't generate an error on ESSL 1.00 because of WebGL compatibility)
TEST_F(WebGL2FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignUniformToGlobalESSL1)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float a;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
if (!hasWarning())
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded without warnings, expecting warning:\n"
<< mInfoLog;
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success with warning:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that deferring global variable init works with an empty main().
TEST_F(WebGL2FragmentShaderValidationTest, DeferGlobalVariableInitWithEmptyMain)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"float foo = u;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a non-constant texture offset is not accepted for textureOffset.
// ESSL 3.00 section 8.8
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureOffsetNonConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform vec3 u_texCoord;\n"
"uniform mediump sampler3D u_sampler;\n"
"uniform int x;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = textureOffset(u_sampler, u_texCoord, ivec3(x, 3, -8));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a non-constant texture offset is not accepted for textureProjOffset with bias.
// ESSL 3.00 section 8.8
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureProjOffsetNonConst)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform vec4 u_texCoord;\n"
"uniform mediump sampler3D u_sampler;\n"
"uniform int x;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = textureProjOffset(u_sampler, u_texCoord, ivec3(x, 3, -8), 0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that an out-of-range texture offset is not accepted.
// GLES 3.0.4 section 3.8.10 specifies that out-of-range offset has undefined behavior.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureLodOffsetOutOfRange)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform vec3 u_texCoord;\n"
"uniform mediump sampler3D u_sampler;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = textureLodOffset(u_sampler, u_texCoord, 0.0, ivec3(0, 0, 8));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that default precision qualifier for uint is not accepted.
// ESSL 3.00.4 section 4.5.4: Only allowed for float, int and sampler types.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DefaultPrecisionUint)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump uint;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that sampler3D needs to be precision qualified.
// ESSL 3.00.4 section 4.5.4: New ESSL 3.00 sampler types don't have predefined precision.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NoPrecisionSampler3D)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler3D s;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using a non-constant expression in a for loop initializer is forbidden in WebGL 1.0,
// even when ANGLE is able to constant fold the initializer.
// ESSL 1.00 Appendix A.
TEST_F(WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest, NonConstantLoopIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform int u;\n"
"void main()\n"
" for (int i = (true ? 1 : u); i < 5; ++i) {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
" }\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions (ESSL 1.00 section 4.3)
// Initializing with an uniform should generate a warning
// (we don't generate an error on ESSL 1.00 because of WebGL compatibility)
TEST_F(WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignUniformToGlobalESSL1)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float a;\n"
"float b = a * 2.0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(b);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
if (!hasWarning())
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded without warnings, expecting warning:\n"
<< mInfoLog;
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success with warning:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that deferring global variable init works with an empty main().
TEST_F(WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest, DeferGlobalVariableInitWithEmptyMain)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform float u;\n"
"float foo = u;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Check that indices that are not integers are rejected.
// The check should be done even if ESSL 1.00 Appendix A limitations are not applied.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NonIntegerIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main()\n"
" float f[3];\n"
" const float i = 2.0;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(f[i]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// ESSL1 shaders with a duplicate function prototype should be rejected.
// ESSL 1.00.17 section 4.2.7.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DuplicatePrototypeESSL1)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void foo();\n"
"void foo();\n"
"void foo() {}\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// ESSL3 shaders with a duplicate function prototype should be allowed.
// ESSL 3.00.4 section 4.2.3.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DuplicatePrototypeESSL3)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void foo();\n"
"void foo();\n"
"void foo() {}\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Shaders with a local function prototype should be rejected.
// ESSL 3.00.4 section 4.2.4.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LocalFunctionPrototype)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" void foo();\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// ESSL 3.00 fragment shaders can not use #pragma STDGL invariant(all).
// ESSL 3.00.4 section 4.6.1. Does not apply to other versions of ESSL.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ESSL300FragmentInvariantAll)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"#pragma STDGL invariant(all)\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Built-in functions can be overloaded in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ESSL100BuiltInFunctionOverload)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"int sin(int x)\n"
" return int(sin(float(x)));\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(sin(1));"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Built-in functions can not be overloaded in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ESSL300BuiltInFunctionOverload)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"int sin(int x)\n"
" return int(sin(float(x)));\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(sin(1));"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiplying a 4x2 matrix with a 4x2 matrix should not work.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CompoundMultiplyMatrixIdenticalNonSquareDimensions)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" mat4x2 foo;\n"
" foo *= mat4x2(4.0);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiplying a matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows with a 2x2 matrix should work.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CompoundMultiplyMatrixValidNonSquareDimensions)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" mat2x4 foo;\n"
" foo *= mat2x2(4.0);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Covers a bug where we would set the incorrect result size on an out-of-bounds vector swizzle.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, OutOfBoundsVectorSwizzle)
const std::string &shaderString =
"void main() {\n"
" vec2(0).qq;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Covers a bug where strange preprocessor defines could trigger asserts.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DefineWithSemicolon)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#define Def; highp\n"
"uniform Def vec2 a;\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Covers a bug in our parsing of malformed shift preprocessor expressions.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LineDirectiveUndefinedShift)
const std::string &shaderString = "#line x << y";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Covers a bug in our parsing of malformed shift preprocessor expressions.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LineDirectiveNegativeShift)
const std::string &shaderString = "#line x << -1";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// gl_MaxImageUnits is only available in ES 3.1 shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, MaxImageUnitsInES3Shader)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;"
"void main() {\n"
" float ff = float(gl_MaxImageUnits);\n"
" myOutput = vec4(ff);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// struct += struct is an invalid operation.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructCompoundAssignStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"struct S { float foo; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" S a, b;\n"
" a += b;\n"
" myOutput = vec4(0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// struct == different struct is an invalid operation.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructEqDifferentStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"struct S { float foo; };\n"
"struct S2 { float foobar; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" S a;\n"
" S2 b;\n"
" a == b;\n"
" myOutput = vec4(0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Compute shaders are not supported in versions lower than 310.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, Version100)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(void main()
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Compute shaders are not supported in versions lower than 310.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, Version300)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
void main()
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Compute shaders should have work group size specified. However, it is not a compile time error
// to not have the size specified, but rather a link time one.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, NoWorkGroupSizeSpecified)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that workgroup size declaration doesn't accept variable declaration.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, NoVariableDeclrationAfterWorkGroupSize)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 1) in vec4 x;
void main()
if (compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is less than 1. It should be at least 1.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 7.1.3 Compute Shader Special Variables
// The spec is not clear whether having a local size qualifier equal zero
// is correct.
// TODO (mradev): Ask people from Khronos to clarify the spec.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeTooSmallXdimension)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 0) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is correct for the x and y dimensions, but not for the z dimension.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 7.1.3 Compute Shader Special Variables
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeTooSmallZDimension)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 4, local_size_y = 6, local_size_z = 0) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is bigger than the minimum in the x dimension.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeTooBigXDimension)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 9989899) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is bigger than the minimum in the y dimension.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeTooBigYDimension)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 9989899) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is definitely bigger than the minimum in the z dimension.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeTooBigZDimension)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 5, local_size_z = 9989899) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size specified through macro expansion.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeMacro)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"#define MYDEF(x) x"
"layout(local_size_x = MYDEF(127)) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size specified as an unsigned integer.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeUnsignedInteger)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 123u) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size specified in hexadecimal.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeHexadecimal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 0x3A) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local_size_x is -1 in hexadecimal format.
// -1 is used as unspecified value in the TLayoutQualifier structure.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeMinusOneHexadecimal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 0xFFFFFFFF) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size specified in octal.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeOctal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 013) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Work group size is negative. It is specified in hexadecimal.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeNegativeHexadecimal)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 0xFFFFFFEC) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group layout qualifiers with differing values.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, DifferingLayoutQualifiers)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_x = 6) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group input variables with differing local size values.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, MultipleInputVariablesDifferingLocalSize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 6) in;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 7) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group input variables with differing local size values.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, MultipleInputVariablesDifferingLocalSize2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 7) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group input variables with the same local size values. It should compile.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, MultipleInputVariablesSameLocalSize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 6) in;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 6) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group input variables with the same local size values. It should compile.
// Since the default value is 1, it should compile.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, MultipleInputVariablesSameLocalSize2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 1) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Multiple work group input variables with the same local size values. It should compile.
// Since the default value is 1, it should compile.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, MultipleInputVariablesSameLocalSize3)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 1) in;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Specifying row_major qualifier in a work group size layout.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, RowMajorInComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, row_major) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local size layout can be used only with compute input variables
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, UniformComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) uniform;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local size layout can be used only with compute input variables
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, UniformBufferComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) uniform SomeBuffer { vec4 something; };\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local size layout can be used only with compute input variables
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, StructComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) struct SomeBuffer { vec4 something; };\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local size layout can be used only with compute input variables
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, StructBodyComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"struct S {\n"
" layout(local_size_x = 12) vec4 foo;\n"
"void main()"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// local size layout can be used only with compute input variables
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, TypeComputeInputLayout)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) vec4;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invalid use of the out storage qualifier in a compute shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidOutStorageQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invalid use of the out storage qualifier in a compute shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidOutStorageQualifier2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"out myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invalid use of the in storage qualifier. Can be only used to describe the local block size.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidInStorageQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invalid use of the in storage qualifier. Can be only used to describe the local block size.
// The test checks a different part of the GLSL grammar than what InvalidInStorageQualifier checks.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, Compute Shader Inputs
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidInStorageQualifier2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"in myInput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The local_size layout qualifier is only available in compute shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfLocalSizeX)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The local_size layout qualifier is only available in compute shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfLocalSizeX)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The local_size layout qualifier is only available in compute shaders.
TEST_F(GeometryShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfLocalSizeX)
const std::string &shaderString1 =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
layout (points, local_size_x = 15) in;
layout (points, max_vertices = 2) out;
void main()
const std::string &shaderString2 =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
layout (points) in;
layout (invocations = 2, local_size_x = 15) in;
layout (points, max_vertices = 2) out;
void main()
const std::string &shaderString3 =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
layout (points) in;
layout (points, local_size_x = 15, max_vertices = 2) out;
void main()
const std::string &shaderString4 =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
layout (points) in;
layout (points) out;
layout (max_vertices = 2, local_size_x = 15) out;
void main()
if (compile(shaderString1) || compile(shaderString2) || compile(shaderString3) ||
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is a compile time error to use the gl_WorkGroupSize constant if
// the local size has not been declared yet.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 7.1.3 Compute Shader Special Variables
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidUsageOfWorkGroupSize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"void main()\n"
" uvec3 WorkGroupSize = gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The test covers the compute shader built-in variables and constants.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, CorrectUsageOfComputeBuiltins)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x=4, local_size_y=3, local_size_z=2) in;
layout(rgba32ui) uniform highp writeonly uimage2D imageOut;
void main()
uvec3 temp1 = gl_NumWorkGroups;
uvec3 temp2 = gl_WorkGroupSize;
uvec3 temp3 = gl_WorkGroupID;
uvec3 temp4 = gl_LocalInvocationID;
uvec3 temp5 = gl_GlobalInvocationID;
uint temp6 = gl_LocalInvocationIndex;
imageStore(imageOut, ivec2(0), uvec4(temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4 + temp5, temp6));
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableNumWorkGroups)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_NumWorkGroups = uvec3(1); \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableWorkGroupID)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_WorkGroupID = uvec3(1); \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableLocalInvocationID)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_LocalInvocationID = uvec3(1); \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableGlobalInvocationID)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_GlobalInvocationID = uvec3(1); \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableLocalInvocationIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_LocalInvocationIndex = 1; \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to write to a special variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SpecialVariableWorkGroupSize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_WorkGroupSize = uvec3(1); \n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is illegal to apply an unary operator to a sampler.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerUnaryOperator)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform sampler2D s;\n"
"void main()\n"
" -s;\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant cannot be used with a work group size declaration.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvariantBlockSize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"invariant layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant cannot be used with a non-output variable in ESSL3.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvariantNonOuput)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"invariant int value;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant cannot be used with a non-output variable in ESSL3.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 4.8: This applies even if the declaration is empty.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvariantNonOuputEmptyDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"invariant in float;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant declaration should follow the following format "invariant <out variable name>".
// Test having an incorrect qualifier in the invariant declaration.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvariantDeclarationWithStorageQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 foo;\n"
"invariant centroid foo;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant declaration should follow the following format "invariant <out variable name>".
// Test having an incorrect precision qualifier in the invariant declaration.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvariantDeclarationWithPrecisionQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 foo;\n"
"invariant highp foo;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Invariant declaration should follow the following format "invariant <out variable name>".
// Test having an incorrect layout qualifier in the invariant declaration.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvariantDeclarationWithLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 foo;\n"
"invariant layout(location=0) foo;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Variable declaration with both invariant and layout qualifiers is not valid in the formal grammar
// provided in the ESSL 3.00 spec. ESSL 3.10 starts allowing this combination, but ESSL 3.00 should
// still disallow it.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, VariableDeclarationWithInvariantAndLayoutQualifierESSL300)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"invariant layout(location = 0) out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Bit shift with a rhs value > 31 has an undefined result in the GLSL spec. Detecting an undefined
// result at compile time should not generate an error either way.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 5.9.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ShiftBy32)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out uint my_out;
void main() {
my_out = 1u << 32u;
if (compile(shaderString))
if (!hasWarning())
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded without warnings, expecting warning:\n"
<< mInfoLog;
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success with warning:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Bit shift with a rhs value < 0 has an undefined result in the GLSL spec. Detecting an undefined
// result at compile time should not generate an error either way.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 5.9.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ShiftByNegative)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
out uint my_out;
void main() {
my_out = 1u << (-1);
if (compile(shaderString))
if (!hasWarning())
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded without warnings, expecting warning:\n"
<< mInfoLog;
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success with warning:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that pruning empty declarations from loop init expression works.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, EmptyDeclarationAsLoopInit)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" int i = 0;\n"
" for (int; i < 3; i++)\n"
" {\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(i);\n"
" }\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// r32f, r32i, r32ui do not require either the writeonly or readonly memory qualifiers.
// GLSL ES 3.10, Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageR32FNoMemoryQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Images which do not have r32f, r32i or r32ui as internal format, must have readonly or writeonly
// specified.
// GLSL ES 3.10, Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageRGBA32FWithIncorrectMemoryQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is a compile-time error to call imageStore when the image is qualified as readonly.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StoreInReadOnlyImage)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageStore(myImage, ivec2(0), vec4(1.0));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is a compile-time error to call imageLoad when the image is qualified as writeonly.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LoadFromWriteOnlyImage)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform writeonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageLoad(myImage, ivec2(0));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is a compile-time error to call imageStore when the image is qualified as readonly.
// Test to make sure this is validated correctly for images in arrays.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StoreInReadOnlyImageArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage[2];\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageStore(myImage[0], ivec2(0), vec4(1.0));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It is a compile-time error to call imageStore when the image is qualified as readonly.
// Test to make sure that checking this doesn't crash when validating an image in a struct.
// Image in a struct in itself isn't accepted by the parser, but error recovery still results in
// an image in the struct.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StoreInReadOnlyImageInStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"uniform struct S {\n"
" layout(r32f) readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"} s;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageStore(s.myImage, ivec2(0), vec4(1.0));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// A valid declaration and usage of an image3D.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValidImage3D)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image3D;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image3D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageLoad(myImage, ivec3(0));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// A valid declaration and usage of an imageCube.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValidImageCube)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump imageCube;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly imageCube myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageLoad(myImage, ivec3(0));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// A valid declaration and usage of an image2DArray.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValidImage2DArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2DArray;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2DArray myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageLoad(myImage, ivec3(0));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Images cannot be l-values.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.1.7 Opaque Types
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageLValueFunctionDefinitionInOut)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"void myFunc(inout image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Cannot assign to images.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.1.7 Opaque Types
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageAssignment)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage2;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myImage = myImage2;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image qualifier to a function should not be able to discard the readonly qualifier.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadOnlyQualifierMissingInFunctionArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image qualifier to a function should not be able to discard the readonly qualifier.
// Test with an image from an array.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadOnlyQualifierMissingInFunctionArgumentArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform readonly image2D myImage[2];\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage[0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image qualifier to a function should not be able to discard the readonly qualifier.
// Test that validation doesn't crash on this for an image in a struct.
// Image in a struct in itself isn't accepted by the parser, but error recovery still results in
// an image in the struct.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadOnlyQualifierMissingInFunctionArgumentStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"uniform struct S {\n"
" layout(r32f) readonly image2D myImage;\n"
"} s;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(s.myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image qualifier to a function should not be able to discard the writeonly qualifier.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, WriteOnlyQualifierMissingInFunctionArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform writeonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image parameter as an argument to another function should not be able to discard the
// writeonly qualifier.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DiscardWriteonlyInFunctionBody)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform writeonly image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc1(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void myFunc2(in writeonly image2D someImage) { myFunc1(someImage); }\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc2(myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The memory qualifiers for the image declaration and function argument match and the test should
// pass.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CorrectImageMemoryQualifierSpecified)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The test adds additional qualifiers to the argument in the function header.
// This is correct since no memory qualifiers are discarded upon the function call.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CorrectImageMemoryQualifierSpecified2)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in readonly writeonly image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Images are not allowed in structs.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.1.8 Structures
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageInStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"struct myStruct { layout(r32f) image2D myImage; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Images are not allowed in interface blocks.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.3.9 Interface Blocks
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageInInterfaceBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"uniform myBlock { layout(r32f) image2D myImage; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Readonly used with an interface block.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadonlyWithInterfaceBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform readonly myBlock { float something; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Readonly used with an invariant.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadonlyWithInvariant)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 something;\n"
"invariant readonly something;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Readonly used with a member of a structure.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ReadonlyWithStructMember)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 something;\n"
"struct MyStruct { readonly float myMember; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It should not be possible to use an internal format layout qualifier with an interface block.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageInternalFormatWithInterfaceBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 something;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform MyStruct { float myMember; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// It should not be possible to use an internal format layout qualifier with a uniform without a
// type.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageInternalFormatInGlobalLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 something;\n"
"layout(rgba32f) uniform;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// ESSL 1.00 section 4.1.7.
// Samplers are not allowed as operands for most operations. Test this for ternary operator.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerAsTernaryOperand)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"uniform bool u;\n"
"uniform sampler2D s1;\n"
"uniform sampler2D s2;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragColor = texture2D(u ? s1 : s2, vec2(0, 0));\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// ESSL 1.00.17 section 4.5.2.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 4.5.3.
// Precision must be specified for floats. Test this with a declaration with no qualifiers.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FloatDeclarationNoQualifiersNoPrecision)
const std::string &shaderString =
"vec4 foo = vec4(0.0);\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = foo;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Check compiler doesn't crash on incorrect unsized array declarations.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, IncorrectUnsizedArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"float foo[] = 0.0;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" foo[0] = 1.0;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(foo[0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Check compiler doesn't crash when a bvec is on the right hand side of a logical operator.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 5.9.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, LogicalOpRHSIsBVec)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"void main()\n"
" bool b;\n"
" bvec3 b3;\n"
" b && b3;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Check compiler doesn't crash when there's an unsized array constructor with no parameters.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 4.1.9: Array size must be greater than zero.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UnsizedArrayConstructorNoParameters)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"void main()\n"
" int[]();\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image parameter as an argument to another function should not be able to discard the
// coherent qualifier.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CoherentQualifierMissingInFunctionArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform coherent image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Passing an image parameter as an argument to another function should not be able to discard the
// volatile qualifier.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, VolatileQualifierMissingInFunctionArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform volatile image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The restrict qualifier can be discarded from a function argument.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RestrictQualifierDiscardedInFunctionArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform restrict image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Function image arguments can be overqualified.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.9 Memory Access Qualifiers
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, OverqualifyingImageParameter)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void myFunc(in coherent volatile image2D someImage) {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myFunc(myImage);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that work group size can be used to size arrays.
// GLSL ES 3.10.4 section 7.1.3 Compute Shader Special Variables
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, WorkGroupSizeAsArraySize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, local_size_y = 3, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" int[gl_WorkGroupSize.x] a = int[5](0, 0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
" int[gl_WorkGroupSize.y] b = int[3](0, 0, 0);\n"
" int[gl_WorkGroupSize.z] c = int[1](0);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Shared memory variables cannot be used inside a vertex shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.3.8 Shared Variables
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, VertexShaderSharedMemory)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 i;\n"
"shared float myShared[10];\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_Position = i;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Shared memory variables cannot be used inside a fragment shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.3.8 Shared Variables
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FragmentShaderSharedMemory)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"shared float myShared[10];\n"
"out vec4 color;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" color = vec4(1.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Shared memory cannot be combined with any other storage qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, UniformSharedMemory)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"uniform shared float myShared[100];\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Correct usage of shared memory variables.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, CorrectUsageOfSharedMemory)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"shared float myShared[100];\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myShared[gl_LocalInvocationID.x] = 1.0;\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Shared memory variables cannot be initialized.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.3.8 Shared Variables
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedVariableInitialization)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"shared int myShared = 0;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Local variables cannot be qualified as shared.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 4.3 Storage Qualifiers
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedMemoryInFunctionBody)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"void func() {\n"
" shared int myShared;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" func();\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Struct members cannot be qualified as shared.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedMemoryInStruct)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"struct MyStruct {\n"
" shared int myShared;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Interface block members cannot be qualified as shared.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedMemoryInInterfaceBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"uniform Myblock {\n"
" shared int myShared;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The shared qualifier cannot be used with any other qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedWithInvariant)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"invariant shared int myShared;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The shared qualifier cannot be used with any other qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedWithMemoryQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"readonly shared int myShared;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The shared qualifier cannot be used with any other qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, SharedGlobalLayoutDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"layout(row_major) shared mat4;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Declaring a function with the same name as a built-in from a higher ESSL version should not cause
// a redeclaration error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, BuiltinESSL31FunctionDeclaredInESSL30Shader)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void imageSize() {}\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageSize();\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Attempting to declare num_views without enabling OVR_multiview.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidNumViews)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (num_views = 2) in;\n"
"void main() {\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// memoryBarrierShared is only available in a compute shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 8.15 Shader Memory Control Functions
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfMemoryBarrierShared)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" memoryBarrierShared();\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// groupMemoryBarrier is only available in a compute shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 8.15 Shader Memory Control Functions
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfGroupMemoryBarrier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" groupMemoryBarrier();\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// barrier can be used in a compute shader.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 8.14 Shader Invocation Control Functions
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, ValidUseOfBarrier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 15) in;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" barrier();\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success " << mInfoLog;
// memoryBarrierImage() can be used in all GLSL ES 3.10 shaders.
// GLSL ES 3.10 Revision 4, 8.15 Shader Memory Control Functions
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValidUseOfMemoryBarrierImageInFragmentShader)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision highp image2D;\n"
"layout(r32f) uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" imageStore(myImage, ivec2(0), vec4(1.0));\n"
" memoryBarrierImage();\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success " << mInfoLog;
// checks that gsampler2DMS is not supported in version lower than 310
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, Sampler2DMSInESSL300Shader)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform highp sampler2DMS s;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Declare main() with incorrect parameters.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 6.1 Function Definitions.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidMainPrototypeParameters)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"void main(int a);\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Regression test for a crash in the empty constructor of unsized array
// of a structure with non-basic fields fields. Test with "void".
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, VoidFieldStructUnsizedArrayEmptyConstructor)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"struct S {void a;};"
"void main() {S s[] = S[]();}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Regression test for a crash in the empty constructor of unsized array
// of a structure with non-basic fields fields. Test with something other than "void".
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerFieldStructUnsizedArrayEmptyConstructor)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"struct S {sampler2D a;};"
"void main() {S s[] = S[]();}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Checks that odd array initialization syntax is an error, and does not produce
// an ASSERT failure.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidArrayConstruction)
const std::string &shaderString =
"struct S { mediump float i; mediump int ggb; };\n"
"void main() {\n"
" S s[2];\n"
" s = S[](s.x, 0.0);\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Correct usage of image binding layout qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, CorrectImageBindingLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump image2D;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5) in;\n"
"layout(binding = 1, rgba32f) writeonly uniform image2D myImage;\n"
"void main()\n"
" imageStore(myImage, ivec2(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy), vec4(1.0));\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success " << mInfoLog;
// Incorrect use of "binding" on a global layout qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, IncorrectGlobalBindingLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 5, binding = 0) in;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Incorrect use of "binding" on a struct field layout qualifier.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, IncorrectStructFieldBindingLayoutQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 1) in;\n"
"struct S\n"
" layout(binding = 0) float f;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Variable binding layout qualifier is set to a negative value. 0xffffffff wraps around to -1
// according to the integer parsing rules.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageBindingUnitNegative)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(rgba32f, binding = 0xffffffff) writeonly uniform mediump image2D myImage;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Image binding layout qualifier value is greater than the maximum image binding.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ImageBindingUnitTooBig)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(rgba32f, binding = 9999) writeonly uniform mediump image2D myImage;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Uniform variable binding is set on a non-opaque type.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NonOpaqueUniformBinding)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform float myFloat;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(myFloat);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Uniform variable binding is set on a sampler type.
// ESSL 3.10 section 4.4.5 Opaque Uniform Layout Qualifiers.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerUniformBinding)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D mySampler;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success " << mInfoLog;
// Uniform variable binding is set on a sampler type in an ESSL 3.00 shader.
// The binding layout qualifier was added in ESSL 3.10, so this is incorrect.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SamplerUniformBindingESSL300)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D mySampler;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Attempting to construct a struct containing a void array should fail without asserting.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ConstructStructContainingVoidArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 outFrag;\n"
"struct S\n"
" void A[1];\n"
"} s = S();\n"
"void main()\n"
" outFrag = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure " << mInfoLog;
// Uniforms can't have location in ESSL 3.00.
// Test this with an empty declaration (ESSL 3.00.6 section 4.8: The combinations of qualifiers that
// cause compile-time or link-time errors are the same whether or not the declaration is empty).
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UniformLocationEmptyDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(location=0) uniform float;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test function parameters of opaque type can't be l-value too.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, OpaqueParameterCanNotBeLValue)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"uniform sampler2D s;\n"
"void foo(sampler2D as) {\n"
" as = s;\n"
"void main() {}\n";
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test samplers must not be operands in expressions, except for array indexing, structure field
// selection and parentheses(ESSL 3.00 Secion 4.1.7).
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidExpressionForSamplerOperands)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform sampler2D s;\n"
"uniform sampler2D s2;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" s + s2;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test interface blocks as invalid operands to a binary expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidInterfaceBlockBinaryExpression)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform U\n"
" int foo; \n"
"} u;\n"
"void main()\n"
" u + u;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test interface block as an invalid operand to an unary expression.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidInterfaceBlockUnaryExpression)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform U\n"
" int foo; \n"
"} u;\n"
"void main()\n"
" +u;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test interface block as an invalid operand to a ternary expression.
// Note that the spec is not very explicit on this, but it makes sense to forbid this.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidInterfaceBlockTernaryExpression)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"uniform U\n"
" int foo; \n"
"} u;\n"
"void main()\n"
" true ? u : u;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that "buffer" and "shared" are valid identifiers in version lower than GLSL ES 3.10.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, BufferAndSharedAsIdentifierOnES3)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 my_out;
void main()
int buffer = 1;
int shared = 2;
my_out = vec4(buffer + shared);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a struct can not be used as a constructor argument for a scalar.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructAsBoolConstructorArgument)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"struct my_struct\n"
" float f;\n"
"my_struct a = my_struct(1.0);\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" bool test = bool(a);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a compute shader can be compiled with MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS uniform
// components.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderEnforcePackingValidationTest, MaxComputeUniformComponents)
GLint uniformVectorCount = kMaxComputeUniformComponents / 4;
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << "#version 310 es\n"
"layout(local_size_x = 1) in;\n";
for (GLint i = 0; i < uniformVectorCount; ++i)
ostream << "uniform vec4 u_value" << i << ";\n";
ostream << "void main()\n"
for (GLint i = 0; i < uniformVectorCount; ++i)
ostream << " vec4 v" << i << " = u_value" << i << ";\n";
ostream << "}\n";
if (!compile(ostream.str()))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a function can't be declared with a name starting with "gl_". Note that it's important
// that the function is not being called.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FunctionDeclaredWithReservedName)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void gl_();\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a function can't be defined with a name starting with "gl_". Note that it's important
// that the function is not being called.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, FunctionDefinedWithReservedName)
const std::string &shaderString =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void gl_()\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that ops with mismatching operand types are disallowed and don't result in an assert.
// This makes sure that constant folding doesn't fetch invalid union values in case operand types
// mismatch.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidOpsWithConstantOperandsDontAssert)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" float f1 = 0.5 / 2;\n"
" float f2 = true + 0.5;\n"
" float f3 = float[2](0.0, 1.0)[1.0];\n"
" float f4 = float[2](0.0, 1.0)[true];\n"
" float f5 = true ? 1.0 : 0;\n"
" float f6 = 1.0 ? 1.0 : 2.0;\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that case labels with invalid types don't assert
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CaseLabelsWithInvalidTypesDontAssert)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"uniform int i;\n"
"void main()\n"
" float f = 0.0;\n"
" switch (i)\n"
" {\n"
" case 0u:\n"
" f = 0.0;\n"
" case true:\n"
" f = 1.0;\n"
" case 2.0:\n"
" f = 2.0;\n"
" }\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array as an index is not allowed.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArrayAsIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" int i[2] = int[2](0, 1);\n"
" float f[2] = float[2](2.0, 3.0);\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f[i]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using an array as an array size is not allowed.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ArrayAsArraySize)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void main()\n"
" const int i[2] = int[2](1, 2);\n"
" float f[i];\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(f[0]);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The input primitive layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInputPrimitives)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(points) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The input primitive layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInputPrimitives)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(points) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The input primitive layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInputPrimitives)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(points, local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" uvec3 WorkGroupSize = gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The output primitive layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfOutputPrimitives)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(points) out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The output primitive layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfOutputPrimitives)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(points) out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The 'invocations' layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInvocations)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (invocations = 3) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The 'invocations' layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInvocations)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (invocations = 3) in vec4 myInput;\n"
"out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The 'invocations' layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfInvocations)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"layout(invocations = 3, local_size_x = 12) in;\n"
"void main()\n"
" uvec3 WorkGroupSize = gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The 'max_vertices' layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfMaxVertices)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(max_vertices = 3) out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The 'max_vertices' layout qualifier is only available in geometry shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidUseOfMaxVertices)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in vec4 myInput;\n"
"layout(max_vertices = 3) out vec4 myOutput;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" myOutput = myInput;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using the same variable name twice in function parameters fails without crashing.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedefinedParamInFunctionHeader)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"out vec4 my_FragColor;\n"
"void foo(int a, float a)\n"
" return;\n"
"void main()\n"
" my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using gl_ViewportIndex is not allowed in an ESSL 3.10 shader.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, ViewportIndexInESSL310)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main()\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(gl_ViewportIndex);\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_PrimitiveID is valid in fragment shader with 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, PrimitiveIDWithExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
vec4 data = vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
float value = data[gl_PrimitiveID % 4];
fragColor = vec4(value, 0, 0, 1);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_PrimitiveID is invalid in fragment shader without 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, PrimitiveIDWithoutExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
vec4 data = vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
float value = data[gl_PrimitiveID % 4];
fragColor = vec4(value, 0, 0, 1);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_PrimitiveID cannot be l-value in fragment shader.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, AssignValueToPrimitiveID)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
gl_PrimitiveID = 1;
fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_Layer is valid in fragment shader with 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, LayerWithExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
vec4 data = vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
float value = data[gl_Layer % 4];
fragColor = vec4(value, 0, 0, 1);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_Layer is invalid in fragment shader without 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, LayerWithoutExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
vec4 data = vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
float value = data[gl_Layer % 4];
fragColor = vec4(value, 0, 0, 1);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that gl_Layer cannot be l-value in fragment shader.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, AssignValueToLayer)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
gl_Layer = 1;
fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that all built-in constants defined in GL_EXT_geometry_shader can be used in fragment shader
// with 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderEXTGeometryShaderValidationTest, GeometryShaderBuiltInConstants)
const std::string &kShaderHeader =
R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader : require
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;
void main(void)
int val = )";
const std::array<std::string, 9> kGeometryShaderBuiltinConstants = {{
const std::string &kShaderTail =
fragColor = vec4(val, 0, 0, 1);
for (const std::string &kGSBuiltinConstant : kGeometryShaderBuiltinConstants)
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << kShaderHeader << kGSBuiltinConstant << kShaderTail;
if (!compile(ostream.str()))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success: \n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that any built-in constants defined in GL_EXT_geometry_shader cannot be used in fragment
// shader without 'GL_EXT_geometry_shader' declared.
const std::string &kShaderHeader =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" int val = ";
const std::array<std::string, 9> kGeometryShaderBuiltinConstants = {{
const std::string &kShaderTail =
" fragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
for (const std::string &kGSBuiltinConstant : kGeometryShaderBuiltinConstants)
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << kShaderHeader << kGSBuiltinConstant << kShaderTail;
if (compile(ostream.str()))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that declaring and using an interface block with 'const' qualifier is not allowed.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InterfaceBlockUsingConstQualifier)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"const block\n"
" vec2 value;\n"
"} ConstBlock[2];\n"
"void main()\n"
" int i = 0;\n"
" vec2 value1 = ConstBlock[i].value;\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using shader io blocks without declaration of GL_EXT_shader_io_block is not allowed.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, IOBlockWithoutExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
out block
vec2 value;
} VSOutput[2];
void main()
int i = 0;
vec2 value1 = VSOutput[i].value;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using shader io blocks without declaration of GL_EXT_shader_io_block is not allowed.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, IOBlockWithoutExtension)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
in block
vec4 i_color;
} FSInput[2];
out vec4 o_color;
void main()
int i = 0;
o_color = FSInput[i].i_color;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader input with 'flat' qualifier cannot be used as l-value.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignValueToFlatIn)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"flat in float value;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" value = 1.0;\n"
" o_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader input with 'smooth' qualifier cannot be used as l-value.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignValueToSmoothIn)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"smooth in float value;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" value = 1.0;\n"
" o_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a shader input with 'centroid' qualifier cannot be used as l-value.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignValueToCentroidIn)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"centroid in float value;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" value = 1.0;\n"
" o_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that shader compilation fails if the component argument is dynamic.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DynamicComponentTextureGather)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump sampler2D;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"uniform int uComp;\n"
"void main()\n"
" o_color = textureGather(tex, vec2(0), uComp);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that shader compilation fails if the component argument to textureGather has a negative
// value.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureGatherNegativeComponent)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump sampler2D;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" o_color = textureGather(tex, vec2(0), -1);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that shader compilation fails if the component argument to textureGather has a value greater
// than 3.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureGatherTooGreatComponent)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump sampler2D;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" o_color = textureGather(tex, vec2(0), 4);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that shader compilation fails if the offset is less than the minimum value.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, TextureGatherTooGreatOffset)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"precision mediump sampler2D;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
" o_color = textureGatherOffset(tex, vec2(0), ivec2(-100), 2);"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it isn't allowed to use 'location' layout qualifier on GLSL ES 3.0 vertex shader
// outputs.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, UseLocationOnVertexOutES30)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"in vec4 v1;\n"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using 'location' layout qualifier on vertex shader outputs is legal in GLSL ES 3.1
// shaders.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, UseLocationOnVertexOutES31)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"in vec4 v1;\n"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color1;\n"
"layout (location = 2) out vec4 o_color2;\n"
"out vec3 v3;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it isn't allowed to use 'location' layout qualifier on GLSL ES 3.0 fragment shader
// inputs.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UseLocationOnFragmentInES30)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (location = 0) in vec4 v_color1;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that using 'location' layout qualifier on fragment shader inputs is legal in GLSL ES 3.1
// shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UseLocationOnFragmentInES31)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"layout (location = 0) in mat4 v_mat;\n"
"layout (location = 4) in vec4 v_color1;\n"
"in vec2 v_color2;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that declaring outputs of a vertex shader with same location causes a compile error.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, DeclareSameLocationOnVertexOut)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"in float i_value;\n"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color1;\n"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color2;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that declaring inputs of a fragment shader with same location causes a compile error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DeclareSameLocationOnFragmentIn)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in float i_value;\n"
"layout (location = 1) in vec4 i_color1;\n"
"layout (location = 1) in vec4 i_color2;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the location of an element of an array conflicting with other output varyings in a
// vertex shader causes a compile error.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, LocationConflictsnOnArrayElement)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"in float i_value;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out vec4 o_color1[3];\n"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color2;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the location of an element of a matrix conflicting with other output varyings in a
// vertex shader causes a compile error.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, LocationConflictsOnMatrixElement)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"in float i_value;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out mat4 o_mvp;\n"
"layout (location = 2) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the location of an element of a struct conflicting with other output varyings in a
// vertex shader causes a compile error.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, LocationConflictsOnStructElement)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"in float i_value;\n"
"struct S\n"
" float value1;\n"
" vec3 value2;\n"
"layout (location = 0) out S s_in;"
"layout (location = 1) out vec4 o_color;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that declaring inputs of a vertex shader with a location larger than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS
// causes a compile error.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, AttributeLocationOutOfRange)
// Assumes 1000 >= GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
// Current OpenGL and Direct3D implementations support up to 32.
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 300 es\n"
"layout (location = 1000) in float i_value;\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a block can follow the final case in a switch statement.
// GLSL ES 3.00.5 section 6 and the grammar suggest that an empty block is a statement.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SwitchFinalCaseHasEmptyBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int i;
void main()
switch (i)
case 0:
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that an empty declaration can follow the final case in a switch statement.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SwitchFinalCaseHasEmptyDeclaration)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int i;
void main()
switch (i)
case 0:
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// The final case in a switch statement can't be empty in ESSL 3.10 either. This is the intent of
// the spec though public spec in early 2018 didn't reflect this yet.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, SwitchFinalCaseEmptyESSL310)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int i;
void main()
switch (i)
case 0:
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that fragment shader cannot declare unsized inputs.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UnsizedInputs)
const std::string &shaderString =
"#version 310 es\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"in float i_value[];\n"
"void main()\n"
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that unsized struct members are not allowed.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UnsizedStructMember)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 color;
struct S
int[] foo;
void main()
color = vec4(1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that unsized parameters without a name are not allowed.
// GLSL ES 3.10 section 6.1 Function Definitions.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UnsizedNamelessParameter)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 color;
void foo(int[]);
void main()
color = vec4(1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that partially unsized array of arrays constructor sizes are validated.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, PartiallyUnsizedArrayOfArraysConstructor)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 color;
void main()
int a[][] = int[2][](int[1](1));
color = vec4(a[0][0]);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that duplicate field names in a struct declarator list are validated.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DuplicateFieldNamesInStructDeclaratorList)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(precision mediump float;
struct S {
float f, f;
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that an empty statement is not allowed in switch before the first case.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, EmptyStatementInSwitchBeforeFirstCase)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int u_zero;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
case 0:
my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a nameless struct definition is not allowed as a function parameter type.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 12.10. ESSL 3.10 January 2016 section 13.10.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NamelessStructDefinitionAsParameterType)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
float foo(struct { float field; } f)
return f.field;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(0, 1, 0, 1);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a named struct definition is not allowed as a function parameter type.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 12.10. ESSL 3.10 January 2016 section 13.10.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NamedStructDefinitionAsParameterType)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
float foo(struct S { float field; } f)
return f.field;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(0, 1, 0, 1);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a named struct definition is not allowed as a function parameter type.
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 12.10. ESSL 3.10 January 2016 section 13.10.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructDefinitionAsTypeOfParameterWithoutName)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
float foo(struct S { float field; } /* no parameter name */)
return 1.0;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(0, 1, 0, 1);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that an unsized const array doesn't assert.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, UnsizedConstArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
void main()
const int t[];
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the value passed to the mem argument of an atomic memory function can be a shared
// variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithSharedVariable)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 5) in;
shared uint myShared;
void main() {
atomicAdd(myShared, 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass an element of an array to the mem argument of an atomic memory
// function, as long as the underlying array is a buffer or shared variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithSharedVariableArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 5) in;
shared uint myShared[2];
void main() {
atomicAdd(myShared[0], 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass a single component of a vector to the mem argument of an
// atomic memory function, as long as the underlying vector is a buffer or shared variable.
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithSharedVariableVector)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 5) in;
shared uvec4 myShared;
void main() {
atomicAdd(myShared[0], 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the value passed to the mem argument of an atomic memory function can be a buffer
// variable.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithBufferVariable)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName1{
uint u1;
void main()
atomicAdd(u1, 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass an element of an array to the mem argument of an atomic memory
// function, as long as the underlying array is a buffer or shared variable.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithBufferVariableArrayElement)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName1{
uint u1[2];
void main()
atomicAdd(u1[0], 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass a member of a shader storage block instance to the mem
// argument of an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithBufferVariableInBlockInstance)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName{
uint u1;
} instanceName;
void main()
atomicAdd(instanceName.u1, 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass a member of a shader storage block instance array to the mem
// argument of an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithBufferVariableInBlockInstanceArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName{
uint u1;
} instanceName[1];
void main()
atomicAdd(instanceName[0].u1, 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass an element of an array of a shader storage block instance to
// the mem argument of an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithElementOfArrayInBlockInstance)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer blockName {
uint data[2];
} instanceName;
void main()
atomicAdd([0], 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is not allowed to pass an atomic counter variable to the mem argument of an atomic
// memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithAtomicCounter)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(binding = 0, offset = 4) uniform atomic_uint ac;
void main()
atomicAdd(ac, 2u);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is not allowed to pass an element of an atomic counter array to the mem argument of
// an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithAtomicCounterArray)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(binding = 0, offset = 4) uniform atomic_uint ac[2];
void main()
atomicAdd(ac[0], 2u);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is not allowed to pass a local uint value to the mem argument of an atomic memory
// function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithNonStorageVariable)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
void main()
uint test = 1u;
atomicAdd(test, 2u);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is acceptable to pass a swizzle of a member of a shader storage block to the mem
// argument of an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithSwizzle)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName{
uvec4 u1[2];
} instanceName[3];
void main()
atomicAdd(instanceName[2].u1[1].y, 2u);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that it is not allowed to pass an expression that does not constitute of indexing, field
// selection or swizzle to the mem argument of an atomic memory function.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AtomicAddWithNonIndexNonSwizzleExpression)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(std140) buffer bufferName{
uint u1[2];
} instanceName[3];
void main()
atomicAdd(instanceName[2].u1[1] + 1u, 2u);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that negative indexing of a matrix doesn't result in an assert.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, MatrixNegativeIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
precision mediump float;
void main()
gl_FragColor = mat4(1.0)[-1];
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions. Test with assigning a ternary
// expression that ANGLE can fold.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, AssignConstantFoldedFromNonConstantTernaryToGlobal)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform float u;
float f = true ? 1.0 : u;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(f);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Global variable initializers need to be constant expressions. Test with assigning a ternary
// expression that ANGLE can fold.
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform float u[2];
const float c[2] = float[2](1.0, 2.0);
float f[2] = true ? c : u;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(f[0], f[1], 0.0, 1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test going past the struct nesting limit while simultaneously using invalid nested struct
// definitions. This makes sure that the code generating an error message about going past the
// struct nesting limit does not access the name of a nameless struct definition.
TEST_F(WebGL1FragmentShaderValidationTest, StructNestingLimitWithNestedStructDefinitions)
const std::string &shaderString =
precision mediump float;
float f;
} s5;
} s4;
} s3;
} s2;
} s1;
} s0;
void main(void)
gl_FragColor = vec4(s0.s1.s2.s3.s4.s5.f);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the result of a sequence operator is not a constant-expression.
// ESSL 3.00 section 12.43.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CommaReturnsNonConstant)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main(void)
const int i = (0, 0);
my_FragColor = vec4(i);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the result of indexing into an array constructor with some non-constant arguments is
// not a constant expression.
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision highp float;
uniform float u;
out float my_FragColor;
void main()
const float f = float[2](u, 1.0)[1];
my_FragColor = f;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that the type of an initializer of a constant variable needs to match.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ConstantInitializerTypeMismatch)
const std::string &shaderString =
precision mediump float;
const float f = 0;
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(f);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that redeclaring a built-in is an error in ESSL 1.00. ESSL 1.00.17 section 4.2.6 disallows
// "redefinition" of built-ins - it's not very explicit about redeclaring them, but we treat this as
// an error. The redeclaration cannot serve any purpose since it can't be accompanied by a
// definition.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedeclaringBuiltIn)
const std::string &shaderString =
precision mediump float;
float sin(float x);
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Redefining a built-in that is not available in the current shader stage is assumed to be not an
// error. Test with redefining groupMemoryBarrier() in fragment shader. The built-in
// groupMemoryBarrier() is only available in compute shaders.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, RedeclaringBuiltInFromAnotherShaderStage)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
float groupMemoryBarrier() { return 1.0; }
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(groupMemoryBarrier());
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that standard derivative functions that are in core ESSL 3.00 compile successfully.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ESSL300StandardDerivatives)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
in vec4 iv;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
vec4 v4 = vec4(0.0);
v4 += fwidth(iv);
v4 += dFdx(iv);
v4 += dFdy(iv);
my_FragColor = v4;
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that vertex shader built-in gl_Position is not accessible in fragment shader.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, GlPosition)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
in vec4 iv;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
gl_Position = iv;
my_FragColor = iv;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that compute shader built-in gl_LocalInvocationID is not accessible in fragment shader.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, GlLocalInvocationID)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
out vec3 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec3(gl_LocalInvocationID);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that fragment shader built-in gl_FragCoord is not accessible in vertex shader.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, GlFragCoord)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(gl_FragCoord);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a long sequence of repeated swizzling on an l-value does not cause a stack overflow.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, LValueRepeatedSwizzle)
std::stringstream shaderString;
shaderString << R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 u;
void main()
vec2 f;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
shaderString << ".yx.yx";
shaderString << R"( = vec2(0.0);
if (!compile(shaderString.str()))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that swizzling that contains duplicate components can't form an l-value, even if it is
// swizzled again so that the final result does not contain duplicate components.
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, LValueSwizzleDuplicateComponents)
const std::string &shaderString = R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
void main()
vec2 f;
(f.xxyy).xz = vec2(0.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a fragment shader with nested if statements without braces compiles successfully.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, HandleIfInnerIfStatementAlwaysTriviallyPruned)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(precision mediump float;
void main()
if (true)
if (false)
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a fragment shader with an if statement nested in a loop without braces compiles
// successfully.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, HandleLoopInnerIfStatementAlwaysTriviallyPruned)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(precision mediump float;
void main()
while (false)
if (false)
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that declaring both gl_FragColor and gl_FragData invariant is not an error. The GLSL ES 1.00
// spec only disallows writing to both of them. ANGLE extends this validation to also cover reads,
// but it makes sense not to treat declaring them both invariant as an error.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, DeclareBothBuiltInFragmentOutputsInvariant)
const std::string &shaderString =
invariant gl_FragColor;
invariant gl_FragData;
precision mediump float;
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that a case cannot be placed inside a block nested inside a switch statement. GLSL ES 3.10
// section 6.2.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, CaseInsideBlock)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int u;
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
switch (u)
case 1:
case 0:
my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test using a value from a constant array as a case label.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValueFromConstantArrayAsCaseLabel)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int u;
const int[3] arr = int[3](2, 1, 0);
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
switch (u)
case arr[1]:
my_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
case 2:
case 0:
my_FragColor = vec4(1.0);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test using a value from a constant array as a fragment output index.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValueFromConstantArrayAsFragmentOutputIndex)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int u;
const int[3] arr = int[3](4, 1, 0);
out vec4 my_FragData[2];
void main()
my_FragData[arr[1]] = vec4(0.0);
my_FragData[arr[2]] = vec4(0.0);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test using a value from a constant array as an array size.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValueFromConstantArrayAsArraySize)
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform int u;
const int[3] arr = int[3](0, 2, 0);
const int[arr[1]] arr2 = int[2](2, 1);
out vec4 my_FragColor;
void main()
my_FragColor = vec4(arr2[1]);
if (!compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that an invalid struct with void fields doesn't crash or assert when used in a comma
// operator. This is a regression test.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidStructWithVoidFieldsInComma)
// The struct needed the two fields for the bug to repro.
const std::string &shaderString =
R"(#version 300 es
precision highp float;
struct T { void a[8], c; };
void main() {
0.0, T();
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(early_fragment_tests) in; is valid in fragment shader
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, ValidEarlyFragmentTests)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
out vec4 color;
void main()
color = vec4(0.0);
if (!compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(early_fragment_tests=x) in; is invalid
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidValueForEarlyFragmentTests)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(early_fragment_tests=1) in;
out vec4 color;
void main()
color = vec4(0.0);
if (compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(early_fragment_tests) in varying; is invalid
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, InvalidEarlyFragmentTestsOnVariableDecl)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
layout(early_fragment_tests) in vec4 v;
out vec4 color;
void main()
color = v;
if (compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(early_fragment_tests) in; is invalid in vertex shader
TEST_F(VertexShaderValidationTest, InvalidEarlyFragmentTests)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(0.0);
if (compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(early_fragment_tests) in; is invalid in compute shader
TEST_F(ComputeShaderValidationTest, InvalidEarlyFragmentTests)
constexpr char kShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x = 1) in;
layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
void main() {})";
if (compile(kShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
// Test that layout(x) in; only accepts x=early_fragment_tests.
TEST_F(FragmentShaderValidationTest, NothingButEarlyFragmentTestsWithInWithoutVariableDecl)
const char *noValueQualifiers[] = {
"shared", "packed",
"std140", "std430",
"row_major", "col_major",
"location", "yuv",
"rgba32f", "rgba16f",
"r32f", "rgba8",
"rgba8_snorm", "rgba32i",
"rgba16i", "rgba8i",
"r32i", "rgba32ui",
"rgba16ui", "rgba8ui",
"r32ui", "points",
"lines", "lines_adjacency",
"triangles", "triangles_adjacency",
"line_strip", "triangle_strip",
const char *withValueQualifiers[] = {
"location", "binding", "offset", "local_size_x", "local_size_y",
"local_size_z", "num_views", "invocations", "max_vertices", "index",
constexpr char kShaderStringPre[] =
R"(#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
constexpr char kShaderStringPost[] =
R"() in;
out vec4 color;
void main()
color = vec4(0.0);
// Make sure the method of constructing shaders is valid.
const std::string validShaderString =
kShaderStringPre + std::string("early_fragment_tests") + kShaderStringPost;
if (!compile(validShaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation failed, expecting success:\n" << mInfoLog;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(noValueQualifiers); ++i)
const std::string shaderString =
kShaderStringPre + std::string(noValueQualifiers[i]) + kShaderStringPost;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(withValueQualifiers); ++i)
const std::string shaderString =
kShaderStringPre + std::string(withValueQualifiers[i]) + "=1" + kShaderStringPost;
if (compile(shaderString))
FAIL() << "Shader compilation succeeded, expecting failure:\n" << mInfoLog;