| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/protocol-test.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| // Create a named eval. |
| eval("//# sourceURL=eval.js\nfunction foo() { }"); |
| |
| function test() |
| { |
| let suite = ProtocolTest.createAsyncSuite("Debugger.scriptParsed.enable"); |
| |
| // Because InspectorTest output causes scripts to be parsed |
| // this test only checks the scripts the frontend is notified |
| // of when enabling the Debugger domain. |
| // |
| // Scripts we expect to see (in an undefined order) |
| // - external <script> protocol-test.js |
| // - inline <script> (this) starting on line 5 |
| // - inline body onload event listener attribute on <body> line below |
| // - eval source above on line 7 |
| // - inspector internal scripts InjectedScriptSource.js CommandLineAPIModuleSource.js |
| |
| let foundExternalScript = false; |
| let foundInlineScriptTagScript = false; |
| let foundInlineAttributeEventListenerScript = false; |
| let foundEvalScript = false; |
| let foundInjectedScriptSourceScript = false; |
| let foundCommandLineAPISourceScript = false; |
| let foundUnexpectedScript = false; |
| |
| function isExternalScript(params) { |
| return /inspector\/resources\/protocol-test\.js/.test(params.url); |
| } |
| |
| function isInlineScript(params) { |
| return /inspector\/debugger\/scriptParsed\.html$/.test(params.url); |
| } |
| |
| function isInlineScriptTagScript(params) { |
| return isInlineScript(params) && params.startLine === 4; |
| } |
| |
| function isInlineAttributeEventListenerScript(params) { |
| return isInlineScript(params) && params.startLine >= 100; // Estimate of <body> below. |
| } |
| |
| function isEvalScript(params) { |
| return params.hasSourceURL && params.url === "eval.js"; |
| } |
| |
| function isInjectedScriptSourceScript(params) { |
| return params.hasSourceURL && params.url === "__WebInspectorInjectedScript__"; |
| } |
| |
| function isCommandLineAPISourceScript(params) { |
| return params.hasSourceURL && params.url === "__WebInspectorCommandLineAPIModuleSource__"; |
| } |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "EnableDebuggerDomainAndCheckInitialScripts", |
| test: (resolve, reject) => { |
| |
| let initialScriptParsedMessages = []; |
| let receivingInitialScripts = true; |
| InspectorProtocol.sendCommand("Debugger.enable", {}, function() { |
| receivingInitialScripts = false; |
| |
| ProtocolTest.log("Debugger Enabled - Initial Scripts Received"); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(initialScriptParsedMessages.length > 0, "Should have received some scriptParsed messages."); |
| |
| for (let messageObject of initialScriptParsedMessages) { |
| let params = messageObject.params; |
| if (!foundExternalScript && isExternalScript(params)) |
| foundExternalScript = true; |
| else if (!foundInlineScriptTagScript && isInlineScriptTagScript(params)) |
| foundInlineScriptTagScript = true; |
| else if (!foundInlineAttributeEventListenerScript && isInlineAttributeEventListenerScript(params)) |
| foundInlineAttributeEventListenerScript = true; |
| else if (!foundEvalScript && isEvalScript(params)) |
| foundEvalScript = true; |
| else if (!foundInjectedScriptSourceScript && isInjectedScriptSourceScript(params)) |
| foundInjectedScriptSourceScript = true; |
| else if (!foundCommandLineAPISourceScript && isCommandLineAPISourceScript(params)) |
| foundCommandLineAPISourceScript = true; |
| else { |
| ProtocolTest.log("UNEXPECTED SCRIPT: " + JSON.stringify(messageObject)); |
| foundUnexpectedScript = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundExternalScript, "Should find External Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundInlineScriptTagScript, "Should find Inline Script Tag Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundInlineAttributeEventListenerScript, "Should find Inline Attribute Event Listener Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundEvalScript, "Should find Eval Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundInjectedScriptSourceScript, "Should find Inspector InjectedScriptSource Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(foundCommandLineAPISourceScript, "Should find Inspector CommandLineAPISource Script."); |
| ProtocolTest.expectThat(!foundUnexpectedScript, "Should not receive any unexpected scripts."); |
| |
| resolve(); |
| }); |
| |
| InspectorProtocol.eventHandler["Debugger.scriptParsed"] = function(messageObject) { |
| // Ignore non-initial load scripts. |
| if (!receivingInitialScripts) |
| return; |
| |
| initialScriptParsedMessages.push(messageObject); |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.runTestCasesAndFinish(); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="runTest()"> <!-- This line number is important --> |
| <p>Tests for the Debugger.scriptParsed messages the frontend receives when enabling the Debugger domain.</p> |
| </body> |
| </html> |