blob: 2961c265682a715eb83505b11a4d6937e8e51cf2 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS idl_test setup
PASS idl_test validation
PASS HTMLElement includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes ElementContentEditable: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement: member names are unique
PASS Element includes ParentNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes NonDocumentTypeChildNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes ChildNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes Slottable: member names are unique
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS BaseAudioContext interface object length
PASS BaseAudioContext interface object name
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute destination
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute sampleRate
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute currentTime
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute listener
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute state
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute audioWorklet
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: attribute onstatechange
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createAnalyser()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createBiquadFilter()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createBuffer(unsigned long, unsigned long, float)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createBufferSource()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createConstantSource()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createConvolver()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createDelay(optional double)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createDynamicsCompressor()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createGain()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createIIRFilter(sequence<double>, sequence<double>)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createOscillator()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createPanner()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createPeriodicWave(sequence<float>, sequence<float>, optional PeriodicWaveConstraints)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createStereoPanner()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation createWaveShaper()
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: operation decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, optional DecodeSuccessCallback?, optional DecodeErrorCallback?)
PASS AudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioContext interface object length
PASS AudioContext interface object name
PASS AudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioContext interface: attribute baseLatency
FAIL AudioContext interface: attribute outputLatency assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "outputLatency" expected true got false
PASS AudioContext interface: operation getOutputTimestamp()
PASS AudioContext interface: operation resume()
PASS AudioContext interface: operation suspend()
PASS AudioContext interface: operation close()
PASS AudioContext interface: operation createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement)
PASS AudioContext interface: operation createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream)
FAIL AudioContext interface: operation createMediaStreamTrackSource(MediaStreamTrack) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "createMediaStreamTrackSource" missing
PASS AudioContext interface: operation createMediaStreamDestination()
PASS AudioContext must be primary interface of context
PASS Stringification of context
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "baseLatency" with the proper type
FAIL AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "outputLatency" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "outputLatency" not found in prototype chain
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "getOutputTimestamp()" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "resume()" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "suspend()" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "close()" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement)" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: calling createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream)" with the proper type
PASS AudioContext interface: calling createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
FAIL AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createMediaStreamTrackSource(MediaStreamTrack)" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "createMediaStreamTrackSource" not found in prototype chain
FAIL AudioContext interface: calling createMediaStreamTrackSource(MediaStreamTrack) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "createMediaStreamTrackSource" not found in prototype chain
PASS AudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createMediaStreamDestination()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "destination" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "sampleRate" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "currentTime" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "listener" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "state" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "audioWorklet" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createAnalyser()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createBiquadFilter()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createBuffer(unsigned long, unsigned long, float)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createBuffer(unsigned long, unsigned long, float) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createBufferSource()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createConstantSource()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createConvolver()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createDelay(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createDelay(optional double) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createDynamicsCompressor()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createGain()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createIIRFilter(sequence<double>, sequence<double>)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createIIRFilter(sequence<double>, sequence<double>) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createOscillator()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createPanner()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createPeriodicWave(sequence<float>, sequence<float>, optional PeriodicWaveConstraints)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createPeriodicWave(sequence<float>, sequence<float>, optional PeriodicWaveConstraints) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createStereoPanner()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "createWaveShaper()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: context must inherit property "decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, optional DecodeSuccessCallback?, optional DecodeErrorCallback?)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, optional DecodeSuccessCallback?, optional DecodeErrorCallback?) on context with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface object length
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface object name
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: operation startRendering()
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: operation resume()
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: operation suspend(double)
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: attribute length
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: attribute oncomplete
PASS OfflineAudioContext must be primary interface of new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate)
PASS Stringification of new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate)
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "startRendering()" with the proper type
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "resume()" with the proper type
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "suspend(double)" with the proper type
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: calling suspend(double) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "length" with the proper type
PASS OfflineAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "oncomplete" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "destination" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "sampleRate" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "currentTime" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "listener" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "state" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "audioWorklet" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createAnalyser()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createBiquadFilter()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createBuffer(unsigned long, unsigned long, float)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createBuffer(unsigned long, unsigned long, float) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createBufferSource()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createConstantSource()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createConvolver()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createDelay(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createDelay(optional double) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createDynamicsCompressor()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createGain()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createIIRFilter(sequence<double>, sequence<double>)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createIIRFilter(sequence<double>, sequence<double>) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createOscillator()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createPanner()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createPeriodicWave(sequence<float>, sequence<float>, optional PeriodicWaveConstraints)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createPeriodicWave(sequence<float>, sequence<float>, optional PeriodicWaveConstraints) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createStereoPanner()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "createWaveShaper()" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) must inherit property "decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, optional DecodeSuccessCallback?, optional DecodeErrorCallback?)" with the proper type
PASS BaseAudioContext interface: calling decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer, optional DecodeSuccessCallback?, optional DecodeErrorCallback?) on new OfflineAudioContext(1, 1, sample_rate) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface object length
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface object name
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: attribute renderedBuffer
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent must be primary interface of new OfflineAudioCompletionEvent("", {renderedBuffer: buffer})
PASS Stringification of new OfflineAudioCompletionEvent("", {renderedBuffer: buffer})
PASS OfflineAudioCompletionEvent interface: new OfflineAudioCompletionEvent("", {renderedBuffer: buffer}) must inherit property "renderedBuffer" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioBuffer interface object length
PASS AudioBuffer interface object name
PASS AudioBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioBuffer interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioBuffer interface: attribute sampleRate
PASS AudioBuffer interface: attribute length
PASS AudioBuffer interface: attribute duration
PASS AudioBuffer interface: attribute numberOfChannels
PASS AudioBuffer interface: operation getChannelData(unsigned long)
PASS AudioBuffer interface: operation copyFromChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long)
PASS AudioBuffer interface: operation copyToChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long)
PASS AudioBuffer must be primary interface of buffer
PASS Stringification of buffer
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "sampleRate" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "length" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "duration" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "numberOfChannels" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "getChannelData(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: calling getChannelData(unsigned long) on buffer with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "copyFromChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: calling copyFromChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on buffer with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioBuffer interface: buffer must inherit property "copyToChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioBuffer interface: calling copyToChannel(Float32Array, unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on buffer with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioNode interface object length
PASS AudioNode interface object name
PASS AudioNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioNode interface: operation connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect()
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(AudioNode)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(AudioParam)
PASS AudioNode interface: operation disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute context
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute numberOfInputs
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute numberOfOutputs
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute channelCount
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute channelCountMode
PASS AudioNode interface: attribute channelInterpretation
PASS AudioParam interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioParam interface object length
PASS AudioParam interface object name
PASS AudioParam interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioParam interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioParam interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioParam interface: attribute value
PASS AudioParam interface: attribute automationRate
PASS AudioParam interface: attribute defaultValue
PASS AudioParam interface: attribute minValue
PASS AudioParam interface: attribute maxValue
PASS AudioParam interface: operation setValueAtTime(float, double)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation linearRampToValueAtTime(float, double)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float, double)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation setTargetAtTime(float, double, float)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation setValueCurveAtTime(sequence<float>, double, double)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation cancelScheduledValues(double)
PASS AudioParam interface: operation cancelAndHoldAtTime(double)
PASS AudioParam must be primary interface of new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate
PASS Stringification of new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "value" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "automationRate" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "defaultValue" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "minValue" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "maxValue" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "setValueAtTime(float, double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling setValueAtTime(float, double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "linearRampToValueAtTime(float, double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling linearRampToValueAtTime(float, double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float, double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float, double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "setTargetAtTime(float, double, float)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling setTargetAtTime(float, double, float) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "setValueCurveAtTime(sequence<float>, double, double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling setValueCurveAtTime(sequence<float>, double, double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "cancelScheduledValues(double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling cancelScheduledValues(double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioParam interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate must inherit property "cancelAndHoldAtTime(double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioParam interface: calling cancelAndHoldAtTime(double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context).playbackRate with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface object length
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface object name
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: attribute onended
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: operation start(optional double)
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: operation stop(optional double)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AnalyserNode interface object length
PASS AnalyserNode interface object name
PASS AnalyserNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AnalyserNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AnalyserNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AnalyserNode interface: operation getFloatFrequencyData(Float32Array)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: operation getByteFrequencyData(Uint8Array)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: operation getFloatTimeDomainData(Float32Array)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: operation getByteTimeDomainData(Uint8Array)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: attribute fftSize
PASS AnalyserNode interface: attribute frequencyBinCount
PASS AnalyserNode interface: attribute minDecibels
PASS AnalyserNode interface: attribute maxDecibels
PASS AnalyserNode interface: attribute smoothingTimeConstant
PASS AnalyserNode must be primary interface of new AnalyserNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new AnalyserNode(context)
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "getFloatFrequencyData(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: calling getFloatFrequencyData(Float32Array) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "getByteFrequencyData(Uint8Array)" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: calling getByteFrequencyData(Uint8Array) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "getFloatTimeDomainData(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: calling getFloatTimeDomainData(Float32Array) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "getByteTimeDomainData(Uint8Array)" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: calling getByteTimeDomainData(Uint8Array) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "fftSize" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "frequencyBinCount" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "minDecibels" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "maxDecibels" with the proper type
PASS AnalyserNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "smoothingTimeConstant" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new AnalyserNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AnalyserNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface object length
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface object name
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute buffer
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute playbackRate
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute detune
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute loop
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute loopStart
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: attribute loopEnd
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: operation start(optional double, optional double, optional double)
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode must be primary interface of new AudioBufferSourceNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new AudioBufferSourceNode(context)
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "buffer" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "playbackRate" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "detune" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "loop" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "loopStart" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "loopEnd" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "start(optional double, optional double, optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioBufferSourceNode interface: calling start(optional double, optional double, optional double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "onended" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "start(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling start(optional double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "stop(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling stop(optional double) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new AudioBufferSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface object length
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface object name
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: attribute maxChannelCount
PASS AudioDestinationNode must be primary interface of context.destination
PASS Stringification of context.destination
PASS AudioDestinationNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "maxChannelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on context.destination with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.destination must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioListener interface object length
PASS AudioListener interface object name
PASS AudioListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute positionX
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute positionY
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute positionZ
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute forwardX
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute forwardY
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute forwardZ
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute upX
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute upY
PASS AudioListener interface: attribute upZ
PASS AudioListener interface: operation setPosition(float, float, float)
PASS AudioListener interface: operation setOrientation(float, float, float, float, float, float)
PASS AudioListener must be primary interface of context.listener
PASS Stringification of context.listener
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "positionX" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "positionY" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "positionZ" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "forwardX" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "forwardY" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "forwardZ" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "upX" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "upY" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "upZ" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "setPosition(float, float, float)" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: calling setPosition(float, float, float) on context.listener with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioListener interface: context.listener must inherit property "setOrientation(float, float, float, float, float, float)" with the proper type
PASS AudioListener interface: calling setOrientation(float, float, float, float, float, float) on context.listener with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface object length
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface object name
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: attribute playbackTime
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: attribute inputBuffer
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: attribute outputBuffer
PASS AudioProcessingEvent must be primary interface of new AudioProcessingEvent('', {
playbackTime: 0, inputBuffer: buffer, outputBuffer: buffer
PASS Stringification of new AudioProcessingEvent('', {
playbackTime: 0, inputBuffer: buffer, outputBuffer: buffer
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: new AudioProcessingEvent('', {
playbackTime: 0, inputBuffer: buffer, outputBuffer: buffer
}) must inherit property "playbackTime" with the proper type
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: new AudioProcessingEvent('', {
playbackTime: 0, inputBuffer: buffer, outputBuffer: buffer
}) must inherit property "inputBuffer" with the proper type
PASS AudioProcessingEvent interface: new AudioProcessingEvent('', {
playbackTime: 0, inputBuffer: buffer, outputBuffer: buffer
}) must inherit property "outputBuffer" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface object length
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface object name
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: attribute type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: attribute frequency
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: attribute detune
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: attribute Q
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: attribute gain
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: operation getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array)
PASS BiquadFilterNode must be primary interface of new BiquadFilterNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new BiquadFilterNode(context)
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "type" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "frequency" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "detune" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "Q" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "gain" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS BiquadFilterNode interface: calling getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new BiquadFilterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new BiquadFilterNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface object length
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface object name
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ChannelMergerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ChannelMergerNode must be primary interface of new ChannelMergerNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new ChannelMergerNode(context)
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new ChannelMergerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelMergerNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface object length
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface object name
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ChannelSplitterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ChannelSplitterNode must be primary interface of new ChannelSplitterNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new ChannelSplitterNode(context)
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new ChannelSplitterNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ChannelSplitterNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface object length
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface object name
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: attribute offset
PASS ConstantSourceNode must be primary interface of new ConstantSourceNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new ConstantSourceNode(context)
PASS ConstantSourceNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "offset" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "onended" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "start(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling start(optional double) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "stop(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling stop(optional double) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new ConstantSourceNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConstantSourceNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS ConvolverNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ConvolverNode interface object length
PASS ConvolverNode interface object name
PASS ConvolverNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ConvolverNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ConvolverNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ConvolverNode interface: attribute buffer
PASS ConvolverNode interface: attribute normalize
PASS ConvolverNode must be primary interface of new ConvolverNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new ConvolverNode(context)
PASS ConvolverNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "buffer" with the proper type
PASS ConvolverNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new ConvolverNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new ConvolverNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS DelayNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DelayNode interface object length
PASS DelayNode interface object name
PASS DelayNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DelayNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DelayNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DelayNode interface: attribute delayTime
PASS DelayNode must be primary interface of new DelayNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new DelayNode(context)
PASS DelayNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "delayTime" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new DelayNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DelayNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface object length
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface object name
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute threshold
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute knee
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute ratio
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute reduction
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute attack
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: attribute release
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode must be primary interface of new DynamicsCompressorNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new DynamicsCompressorNode(context)
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "threshold" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "knee" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "ratio" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "reduction" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "attack" with the proper type
PASS DynamicsCompressorNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "release" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new DynamicsCompressorNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS GainNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS GainNode interface object length
PASS GainNode interface object name
PASS GainNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS GainNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS GainNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS GainNode interface: attribute gain
PASS GainNode must be primary interface of new GainNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new GainNode(context)
PASS GainNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "gain" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new GainNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new GainNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IIRFilterNode interface object length
PASS IIRFilterNode interface object name
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: operation getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array)
PASS IIRFilterNode must be primary interface of new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]})
PASS Stringification of new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]})
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS IIRFilterNode interface: calling getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array, Float32Array, Float32Array) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new IIRFilterNode(context, {feedforward: [1], feedback: [1]}) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface object length
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface object name
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: attribute mediaElement
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode must be primary interface of new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio})
PASS Stringification of new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio})
PASS MediaElementAudioSourceNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "mediaElement" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaElementAudioSourceNode(context, {mediaElement: new Audio}) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface object length
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface object name
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: attribute stream
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode must be primary interface of new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context)
PASS MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "stream" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface object length
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface object name
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS MediaStreamAudioSourceNode interface: attribute mediaStream
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
FAIL MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" expected property "MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode" missing
PASS OscillatorNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS OscillatorNode interface object length
PASS OscillatorNode interface object name
PASS OscillatorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS OscillatorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS OscillatorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS OscillatorNode interface: attribute type
PASS OscillatorNode interface: attribute frequency
PASS OscillatorNode interface: attribute detune
PASS OscillatorNode interface: operation setPeriodicWave(PeriodicWave)
PASS OscillatorNode must be primary interface of new OscillatorNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new OscillatorNode(context)
PASS OscillatorNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "type" with the proper type
PASS OscillatorNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "frequency" with the proper type
PASS OscillatorNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "detune" with the proper type
PASS OscillatorNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "setPeriodicWave(PeriodicWave)" with the proper type
PASS OscillatorNode interface: calling setPeriodicWave(PeriodicWave) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "onended" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "start(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling start(optional double) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "stop(optional double)" with the proper type
PASS AudioScheduledSourceNode interface: calling stop(optional double) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new OscillatorNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new OscillatorNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PannerNode interface object length
PASS PannerNode interface object name
PASS PannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute panningModel
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute positionX
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute positionY
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute positionZ
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute orientationX
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute orientationY
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute orientationZ
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute distanceModel
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute refDistance
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute maxDistance
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute rolloffFactor
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute coneInnerAngle
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute coneOuterAngle
PASS PannerNode interface: attribute coneOuterGain
PASS PannerNode interface: operation setPosition(float, float, float)
PASS PannerNode interface: operation setOrientation(float, float, float)
PASS PannerNode must be primary interface of new PannerNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new PannerNode(context)
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "panningModel" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "positionX" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "positionY" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "positionZ" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "orientationX" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "orientationY" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "orientationZ" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "distanceModel" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "refDistance" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "maxDistance" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "rolloffFactor" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "coneInnerAngle" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "coneOuterAngle" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "coneOuterGain" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "setPosition(float, float, float)" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: calling setPosition(float, float, float) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS PannerNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "setOrientation(float, float, float)" with the proper type
PASS PannerNode interface: calling setOrientation(float, float, float) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new PannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new PannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS PeriodicWave interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS PeriodicWave interface object length
PASS PeriodicWave interface object name
PASS PeriodicWave interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS PeriodicWave interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS PeriodicWave interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS PeriodicWave must be primary interface of new PeriodicWave(context)
PASS Stringification of new PeriodicWave(context)
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface object length
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface object name
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: attribute onaudioprocess
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: attribute bufferSize
PASS ScriptProcessorNode must be primary interface of context.createScriptProcessor()
PASS Stringification of context.createScriptProcessor()
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "onaudioprocess" with the proper type
PASS ScriptProcessorNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "bufferSize" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on context.createScriptProcessor() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: context.createScriptProcessor() must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS StereoPannerNode interface object length
PASS StereoPannerNode interface object name
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: attribute pan
PASS StereoPannerNode must be primary interface of new StereoPannerNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new StereoPannerNode(context)
PASS StereoPannerNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "pan" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new StereoPannerNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new StereoPannerNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS WaveShaperNode interface object length
PASS WaveShaperNode interface object name
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: attribute curve
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: attribute oversample
PASS WaveShaperNode must be primary interface of new WaveShaperNode(context)
PASS Stringification of new WaveShaperNode(context)
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "curve" with the proper type
PASS WaveShaperNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "oversample" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on new WaveShaperNode(context) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: new WaveShaperNode(context) must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS AudioWorklet interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioWorklet interface object length
PASS AudioWorklet interface object name
PASS AudioWorklet interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioWorklet interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioWorklet interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioWorklet must be primary interface of context.audioWorklet
PASS Stringification of context.audioWorklet
PASS AudioWorkletGlobalScope interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioParamMap interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioParamMap interface object length
PASS AudioParamMap interface object name
PASS AudioParamMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioParamMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioParamMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioParamMap must be primary interface of worklet_node.parameters
PASS Stringification of worklet_node.parameters
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface object length
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface object name
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: attribute parameters
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: attribute port
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: attribute onprocessorerror
PASS AudioWorkletNode must be primary interface of worklet_node
PASS Stringification of worklet_node
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "parameters" with the proper type
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "port" with the proper type
PASS AudioWorkletNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "onprocessorerror" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioNode, optional unsigned long, optional unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling connect(AudioParam, optional unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect()" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioNode, unsigned long, unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long)" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: calling disconnect(AudioParam, unsigned long) on worklet_node with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "context" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "numberOfInputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "numberOfOutputs" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "channelCount" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "channelCountMode" with the proper type
PASS AudioNode interface: worklet_node must inherit property "channelInterpretation" with the proper type
PASS AudioWorkletProcessor interface: existence and properties of interface object