blob: fc255ae83f2219d3e32a859f0d63745ed682b436 [file] [log] [blame]
set -ex
source_revision=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
# The token available in the `GITHUB_TOKEN` variable may be used to push to the
# repository, but GitHub Pages will not rebuild the website in response to such
# events. Use an access token generated for the project's machine user,
# wpt-pr-bot.
function json_property {
cat ${1} | \
python -c "import json, sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin).get(\"${2}\", \"\"))"
function is_pull_request {
test -n "$(json_property ${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH} pull_request)"
function targets_master {
test $(json_property ${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH} ref) == 'refs/heads/master'
git config --global ""
git config --global "wpt-pr-bot"
# Prepare the output directory so that the new build can be pushed to the
# repository as an incremental change to the prior build.
mkdir -p docs/_build/html
cd docs/_build/html
git init
git fetch --depth 1 ${remote_url} gh-pages
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git rm -rf .
# Build the website
cd ../..
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
cd _build/html
# Configure DNS
echo > CNAME
# Disable Jekyll
touch .nojekyll
# Publish the website by pushing the built contents to the `gh-pages` branch
git add .
echo This submission alters the compiled files as follows
git diff --staged
if is_pull_request ; then
echo Submission comes from a pull request. Exiting without publishing.
exit ${neutral_status}
if ! targets_master ; then
echo Submission does not target the 'master' branch. Exiting without publishing.
exit ${neutral_status}
if git diff --exit-code --quiet --staged ; then
echo No change to the website contents. Exiting without publishing.
exit ${neutral_status}
git commit --message "Build documentation
These files were generated from commit ${source_revision}"
git push --force ${remote_url} HEAD:gh-pages