blob: b9b54f6acc868a146740f9f96723c8637024571e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Code generation for internal Vulkan shaders. Should be run when an internal
# shader program is changed, added or removed.
# Because this script can be slow direct invocation is supported. But before
# code upload please run scripts/
from datetime import date
import io
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import gzip
out_file_cpp = 'vk_internal_shaders_autogen.cpp'
out_file_h = 'vk_internal_shaders_autogen.h'
out_file_gni = 'vk_internal_shaders_autogen.gni'
is_windows = platform.system() == 'Windows'
is_linux = platform.system() == 'Linux'
# Templates for the generated files:
template_shader_library_cpp = u"""// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {input_file_name}
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// {out_file_name}:
// Pre-generated shader library for the ANGLE Vulkan back-end.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_internal_shaders_autogen.h"
#include "compression_utils_portable.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
// This is compressed SPIR-V binary blob and size
struct CompressedShaderBlob
const uint8_t *code;
uint32_t size;
angle::Result GetShader(Context *context,
RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> *shaders,
const CompressedShaderBlob *compressedShaderBlobs,
size_t shadersCount,
uint32_t shaderFlags,
RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> **shaderOut)
ASSERT(shaderFlags < shadersCount);
RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> &shader = shaders[shaderFlags];
*shaderOut = &shader;
if (shader.get().valid())
return angle::Result::Continue;
// Create shader lazily. Access will need to be locked for multi-threading.
const CompressedShaderBlob &compressedShaderCode = compressedShaderBlobs[shaderFlags];
ASSERT(compressedShaderCode.code != nullptr);
uLong uncompressedSize = zlib_internal::GetGzipUncompressedSize(compressedShaderCode.code,
std::vector<uint32_t> shaderCode((uncompressedSize + 3) / 4, 0);
// Note: we assume a little-endian environment throughout ANGLE.
int zResult = zlib_internal::GzipUncompressHelper(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(,
&uncompressedSize, compressedShaderCode.code, compressedShaderCode.size);
if (zResult != Z_OK)
ERR() << "Failure to decompressed internal shader: " << zResult << "\\n";
return angle::Result::Stop;
return InitShaderAndSerial(context, &shader.get(),, shaderCode.size() * 4);
}} // anonymous namespace
void ShaderLibrary::destroy(VkDevice device)
}} // namespace vk
}} // namespace rx
template_shader_library_h = u"""// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {input_file_name}
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// {out_file_name}:
// Pre-generated shader library for the ANGLE Vulkan back-end.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_utils.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
namespace InternalShader
}} // namespace InternalShader
class ShaderLibrary final : angle::NonCopyable
void destroy(VkDevice device);
}} // namespace vk
}} // namespace rx
template_shader_includes_gni = u"""# GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
# Generated by {script_name} using data from {input_file_name}
# Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# {out_file_name}:
# List of generated shaders for inclusion in ANGLE's build process.
angle_vulkan_internal_shaders = [
template_spirv_blob_inc = u"""// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// {out_file_name}:
// Pre-generated shader for the ANGLE Vulkan back-end.
#pragma once
constexpr uint8_t {variable_name}[] = {{
// Generated from:
# Gets the constant variable name for a generated shader.
def get_var_name(output, prefix='k'):
return prefix + output.replace(".", "_")
# Gets the namespace name given to constants generated from shader_file
def get_namespace_name(shader_file):
return get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader_file), '')
# Gets the namespace name given to constants generated from shader_file
def get_variation_table_name(shader_file, prefix='k'):
return get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader_file), prefix) + '_shaders'
# Gets the internal ID string for a particular shader.
def get_shader_id(shader):
file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(shader))[0]
return file.replace(".", "_")
# Returns the name of the generated SPIR-V file for a shader.
def get_output_path(name):
return os.path.join('shaders', 'gen', name + ".inc")
# Finds a path to GN's out directory
def get_linux_glslang_exe_path():
return '../../../../tools/glslang/glslang_validator'
def get_win_glslang_exe_path():
return get_linux_glslang_exe_path() + '.exe'
def get_glslang_exe_path():
glslang_exe = get_win_glslang_exe_path() if is_windows else get_linux_glslang_exe_path()
if not os.path.isfile(glslang_exe):
raise Exception('Could not find %s' % glslang_exe)
return glslang_exe
# Generates the code for a shader blob array entry.
def gen_shader_blob_entry(shader):
var_name = get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader))[0:-4]
return "{%s, %s}" % (var_name, "sizeof(%s)" % var_name)
def slash(s):
return s.replace('\\', '/')
def gen_shader_include(shader):
return '#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/%s"' % slash(shader)
def get_variations_path(shader):
variation_file = shader + '.json'
return variation_file if os.path.exists(variation_file) else None
def get_shader_variations(shader):
variation_file = get_variations_path(shader)
if variation_file is None:
# If there is no variation file, assume none.
return ({}, [])
with open(variation_file) as fin:
variations = json.loads(
flags = {}
enums = []
for key, value in variations.iteritems():
if key == "Description":
elif key == "Flags":
flags = value
elif len(value) > 0:
enums.append((key, value))
# sort enums so the ones with the most waste ends up last, reducing the table size
enums.sort(key=lambda enum: (1 << (len(enum[1]) - 1).bit_length()) / float(len(enum[1])))
return (flags, enums)
def get_variation_bits(flags, enums):
flags_bits = len(flags)
enum_bits = [(len(enum[1]) - 1).bit_length() for enum in enums]
return (flags_bits, enum_bits)
def next_enum_variation(enums, enum_indices):
"""Loop through indices from [0, 0, ...] to [L0-1, L1-1, ...]
where Li is len(enums[i]). The list can be thought of as a number with many
digits, where each digit is in [0, Li), and this function effectively implements
the increment operation, with the least-significant digit being the first item."""
for i in range(len(enums)):
current = enum_indices[i]
# if current digit has room, increment it.
if current + 1 < len(enums[i][1]):
enum_indices[i] = current + 1
return True
# otherwise reset it to 0 and carry to the next digit.
enum_indices[i] = 0
# if this is reached, the number has overflowed and the loop is finished.
return False
compact_newlines_regex = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n", re.MULTILINE)
def cleanup_preprocessed_shader(shader_text):
return compact_newlines_regex.sub('\n\n', shader_text.strip())
def read_and_compress_spirv_blob(blob_path):
with open(blob_path, 'rb') as blob_file:
blob =
buf = io.BytesIO()
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='wb', compresslevel=9, mtime=0) as f:
return buf.getvalue()
def write_compressed_spirv_blob_as_c_array(output_path, variable_name, compressed_blob,
hex_array = ['0x{:02x}'.format(ord(byte)) for byte in compressed_blob]
blob = ',\n '.join(','.join(hex_array[i:i + 16]) for i in range(0, len(hex_array), 16))
with open(output_path, 'wb') as incfile:
class CompileQueue:
class CompressAndAppendPreprocessorOutput:
def __init__(self, shader_file, preprocessor_args, output_path, variable_name):
# Asynchronously launch the preprocessor job.
self.process = subprocess.Popen(
preprocessor_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Store the file name for output to be appended to.
self.output_path = output_path
self.variable_name = variable_name
# Store info for error description.
self.shader_file = shader_file
def wait(self, queue):
(out, err) = self.process.communicate()
if self.process.returncode == 0:
# Use unix line endings.
out = out.replace('\r\n', '\n')
# Clean up excessive empty lines.
out = cleanup_preprocessed_shader(out)
# Comment it out!
out = '\n'.join([('// ' + line).strip() for line in out.splitlines()])
# Read the SPIR-V blob and compress it.
compressed_blob = read_and_compress_spirv_blob(self.output_path)
# Write the compressed blob as a C array in the output file, followed by the
# preprocessor output.
write_compressed_spirv_blob_as_c_array(self.output_path, self.variable_name,
compressed_blob, out)
out = None
return (out, err, self.process.returncode, None,
"Error running preprocessor on " + self.shader_file)
class CompileToSPIRV:
def __init__(self, shader_file, shader_basename, variation_string, output_path,
compile_args, preprocessor_args, variable_name):
# Asynchronously launch the compile job.
self.process = subprocess.Popen(
compile_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Store info for launching the preprocessor.
self.preprocessor_args = preprocessor_args
self.output_path = output_path
# Store info for job and error description.
self.shader_file = shader_file
self.shader_basename = shader_basename
self.variation_string = variation_string
self.variable_name = variable_name
def wait(self, queue):
(out, err) = self.process.communicate()
if self.process.returncode == 0:
# Insert the preprocessor job in the queue.
# If all the output says is the source file name, don't bother printing it.
if out.strip() == self.shader_file:
out = None
description = self.output_path + ': ' + self.shader_basename + self.variation_string
return (out, err, self.process.returncode, description,
"Error compiling " + self.shader_file)
def __init__(self):
# Compile with as many CPU threads are detected. Once a shader is compiled, another job is
# automatically added to the queue to append the preprocessor output to the generated file.
self.queue = []
self.thread_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def _wait_first(self, ignore_output=False):
(out, err, returncode, description, exception_description) = self.queue[0].wait(self.queue)
if not ignore_output:
if description:
if out and out.strip():
if err and err.strip():
if returncode != 0:
return exception_description
return None
# Wait for all pending tasks. If called after error is detected, ignore_output can be used to
# make sure errors in later jobs are suppressed to avoid cluttering the output. This is
# because the same compile error is likely present in other variations of the same shader and
# outputting the same error multiple times is not useful.
def _wait_all(self, ignore_output=False):
exception_description = None
while len(self.queue) > 0:
this_job_exception = self._wait_first(ignore_output)
# If encountered an error, keep it to be raised, ignoring errors from following jobs.
if this_job_exception and not ignore_output:
exception_description = this_job_exception
ignore_output = True
return exception_description
def add_job(self, shader_file, shader_basename, variation_string, output_path, compile_args,
preprocessor_args, variable_name):
# If the queue is full, wait until there is at least one slot available.
while len(self.queue) >= self.thread_count:
exception = self._wait_first(False)
# If encountered an exception, cleanup following jobs and raise it.
if exception:
raise Exception(exception)
# Add a compile job
CompileQueue.CompileToSPIRV(shader_file, shader_basename, variation_string,
output_path, compile_args, preprocessor_args,
def finish(self):
exception = self._wait_all(False)
# If encountered an exception, cleanup following jobs and raise it.
if exception is not None:
raise Exception(exception)
# If the option is just a string, that's the name. Otherwise, it could be
# [ name, arg1, ..., argN ]. In that case, name is option[0] and option[1:] are extra arguments
# that need to be passed to glslang_validator for this variation.
def get_variation_name(option):
return option if isinstance(option, unicode) else option[0]
def get_variation_args(option):
return [] if isinstance(option, unicode) else option[1:]
def compile_variation(glslang_path, compile_queue, shader_file, shader_basename, flags, enums,
flags_active, enum_indices, flags_bits, enum_bits, output_shaders):
glslang_args = [glslang_path]
# generate -D defines and the output file name
# The variations are given a bit pattern to be able to OR different flags into a variation. The
# least significant bits are the flags, where there is one bit per flag. After that, each enum
# takes up as few bits as needed to count that many enum values.
variation_bits = 0
variation_string = ''
variation_extra_args = []
for f in range(len(flags)):
if flags_active & (1 << f):
flag = flags[f]
flag_name = get_variation_name(flag)
variation_extra_args += get_variation_args(flag)
glslang_args.append('-D' + flag_name + '=1')
variation_bits |= 1 << f
variation_string += '|' + flag_name
current_bit_start = flags_bits
for e in range(len(enums)):
enum = enums[e][1][enum_indices[e]]
enum_name = get_variation_name(enum)
variation_extra_args += get_variation_args(enum)
glslang_args.append('-D' + enum_name + '=1')
variation_bits |= enum_indices[e] << current_bit_start
current_bit_start += enum_bits[e]
variation_string += '|' + enum_name
output_name = '%s.%08X' % (shader_basename, variation_bits)
output_path = get_output_path(output_name)
if glslang_path is not None:
glslang_preprocessor_output_args = glslang_args + ['-E']
glslang_preprocessor_output_args.append(shader_file) # Input GLSL shader
glslang_args += ['-V'] # Output mode is Vulkan
glslang_args += ['-Os'] # Optimize by default.
glslang_args += ['-g0'] # Strip debug info to save on binary size.
glslang_args += variation_extra_args # Add other flags, or override -Os or -g0
glslang_args += ['-o', output_path] # Output file
glslang_args.append(shader_file) # Input GLSL shader
compile_queue.add_job(shader_file, shader_basename, variation_string, output_path,
glslang_args, glslang_preprocessor_output_args,
class ShaderAndVariations:
def __init__(self, shader_file):
self.shader_file = shader_file
(self.flags, self.enums) = get_shader_variations(shader_file)
get_variation_bits(self.flags, self.enums)
(self.flags_bits, self.enum_bits) = get_variation_bits(self.flags, self.enums)
# Maximum index value has all flags set and all enums at max value.
max_index = (1 << self.flags_bits) - 1
current_bit_start = self.flags_bits
for (name, values), bits in zip(self.enums, self.enum_bits):
max_index |= (len(values) - 1) << current_bit_start
current_bit_start += bits
# Minimum array size is one more than the maximum value.
self.array_len = max_index + 1
def get_variation_definition(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
flags = shader_and_variation.flags
enums = shader_and_variation.enums
flags_bits = shader_and_variation.flags_bits
enum_bits = shader_and_variation.enum_bits
array_len = shader_and_variation.array_len
namespace_name = get_namespace_name(shader_file)
definition = 'namespace %s\n{\n' % namespace_name
if len(flags) > 0:
definition += 'enum flags\n{\n'
definition += ''.join([
'k%s = 0x%08X,\n' % (get_variation_name(flags[f]), 1 << f) for f in range(len(flags))
definition += '};\n'
current_bit_start = flags_bits
for e in range(len(enums)):
enum = enums[e]
enum_name = enum[0]
definition += 'enum %s\n{\n' % enum_name
definition += ''.join([
'k%s = 0x%08X,\n' % (get_variation_name(enum[1][v]), v << current_bit_start)
for v in range(len(enum[1]))
definition += '};\n'
current_bit_start += enum_bits[e]
definition += 'constexpr size_t kArrayLen = 0x%08X;\n' % array_len
definition += '} // namespace %s\n' % namespace_name
return definition
def get_shader_table_h(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
flags = shader_and_variation.flags
enums = shader_and_variation.enums
table_name = get_variation_table_name(shader_file, 'm')
table = 'RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> %s[' % table_name
namespace_name = "InternalShader::" + get_namespace_name(shader_file)
table += '%s::kArrayLen' % namespace_name
table += '];'
return table
def get_shader_table_cpp(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
enums = shader_and_variation.enums
flags_bits = shader_and_variation.flags_bits
enum_bits = shader_and_variation.enum_bits
array_len = shader_and_variation.array_len
# Cache max and mask value of each enum to quickly know when a possible variation is invalid
enum_maxes = []
enum_masks = []
current_bit_start = flags_bits
for e in range(len(enums)):
enum_values = enums[e][1]
enum_maxes.append((len(enum_values) - 1) << current_bit_start)
enum_masks.append(((1 << enum_bits[e]) - 1) << current_bit_start)
current_bit_start += enum_bits[e]
table_name = get_variation_table_name(shader_file)
var_name = get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader_file))
table = 'constexpr CompressedShaderBlob %s[] = {\n' % table_name
for variation in range(array_len):
# if any variation is invalid, output an empty entry
if any([(variation & enum_masks[e]) > enum_maxes[e] for e in range(len(enums))]):
table += '{nullptr, 0}, // 0x%08X\n' % variation
entry = '%s_%08X' % (var_name, variation)
table += '{%s, sizeof(%s)},\n' % (entry, entry)
table += '};'
return table
def get_get_function_h(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
function_name = get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader_file), 'get')
definition = 'angle::Result %s' % function_name
definition += '(Context *context, uint32_t shaderFlags, RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> **shaderOut);'
return definition
def get_get_function_cpp(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
enums = shader_and_variation.enums
function_name = get_var_name(os.path.basename(shader_file), 'get')
namespace_name = "InternalShader::" + get_namespace_name(shader_file)
member_table_name = get_variation_table_name(shader_file, 'm')
constant_table_name = get_variation_table_name(shader_file)
definition = 'angle::Result ShaderLibrary::%s' % function_name
definition += '(Context *context, uint32_t shaderFlags, RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> **shaderOut)\n{\n'
definition += 'return GetShader(context, %s, %s, ArraySize(%s), shaderFlags, shaderOut);\n}\n' % (
member_table_name, constant_table_name, constant_table_name)
return definition
def get_destroy_call(shader_and_variation):
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
table_name = get_variation_table_name(shader_file, 'm')
destroy = 'for (RefCounted<ShaderAndSerial> &shader : %s)\n' % table_name
destroy += '{\nshader.get().destroy(device);\n}'
return destroy
def shader_path(shader):
return '"%s"' % slash(shader)
def main():
# STEP 0: Handle inputs/outputs for's auto_script
shaders_dir = os.path.join('shaders', 'src')
if not os.path.isdir(shaders_dir):
raise Exception("Could not find shaders directory")
print_inputs = len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'inputs'
print_outputs = len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'outputs'
# If an argument X is given that's not inputs or outputs, compile shaders that match *X*.
# This is useful in development to build only the shader of interest.
shader_files_to_compile = os.listdir(shaders_dir)
if not (print_inputs or print_outputs or len(sys.argv) < 2):
shader_files_to_compile = [f for f in shader_files_to_compile if f.find(sys.argv[1]) != -1]
valid_extensions = ['.vert', '.frag', '.comp']
input_shaders = sorted([
os.path.join(shaders_dir, shader)
for shader in os.listdir(shaders_dir)
if any([os.path.splitext(shader)[1] == ext for ext in valid_extensions])
if print_inputs:
glslang_binaries = [get_linux_glslang_exe_path(), get_win_glslang_exe_path()]
glslang_binary_hashes = [path + '.sha1' for path in glslang_binaries]
input_shaders_variations = [get_variations_path(shader) for shader in input_shaders]
input_shaders_variations = [
variations for variations in input_shaders_variations if variations is not None
print(",".join(input_shaders + input_shaders_variations + glslang_binary_hashes))
return 0
# STEP 1: Call glslang to generate the internal shaders into small .inc files.
# Iterates over the shaders and call glslang with the right arguments.
glslang_path = None
if not print_outputs:
glslang_path = get_glslang_exe_path()
output_shaders = []
input_shaders_and_variations = [
ShaderAndVariations(shader_file) for shader_file in input_shaders
compile_queue = CompileQueue()
for shader_and_variation in input_shaders_and_variations:
shader_file = shader_and_variation.shader_file
flags = shader_and_variation.flags
enums = shader_and_variation.enums
flags_bits = shader_and_variation.flags_bits
enum_bits = shader_and_variation.enum_bits
# an array where each element i is in [0, len(enums[i])),
# telling which enum is currently selected
enum_indices = [0] * len(enums)
output_name = os.path.basename(shader_file)
while True:
do_compile = not print_outputs and output_name in shader_files_to_compile
# a number where each bit says whether a flag is active or not,
# with values in [0, 2^len(flags))
for flags_active in range(1 << len(flags)):
compile_variation(glslang_path if do_compile else None, compile_queue, shader_file,
output_name, flags, enums, flags_active, enum_indices,
flags_bits, enum_bits, output_shaders)
if not next_enum_variation(enums, enum_indices):
output_shaders = sorted(output_shaders)
outputs = output_shaders + [out_file_cpp, out_file_h]
if print_outputs:
return 0
# STEP 2: Consolidate the .inc files into an auto-generated cpp/h library.
with open(out_file_cpp, 'w') as outfile:
includes = "\n".join([gen_shader_include(shader) for shader in output_shaders])
shader_tables_cpp = '\n'.join(
[get_shader_table_cpp(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
shader_destroy_calls = '\n'.join(
[get_destroy_call(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
shader_get_functions_cpp = '\n'.join(
[get_get_function_cpp(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
outcode = template_shader_library_cpp.format(
with open(out_file_h, 'w') as outfile:
shader_variation_definitions = '\n'.join(
[get_variation_definition(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
shader_get_functions_h = '\n'.join(
[get_get_function_h(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
shader_tables_h = '\n'.join([get_shader_table_h(s) for s in input_shaders_and_variations])
outcode = template_shader_library_h.format(
# STEP 3: Create a gni file with the generated files.
with, 'w', newline='\n') as outfile:
outcode = template_shader_includes_gni.format(
shaders_list=',\n'.join([shader_path(shader) for shader in output_shaders]))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':