blob: 47e08e8b77962d871cf7bdfad18e26d6df619c35 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=resources/support.js
// Spec:
// This file covers only those tests that must execute in a non secure context.
// Other tests are defined in: secure-context.window.js
setup(() => {
// Making sure we are in a non secure context, as expected.
promise_test(async t => {
return fetch("/common/blank.html")
.catch(reason => {unreached_func(reason)});
}, "Local non secure page fetches local page.");
// For the following tests, we go through an iframe, because it is not possible
// to directly import the test harness from a secured public page.
promise_test(async t => {
let iframe = await appendIframe(t, document,
let reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("/common/blank.html", "*");
assert_equals(await reply, "failure");
}, "Public non secure page fetches local page.");
// TODO(
// Add tests for public variations when we are able to fetch resources using a
// mechanism compatible with WPT guidelines regarding being self-contained.