blob: 03b30549956d80bd1aa322977e6ae5efa998e8ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CommandProcessor.h:
// A class to process and submit Vulkan command buffers that can be
// used in an asynchronous worker thread.
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include "common/vulkan/vk_headers.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/PersistentCommandPool.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace rx
class RendererVk;
class CommandProcessor;
namespace vk
// CommandProcessor is used to dispatch work to the GPU when commandProcessor feature is true.
// If asynchronousCommandProcessing is enabled the work will be queued and handled by a worker
// thread asynchronous to the context. Issuing the CustomTask::Exit command will cause the worker
// thread to clean up it's resources and shut down. This command is sent when the renderer instance
// shuts down. Custom tasks are:
enum CustomTask
Invalid = 0,
// Process SecondaryCommandBuffer commands into the primary CommandBuffer.
// End the current command buffer and submit commands to the queue
// Submit custom command buffer, excludes some state management
// Finish queue commands up to given serial value, process garbage
// Execute QueuePresent
// do cleanup processing on completed commands
// TODO: - should be able to remove
// checkCompletedCommands command with fence refactor.
// Exit the command processor thread
class CommandProcessorTask
CommandProcessorTask() { initTask(); }
void initTask();
void initTask(CustomTask command) { mTask = command; }
void initProcessCommands(ContextVk *contextVk,
CommandBufferHelper *commandBuffer,
RenderPass *renderPass);
void initPresent(egl::ContextPriority priority, VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
void initFinishToSerial(Serial serial);
void initFlushAndQueueSubmit(std::vector<VkSemaphore> &&waitSemaphores,
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &&waitSemaphoreStageMasks,
const Semaphore *semaphore,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
GarbageList &&currentGarbage,
ResourceUseList &&currentResources);
void initOneOffQueueSubmit(VkCommandBuffer oneOffCommandBufferVk,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
const Fence *fence);
CommandProcessorTask &operator=(CommandProcessorTask &&rhs);
CommandProcessorTask(CommandProcessorTask &&other) : CommandProcessorTask()
*this = std::move(other);
void setQueueSerial(Serial serial) { mSerial = serial; }
Serial getQueueSerial() const { return mSerial; }
ResourceUseList &getResourceUseList() { return mResourceUseList; }
CustomTask getTaskCommand() { return mTask; }
std::vector<VkSemaphore> &getWaitSemaphores() { return mWaitSemaphores; }
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &getWaitSemaphoreStageMasks()
return mWaitSemaphoreStageMasks;
const Semaphore *getSemaphore() { return mSemaphore; }
GarbageList &getGarbage() { return mGarbage; }
egl::ContextPriority getPriority() const { return mPriority; }
const VkCommandBuffer &getOneOffCommandBufferVk() const { return mOneOffCommandBufferVk; }
const Fence *getOneOffFence() { return mOneOffFence; }
const VkPresentInfoKHR &getPresentInfo() const { return mPresentInfo; }
RenderPass *getRenderPass() const { return mRenderPass; }
CommandBufferHelper *getCommandBuffer() const { return mCommandBuffer; }
ContextVk *getContextVk() const { return mContextVk; }
void copyPresentInfo(const VkPresentInfoKHR &other);
CustomTask mTask;
// ProcessCommands
ContextVk *mContextVk;
RenderPass *mRenderPass;
CommandBufferHelper *mCommandBuffer;
// Flush data
std::vector<VkSemaphore> mWaitSemaphores;
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> mWaitSemaphoreStageMasks;
const Semaphore *mSemaphore;
GarbageList mGarbage;
ResourceUseList mResourceUseList;
// FinishToSerial & Flush command data
Serial mSerial;
// Present command data
VkPresentInfoKHR mPresentInfo;
VkSwapchainKHR mSwapchain;
VkSemaphore mWaitSemaphore;
uint32_t mImageIndex;
// Used by Present if supportsIncrementalPresent is enabled
VkPresentRegionKHR mPresentRegion;
VkPresentRegionsKHR mPresentRegions;
std::vector<VkRectLayerKHR> mRects;
// Used by OneOffQueueSubmit
VkCommandBuffer mOneOffCommandBufferVk;
const Fence *mOneOffFence;
// Flush, Present & QueueWaitIdle data
egl::ContextPriority mPriority;
struct CommandBatch final : angle::NonCopyable
CommandBatch(CommandBatch &&other);
CommandBatch &operator=(CommandBatch &&other);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
PrimaryCommandBuffer primaryCommands;
// commandPool is for secondary CommandBuffer allocation
CommandPool commandPool;
Shared<Fence> fence;
Serial serial;
class CommandQueue final : angle::NonCopyable
angle::Result init(Context *context);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
void handleDeviceLost(RendererVk *renderer);
bool hasInFlightCommands() const;
void clearAllGarbage(RendererVk *renderer);
angle::Result finishToSerial(Context *context, Serial finishSerial, uint64_t timeout);
angle::Result submitFrame(Context *context,
egl::ContextPriority priority,
const std::vector<VkSemaphore> &waitSemaphores,
const std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> &waitSemaphoreStageMasks,
const Semaphore *signalSemaphore,
const Shared<Fence> &sharedFence,
ResourceUseList *resourceList,
GarbageList *currentGarbage,
CommandPool *commandPool);
Shared<Fence> getLastSubmittedFence(const Context *context) const;
// Check to see which batches have finished completion (forward progress for
// mLastCompletedQueueSerial, for example for when the application busy waits on a query
// result). It would be nice if we didn't have to expose this for QuerygetResult.
angle::Result checkCompletedCommands(Context *context);
angle::Result flushOutsideRPCommands(Context *context, CommandBufferHelper *outsideRPCommands);
angle::Result flushRenderPassCommands(Context *context,
const RenderPass &renderPass,
CommandBufferHelper *renderPassCommands);
angle::Result releaseToCommandBatch(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer,
CommandPool *commandPool,
CommandBatch *batch);
angle::Result retireFinishedCommands(Context *context, size_t finishedCount);
angle::Result ensurePrimaryCommandBufferValid(Context *context);
angle::Result allocatePrimaryCommandBuffer(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer *commandBufferOut);
angle::Result releasePrimaryCommandBuffer(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer);
GarbageQueue mGarbageQueue;
std::vector<CommandBatch> mInFlightCommands;
// Keeps a free list of reusable primary command buffers.
PrimaryCommandBuffer mPrimaryCommands;
PersistentCommandPool mPrimaryCommandPool;
class TaskProcessor : angle::NonCopyable
angle::Result init(Context *context, std::thread::id threadId);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
angle::Result allocatePrimaryCommandBuffer(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer *commandBufferOut);
angle::Result releasePrimaryCommandBuffer(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer);
angle::Result finishToSerial(Context *context, Serial serial);
VkResult present(VkQueue queue, const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo);
angle::Result submitFrame(Context *context,
VkQueue queue,
const VkSubmitInfo &submitInfo,
const Shared<Fence> &sharedFence,
GarbageList *currentGarbage,
CommandPool *commandPool,
PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer,
const Serial &queueSerial);
angle::Result queueSubmit(Context *context,
VkQueue queue,
const VkSubmitInfo &submitInfo,
const Fence *fence);
Shared<Fence> getLastSubmittedFenceWithLock(VkDevice device) const;
void handleDeviceLost(Context *context);
// Called by CommandProcessor to process any completed work
angle::Result lockAndCheckCompletedCommands(Context *context);
VkResult getLastAndClearPresentResult(VkSwapchainKHR swapchain);
bool isValidWorkerThread(Context *context) const;
angle::Result releaseToCommandBatch(Context *context,
PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer,
CommandPool *commandPool,
CommandBatch *batch);
// Check to see which batches have finished completion (forward progress for
// mLastCompletedQueueSerial, for example for when the application busy waits on a query
// result). It would be nice if we didn't have to expose this for QuerygetResult.
angle::Result checkCompletedCommandsNoLock(Context *context);
GarbageQueue mGarbageQueue;
mutable std::mutex mInFlightCommandsMutex;
std::vector<CommandBatch> mInFlightCommands;
// Keeps a free list of reusable primary command buffers.
PersistentCommandPool mPrimaryCommandPool;
std::thread::id mThreadId;
// Track present info
std::mutex mSwapchainStatusMutex;
std::condition_variable mSwapchainStatusCondition;
std::map<VkSwapchainKHR, VkResult> mSwapchainStatus;
class CommandProcessor : public Context
CommandProcessor(RendererVk *renderer);
~CommandProcessor() override;
angle::Result initTaskProcessor(Context *context);
void handleError(VkResult result,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override;
// Entry point for command processor thread, calls processTasksImpl to do the
// work. called by Rendererinitialization on main thread
void processTasks();
// Called asynchronously from main thread to queue work that is then processed by the worker
// thread
void queueCommand(Context *context, CommandProcessorTask *task);
void checkCompletedCommands(Context *context);
// Used by main thread to wait for worker thread to complete all outstanding work.
void waitForWorkComplete(Context *context);
Serial getCurrentQueueSerial();
Serial getLastSubmittedSerial();
// Wait until desired serial has been processed.
void finishToSerial(Context *context, Serial serial);
Shared<Fence> getLastSubmittedFence(const Context *context) const;
void handleDeviceLost();
bool hasPendingError() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> queueLock(mErrorMutex);
return !mErrors.empty();
Error getAndClearPendingError();
// Stop the command processor thread
void shutdown(std::thread *commandProcessorThread);
void finishAllWork(Context *context);
VkResult getLastPresentResult(VkSwapchainKHR swapchain)
return mTaskProcessor.getLastAndClearPresentResult(swapchain);
// Command processor thread, called by processTasks. The loop waits for work to
// be submitted from a separate thread.
angle::Result processTasksImpl(bool *exitThread);
// Command processor thread, process a task
angle::Result processTask(Context *context, CommandProcessorTask *task);
std::queue<CommandProcessorTask> mTasks;
mutable std::mutex mWorkerMutex;
// Signal worker thread when work is available
std::condition_variable mWorkAvailableCondition;
// Signal main thread when all work completed
mutable std::condition_variable mWorkerIdleCondition;
// Track worker thread Idle state for assertion purposes
bool mWorkerThreadIdle;
// Command pool to allocate processor thread primary command buffers from
CommandPool mCommandPool;
PrimaryCommandBuffer mPrimaryCommandBuffer;
TaskProcessor mTaskProcessor;
AtomicSerialFactory mQueueSerialFactory;
std::mutex mCommandProcessorQueueSerialMutex;
Serial mCommandProcessorLastSubmittedSerial;
Serial mCommandProcessorCurrentQueueSerial;
mutable std::mutex mErrorMutex;
std::queue<Error> mErrors;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx