| <!doctype html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/all-scopes.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/function-name-scopes.js"></script> |
| <script src="resources/block-scopes.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| function test() |
| { |
| function firstLine(str) { |
| let newlineIndex = str.indexOf("\n"); |
| if (newlineIndex !== -1) |
| return str.substr(0, newlineIndex); |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| function scopeTypeToString(type) { |
| for (let key in WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type) { |
| if (WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type[key] === type) |
| return key; |
| } |
| return "Unexpected Scope Type"; |
| } |
| |
| function harvestScopeChain(scopeChain) { |
| let promises = []; |
| for (let scope of scopeChain) { |
| promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
| if (scope.type === WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Global) |
| resolve({scope, propertyDescriptors: []}); |
| else { |
| scope.objects[0].getDisplayablePropertyDescriptors((propertyDescriptors) => { |
| resolve({scope, propertyDescriptors}); |
| }); |
| } |
| })); |
| } |
| return Promise.all(promises); |
| } |
| |
| function logScopeChain(scopeChain) { |
| return harvestScopeChain(scopeChain).then((results) => { |
| InspectorTest.log("SCOPE CHAIN:"); |
| for (let {scope, propertyDescriptors} of results) { |
| InspectorTest.log(` ${scopeTypeToString(scope.type)}`); |
| if (scope.type !== WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Global) { |
| for (let descriptor of propertyDescriptors) |
| InspectorTest.log(` - ${descriptor.name}: ${firstLine(descriptor.value.description)}`); |
| } |
| } |
| return results; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| |
| let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("WebInspector.ScopeChainNode"); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.AllTypes", |
| description: "Tests for each of the different scope chain node types.", |
| test: (resolve, reject) => { |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("setTimeout(testAllScopes)"); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.singleFireEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.CallFramesDidChange, (event) => { |
| let scopeChain = WebInspector.debuggerManager.activeCallFrame.scopeChain; |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(scopeChain.length === 13, "ScopeChain should have 13 scopes."); |
| logScopeChain(scopeChain).then((result) => { |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.FunctionNameInFunctionExpression", |
| description: "Tests that there should be a FunctionName scope inside a function expression.", |
| test: (resolve, reject) => { |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("setTimeout(testFunctionNameScope1)"); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.singleFireEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.CallFramesDidChange, (event) => { |
| let scopeChain = WebInspector.debuggerManager.activeCallFrame.scopeChain; |
| logScopeChain(scopeChain).then((result) => { |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.FunctionNameInClassMethod", |
| description: "Tests that there should be a FunctionName scope inside a class method.", |
| test: (resolve, reject) => { |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("setTimeout(testFunctionNameScope2)"); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.singleFireEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.CallFramesDidChange, (event) => { |
| let scopeChain = WebInspector.debuggerManager.activeCallFrame.scopeChain; |
| logScopeChain(scopeChain).then((result) => { |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.BlockScopes", |
| description: "Tests for a Block scope inside all the different types of blocks.", |
| test: (resolve, reject) => { |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("setTimeout(testBlockScopes)"); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.ActiveCallFrameDidChange, callFramesDidChangeListener); |
| |
| let pauseCount = 0; |
| let pauseEventsExpected = 19; |
| function callFramesDidChangeListener(event) { |
| pauseCount++; |
| let scopeChain = WebInspector.debuggerManager.activeCallFrame.scopeChain; |
| |
| // First, normal function scope. |
| if (pauseCount === 1) { |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(scopeChain[0].type === WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Closure, "Pause #1 - Top scope should be normal function Closure/Local scope."); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Last, normal function scope. |
| if (pauseCount === pauseEventsExpected) { |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(scopeChain[0].type === WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Closure, `Pause #${pauseCount} - Top scope should be normal function Closure/Local scope.`); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.removeEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.ActiveCallFrameDidChange, callFramesDidChangeListener); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| resolve(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // The first 15 cases the top scope should be a Block scope. |
| if (pauseCount <= 15) { |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(scopeChain[0].type === WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Block, `Pause #${pauseCount} - Top scope should be Block scope.`); |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Print out the full scope of the last few where there are nested or buried block scopes. |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(scopeChain.some((scopeChain) => scopeChain.type === WebInspector.ScopeChainNode.Type.Block), `Pause #${pauseCount} - Contains a Block scope.`); |
| logScopeChain(scopeChain).then((result) => { |
| WebInspector.debuggerManager.resume(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.runTestCasesAndFinish(); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="runTest()"> |
| <p>Tests for the WebInspector.ScopeChainNode model object.</p> |
| </body> |
| </html> |