blob: c82ed361666bf74cbbeeb1dbbac88837080acfba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// mtl_state_cache.h:
// Defines the class interface for StateCache, RenderPipelineCache and various
// C struct versions of Metal sampler, depth stencil, render pass, render pipeline descriptors.
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "libANGLE/State.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_common.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_resources.h"
static inline bool operator==(const MTLClearColor &lhs, const MTLClearColor &rhs);
namespace angle
struct FeaturesMtl;
namespace rx
class ContextMtl;
namespace mtl
struct alignas(1) StencilDesc
bool operator==(const StencilDesc &rhs) const;
// Set default values
void reset();
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLStencilOperation to compact space
uint8_t stencilFailureOperation : 3;
uint8_t depthFailureOperation : 3;
uint8_t depthStencilPassOperation : 3;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLCompareFunction to compact space
uint8_t stencilCompareFunction : 3;
uint8_t readMask : 8;
uint8_t writeMask : 8;
struct alignas(4) DepthStencilDesc
DepthStencilDesc(const DepthStencilDesc &src);
DepthStencilDesc(DepthStencilDesc &&src);
DepthStencilDesc &operator=(const DepthStencilDesc &src);
bool operator==(const DepthStencilDesc &rhs) const;
// Set default values.
// Default is depth/stencil test disabled. Depth/stencil write enabled.
void reset();
size_t hash() const;
void updateDepthTestEnabled(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateDepthWriteEnabled(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateDepthCompareFunc(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilTestEnabled(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilFrontOps(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilBackOps(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilFrontFuncs(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilBackFuncs(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilFrontWriteMask(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
void updateStencilBackWriteMask(const gl::DepthStencilState &dsState);
StencilDesc backFaceStencil;
StencilDesc frontFaceStencil;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLCompareFunction to compact space
uint8_t depthCompareFunction : 3;
bool depthWriteEnabled : 1;
struct alignas(4) SamplerDesc
SamplerDesc(const SamplerDesc &src);
SamplerDesc(SamplerDesc &&src);
explicit SamplerDesc(const gl::SamplerState &glState);
SamplerDesc &operator=(const SamplerDesc &src);
// Set default values. All filters are nearest, and addresModes are clamp to edge.
void reset();
bool operator==(const SamplerDesc &rhs) const;
size_t hash() const;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLSamplerAddressMode to compact space
uint8_t rAddressMode : 3;
uint8_t sAddressMode : 3;
uint8_t tAddressMode : 3;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLSamplerMinMagFilter to compact space
uint8_t minFilter : 1;
uint8_t magFilter : 1;
uint8_t mipFilter : 2;
uint8_t normalizedCoordinates: 1;
uint8_t maxAnisotropy : 5;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLCompareFunction to compact space
uint8_t compareFunction : 3;
struct VertexAttributeDesc
inline bool operator==(const VertexAttributeDesc &rhs) const
return format == rhs.format && offset == rhs.offset && bufferIndex == rhs.bufferIndex;
inline bool operator!=(const VertexAttributeDesc &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLVertexFormat to compact space
uint8_t format : 6;
// Offset is only used for default attributes buffer. So 8 bits are enough.
uint8_t offset : 8;
uint8_t bufferIndex : 5;
struct VertexBufferLayoutDesc
inline bool operator==(const VertexBufferLayoutDesc &rhs) const
return stepFunction == rhs.stepFunction && stepRate == rhs.stepRate && stride == rhs.stride;
inline bool operator!=(const VertexBufferLayoutDesc &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
uint32_t stepRate;
uint32_t stride;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLVertexStepFunction to compact space
uint8_t stepFunction;
struct VertexDesc
VertexAttributeDesc attributes[kMaxVertexAttribs];
VertexBufferLayoutDesc layouts[kMaxVertexAttribs];
uint8_t numAttribs;
uint8_t numBufferLayouts;
struct BlendDesc
bool operator==(const BlendDesc &rhs) const;
BlendDesc &operator=(const BlendDesc &src) = default;
// Set default values
void reset();
void reset(MTLColorWriteMask writeMask);
void updateWriteMask(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
void updateBlendFactors(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
void updateBlendOps(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
void updateBlendEnabled(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLColorWriteMask to compact space
uint8_t writeMask : 4;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLBlendOperation to compact space
uint8_t alphaBlendOperation : 3;
uint8_t rgbBlendOperation : 3;
// Use uint8_t instead of MTLBlendFactor to compact space
// NOTE(hqle): enum MTLBlendFactorSource1Color and above are unused.
uint8_t destinationAlphaBlendFactor : 4;
uint8_t destinationRGBBlendFactor : 4;
uint8_t sourceAlphaBlendFactor : 4;
uint8_t sourceRGBBlendFactor : 4;
bool blendingEnabled : 1;
struct alignas(2) RenderPipelineColorAttachmentDesc : public BlendDesc
bool operator==(const RenderPipelineColorAttachmentDesc &rhs) const;
inline bool operator!=(const RenderPipelineColorAttachmentDesc &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
// Set default values
void reset();
void reset(MTLPixelFormat format);
void reset(MTLPixelFormat format, MTLColorWriteMask writeMask);
void reset(MTLPixelFormat format, const BlendDesc &blendState);
void update(const BlendDesc &blendState);
// Use uint16_t instead of MTLPixelFormat to compact space
uint16_t pixelFormat : 16;
struct RenderPipelineOutputDesc
bool operator==(const RenderPipelineOutputDesc &rhs) const;
void updateEnabledDrawBuffers(gl::DrawBufferMask enabledBuffers);
RenderPipelineColorAttachmentDesc colorAttachments[kMaxRenderTargets];
// Use uint16_t instead of MTLPixelFormat to compact space
uint16_t depthAttachmentPixelFormat : 16;
uint16_t stencilAttachmentPixelFormat : 16;
static_assert(kMaxRenderTargets <= 4, "kMaxRenderTargets must be <= 4");
uint8_t numColorAttachments : 3;
uint8_t sampleCount : 5;
// Some SDK levels don't declare MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass. Needs to do compile time check here:
(!defined(__IPHONE_12_0) || ANGLE_IOS_DEPLOY_TARGET < __IPHONE_12_0)
using PrimitiveTopologyClass = uint32_t;
constexpr PrimitiveTopologyClass kPrimitiveTopologyClassTriangle = 0;
constexpr PrimitiveTopologyClass kPrimitiveTopologyClassPoint = 0;
using PrimitiveTopologyClass = MTLPrimitiveTopologyClass;
constexpr PrimitiveTopologyClass kPrimitiveTopologyClassTriangle =
constexpr PrimitiveTopologyClass kPrimitiveTopologyClassPoint = MTLPrimitiveTopologyClassPoint;
enum class RenderPipelineRasterization : uint32_t
// This flag is used for vertex shader not writing any stage output (e.g gl_Position).
// This will disable fragment shader stage. This is useful for transform feedback ouput vertex
// shader.
// Fragment shader is enabled.
// This flag is for rasterization discard emulation when vertex shader still writes to stage
// output. Disabled flag cannot be used in this case since Metal doesn't allow that. The
// emulation would insert a code snippet to move gl_Position out of clip space's visible area to
// simulate the discard.
template <typename T>
using RenderPipelineRasterStateMap = angle::PackedEnumMap<RenderPipelineRasterization, T>;
struct alignas(4) RenderPipelineDesc
RenderPipelineDesc(const RenderPipelineDesc &src);
RenderPipelineDesc(RenderPipelineDesc &&src);
RenderPipelineDesc &operator=(const RenderPipelineDesc &src);
bool operator==(const RenderPipelineDesc &rhs) const;
size_t hash() const;
bool rasterizationEnabled() const;
VertexDesc vertexDescriptor;
RenderPipelineOutputDesc outputDescriptor;
// Use uint8_t instead of PrimitiveTopologyClass to compact space.
uint8_t inputPrimitiveTopology : 2;
bool alphaToCoverageEnabled : 1;
// These flags are for emulation and do not correspond to any flags in
// MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor descriptor. These flags should be used by
// RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory.
RenderPipelineRasterization rasterizationType : 2;
bool emulateCoverageMask : 1;
struct alignas(4) ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc
ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc(const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &src);
ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc(const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &&src);
ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &operator=(const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &src);
bool operator==(const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &rhs) const;
size_t hash() const;
gl::PrimitiveMode primitiveMode;
uint8_t elementType;
bool primitiveRestartEnabled;
struct RenderPassAttachmentTextureTargetDesc
TextureRef getTextureRef() const { return texture.lock(); }
TextureRef getImplicitMSTextureRef() const { return implicitMSTexture.lock(); }
bool hasImplicitMSTexture() const { return !implicitMSTexture.expired(); }
uint32_t getRenderSamples() const
TextureRef tex = getTextureRef();
TextureRef msTex = getImplicitMSTextureRef();
return msTex ? msTex->samples() : (tex ? tex->samples() : 1);
TextureWeakRef texture;
// Implicit multisample texture that will be rendered into and discarded at the end of
// a render pass. Its result will be resolved into normal texture above.
TextureWeakRef implicitMSTexture;
MipmapNativeLevel level = kZeroNativeMipLevel;
uint32_t sliceOrDepth = 0;
bool blendable = true;
struct RenderPassAttachmentDesc
// Set default values
void reset();
bool equalIgnoreLoadStoreOptions(const RenderPassAttachmentDesc &other) const;
bool operator==(const RenderPassAttachmentDesc &other) const;
ANGLE_INLINE TextureRef texture() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->getTextureRef() : nullptr;
ANGLE_INLINE TextureRef implicitMSTexture() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->getImplicitMSTextureRef() : nullptr;
ANGLE_INLINE bool hasImplicitMSTexture() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->hasImplicitMSTexture() : false;
ANGLE_INLINE uint32_t renderSamples() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->getRenderSamples() : 1;
ANGLE_INLINE MipmapNativeLevel level() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->level : kZeroNativeMipLevel;
ANGLE_INLINE uint32_t sliceOrDepth() const
return renderTarget ? renderTarget->sliceOrDepth : 0;
ANGLE_INLINE bool blendable() const { return renderTarget ? renderTarget->blendable : false; }
// This is shared pointer to avoid crashing when texture deleted after bound to a frame buffer.
std::shared_ptr<RenderPassAttachmentTextureTargetDesc> renderTarget;
MTLLoadAction loadAction;
MTLStoreAction storeAction;
MTLStoreActionOptions storeActionOptions;
struct RenderPassColorAttachmentDesc : public RenderPassAttachmentDesc
inline bool operator==(const RenderPassColorAttachmentDesc &other) const
return RenderPassAttachmentDesc::operator==(other) && clearColor == other.clearColor;
inline bool operator!=(const RenderPassColorAttachmentDesc &other) const
return !(*this == other);
MTLClearColor clearColor = {0, 0, 0, 0};
struct RenderPassDepthAttachmentDesc : public RenderPassAttachmentDesc
inline bool operator==(const RenderPassDepthAttachmentDesc &other) const
return RenderPassAttachmentDesc::operator==(other) && clearDepth == other.clearDepth;
inline bool operator!=(const RenderPassDepthAttachmentDesc &other) const
return !(*this == other);
double clearDepth = 0;
struct RenderPassStencilAttachmentDesc : public RenderPassAttachmentDesc
inline bool operator==(const RenderPassStencilAttachmentDesc &other) const
return RenderPassAttachmentDesc::operator==(other) && clearStencil == other.clearStencil;
inline bool operator!=(const RenderPassStencilAttachmentDesc &other) const
return !(*this == other);
uint32_t clearStencil = 0;
// This is C++ equivalent of Objective-C MTLRenderPassDescriptor.
// We could use MTLRenderPassDescriptor directly, however, using C++ struct has benefits of fast
// copy, stack allocation, inlined comparing function, etc.
struct RenderPassDesc
RenderPassColorAttachmentDesc colorAttachments[kMaxRenderTargets];
RenderPassDepthAttachmentDesc depthAttachment;
RenderPassStencilAttachmentDesc stencilAttachment;
void convertToMetalDesc(MTLRenderPassDescriptor *objCDesc) const;
// This will populate the RenderPipelineOutputDesc with default blend state and
// MTLColorWriteMaskAll
void populateRenderPipelineOutputDesc(RenderPipelineOutputDesc *outDesc) const;
// This will populate the RenderPipelineOutputDesc with default blend state and the specified
// MTLColorWriteMask
void populateRenderPipelineOutputDesc(MTLColorWriteMask colorWriteMask,
RenderPipelineOutputDesc *outDesc) const;
// This will populate the RenderPipelineOutputDesc with the specified blend state
void populateRenderPipelineOutputDesc(const BlendDesc &blendState,
RenderPipelineOutputDesc *outDesc) const;
bool equalIgnoreLoadStoreOptions(const RenderPassDesc &other) const;
bool operator==(const RenderPassDesc &other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const RenderPassDesc &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
uint32_t numColorAttachments = 0;
uint32_t sampleCount = 1;
} // namespace mtl
} // namespace rx
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<rx::mtl::DepthStencilDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::mtl::DepthStencilDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::mtl::SamplerDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::mtl::SamplerDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::mtl::RenderPipelineDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::mtl::RenderPipelineDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
template <>
struct hash<rx::mtl::ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc>
size_t operator()(const rx::mtl::ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &key) const { return key.hash(); }
} // namespace std
namespace rx
namespace mtl
// Abstract factory to create specialized vertex & fragment shaders based on RenderPipelineDesc.
class RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory
virtual ~RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory() = default;
// Get specialized shader for the render pipeline cache.
virtual angle::Result getSpecializedShader(Context *context,
gl::ShaderType shaderType,
const RenderPipelineDesc &renderPipelineDesc,
id<MTLFunction> *shaderOut) = 0;
// Check whether specialized shaders is required for the specified RenderPipelineDesc.
// If not, the render pipeline cache will use the supplied non-specialized shaders.
virtual bool hasSpecializedShader(gl::ShaderType shaderType,
const RenderPipelineDesc &renderPipelineDesc) = 0;
// Abstract factory to create specialized provoking vertex compute shaders based off of
// compute shader pipeline descs
class ProvokingVertexCacheSpecializeShaderFactory
virtual ~ProvokingVertexCacheSpecializeShaderFactory() = default;
// Get specialized shader for the render pipeline cache.
virtual angle::Result getSpecializedShader(Context *context,
gl::ShaderType shaderType,
const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &renderPipelineDesc,
id<MTLFunction> *shaderOut) = 0;
// Check whether specialized shaders is required for the specified RenderPipelineDesc.
// If not, the render pipeline cache will use the supplied non-specialized shaders.
virtual bool hasSpecializedShader(gl::ShaderType shaderType,
const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &renderPipelineDesc) = 0;
// render pipeline state cache per shader program
class RenderPipelineCache final : angle::NonCopyable
RenderPipelineCache(RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory *specializedShaderFactory);
// Set non-specialized vertex/fragment shader to be used by render pipeline cache to create
// render pipeline state. If the internal
// RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory.hasSpecializedShader() returns false for a
// particular RenderPipelineDesc, the render pipeline cache will use the non-specialized
// shaders.
void setVertexShader(Context *context, id<MTLFunction> shader);
void setFragmentShader(Context *context, id<MTLFunction> shader);
// Get non-specialized shaders supplied via set*Shader().
id<MTLFunction> getVertexShader() { return mVertexShader; }
id<MTLFunction> getFragmentShader() { return mFragmentShader; }
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLRenderPipelineState>> getRenderPipelineState(ContextMtl *context,
const RenderPipelineDesc &desc);
void clear();
// Non-specialized vertex shader
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLFunction>> mVertexShader;
// Non-specialized fragment shader
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLFunction>> mFragmentShader;
// On shader with emulated rasterization discard, one without
void clearPipelineStates();
void recreatePipelineStates(Context *context);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLRenderPipelineState>> insertRenderPipelineState(
Context *context,
const RenderPipelineDesc &desc,
bool insertDefaultAttribLayout);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLRenderPipelineState>> createRenderPipelineState(
Context *context,
const RenderPipelineDesc &desc,
bool insertDefaultAttribLayout);
bool hasDefaultAttribs(const RenderPipelineDesc &desc) const;
// One table with default attrib and one table without.
std::unordered_map<RenderPipelineDesc, AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLRenderPipelineState>>>
RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory *mSpecializedShaderFactory;
// render pipeline state cache per shader program
class ProvokingVertexComputePipelineCache final : angle::NonCopyable
ProvokingVertexComputePipelineCache(ProvokingVertexCacheSpecializeShaderFactory *specializedShaderFactory);
// Set non-specialized vertex/fragment shader to be used by render pipeline cache to create
// render pipeline state. If the internal
// RenderPipelineCacheSpecializeShaderFactory.hasSpecializedShader() returns false for a
// particular RenderPipelineDesc, the render pipeline cache will use the non-specialized
// shaders.
void setComputeShader(Context *context, id<MTLFunction> shader);
id<MTLFunction> getComputeShader() { return mComputeShader; }
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> getComputePipelineState(ContextMtl *context,
const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &desc);
void clear();
// Non-specialized compute shader
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLFunction>> mComputeShader;
void clearPipelineStates();
void recreatePipelineStates(Context *context);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> insertComputePipelineState(
Context *context,
const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &desc);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> createComputePipelineState(
Context *context,
const ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc &desc);
bool hasDefaultAttribs(const RenderPipelineDesc &desc) const;
// One table with default attrib and one table without.
std::unordered_map<ProvokingVertexComputePipelineDesc, AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>>>
ProvokingVertexCacheSpecializeShaderFactory *mSpecializedShaderFactory;
class StateCache final : angle::NonCopyable
StateCache(const angle::FeaturesMtl &features);
// Null depth stencil state has depth/stecil read & write disabled.
inline AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLDepthStencilState>> getNullDepthStencilState(Context *context)
return getNullDepthStencilState(context->getMetalDevice());
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLDepthStencilState>> getNullDepthStencilState(id<MTLDevice> device);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLDepthStencilState>> getDepthStencilState(id<MTLDevice> device,
const DepthStencilDesc &desc);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLSamplerState>> getSamplerState(id<MTLDevice> device, const SamplerDesc &desc);
// Null sampler state uses default SamplerDesc
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLSamplerState>> getNullSamplerState(Context *context);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLSamplerState>> getNullSamplerState(id<MTLDevice> device);
void clear();
const angle::FeaturesMtl &mFeatures;
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLDepthStencilState>> mNullDepthStencilState = nil;
std::unordered_map<DepthStencilDesc, AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLDepthStencilState>>> mDepthStencilStates;
std::unordered_map<SamplerDesc, AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLSamplerState>>> mSamplerStates;
} // namespace mtl
} // namespace rx
static inline bool operator==(const rx::mtl::VertexDesc &lhs, const rx::mtl::VertexDesc &rhs)
if (lhs.numAttribs != rhs.numAttribs || lhs.numBufferLayouts != rhs.numBufferLayouts)
return false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < lhs.numAttribs; ++i)
if (lhs.attributes[i] != rhs.attributes[i])
return false;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < lhs.numBufferLayouts; ++i)
if (lhs.layouts[i] != rhs.layouts[i])
return false;
return true;
static inline bool operator==(const MTLClearColor &lhs, const MTLClearColor &rhs)
return == && == && == &&
lhs.alpha == rhs.alpha;