blob: 39e7219a5ba66f634a191d8496b91b67630e1122 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// d3d_format: Describes a D3D9 format. Used by the D3D9 and GL back-ends.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/Format.h"
namespace rx
namespace d3d9
struct D3DFormat
D3DFormat(GLuint pixelBytes,
GLuint blockWidth,
GLuint blockHeight,
GLuint redBits,
GLuint greenBits,
GLuint blueBits,
GLuint alphaBits,
GLuint luminanceBits,
GLuint depthBits,
GLuint stencilBits,
angle::FormatID formatID);
const angle::Format &info() const { return angle::Format::Get(formatID); }
GLuint pixelBytes;
GLuint blockWidth;
GLuint blockHeight;
GLuint redBits;
GLuint greenBits;
GLuint blueBits;
GLuint alphaBits;
GLuint luminanceBits;
GLuint depthBits;
GLuint stencilBits;
angle::FormatID formatID;
const D3DFormat &GetD3DFormatInfo(D3DFORMAT format);
} // namespace d3d9
} // namespace rx