blob: 412abb16f82a3928c6ad1aa2c7371b29f1cf44a1 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/protocol-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/assert.js"></script>
function test()
InspectorProtocol.sendCommand("Debugger.enable", {});
InspectorProtocol.sendCommand("Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions", {state: "all"}, InspectorProtocol.checkForError);
var step = null;
var steps = [
message: "Should not pause on passing assert.",
evaluate: "assertTrue()",
pause: false,
message: "Should pause on failing assert.",
evaluate: "assertFalse()",
pause: true,
message: "Should not pause on passing assert.",
evaluate: "assertCondition(window)",
pause: false,
message: "Should pause on failing assert.",
evaluate: "assertCondition(window === null)",
pause: true,
message: "Should not pause on passing assert.",
evaluate: "assertConditionWithMessage(window, 'Should not happen')",
pause: false,
message: "Should pause on failing assert and include a message.",
evaluate: "assertConditionWithMessage(window === null, 'ASSERT message')",
pause: true,
InspectorProtocol.eventHandler["Debugger.paused"] = function(messageObject)
if (step.pause)
ProtocolTest.log("PASS: Paused!");
ProtocolTest.log("FAIL: Paused when unexpected");
InspectorProtocol.sendCommand("Debugger.resume", {}, runNextStep);
function runNextStep() {
step = steps.shift();
if (!step) {
// Evalute the command inside a setTimeout so that we can hit exceptions and break.
// Otherwise, evaluating through RuntimeAgent will not trigger a pause.
// Likewise, if no pause is expected wait for a bit before continuing.
InspectorProtocol.sendCommand("Runtime.evaluate", {expression: "setTimeout(function(){" + step.evaluate + "}, 0)"}, function(responseObject) {
if (!step.pause)
setTimeout(runNextStep, 20);
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Test that a failing console.assert will pause in the debugger with an optional message.</p>