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"message": "Delete invalid test. (#20547)\n\nIt seems it expects `transform: rotate(1deg, 20px, 20px)` to somehow be valid.\r\n\r\nIt was introduced in cdc3032f56c86cc68121e54e169485441d9cdb1a, pointing to, which doesn't say anything like that.\r\n\r\nDoesn't pass in any browser.",
"timestamp": "2019-11-30T13:34:24-08:00",
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"message": "Delete invalid test. (#20547)\n\nIt seems it expects `transform: rotate(1deg, 20px, 20px)` to somehow be valid.\r\n\r\nIt was introduced in cdc3032f56c86cc68121e54e169485441d9cdb1a, pointing to, which doesn't say anything like that.\r\n\r\nDoesn't pass in any browser.",
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