| Tests for ES6 arrow function, calling of the super in arrow function |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS isReferenceError is true |
| PASS isReferenceError is true |
| PASS (new D()).id is value |
| PASS (new E(false)).id is value |
| PASS typeof (new E(true)).id is 'undefined' |
| PASS (new F(false)).id is value |
| PASS typeof (new F(true)).id is 'undefined' |
| PASS indexOfParentClassInStackError < indexOfnestedArrowInStackError is true |
| PASS indexOfnestedArrowInStackError < indexOfarrowInChildConstructorInStackError is true |
| PASS indexOfarrowInChildConstructorInStackError < indexOfChildClassInStackError is true |
| PASS indexOfChildClassInStackError > 0 is true |
| PASS indexOfParentClassInStackError > -1 && errorStack.indexOf('ParentClass', indexOfParentClassInStackError + 1) === -1 is true |
| PASS indexOfnestedArrowInStackError > -1 && errorStack.indexOf('nestedArrow', indexOfnestedArrowInStackError + 1) === -1 is true |
| PASS indexOfarrowInChildConstructorInStackError > -1 && errorStack.indexOf('arrowInChildConstructor', indexOfarrowInChildConstructorInStackError + 1) === -1 is true |
| PASS indexOfChildClassInStackError > -1 && errorStack.indexOf('ChildClass', indexOfChildClassInStackError + 1) === -1 is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |